Honey, I Think I Broke My Bag Seed - Grow Journal - 2014

I Have turned off geotagging on every smartphone and tablet me and missus own and use. I also strip all cannabis related pictures of meta data before I share online.
I dont think the old bill will really worry to much about my 3 ladies. With all the cut backs they should just legalise it and save them selfs a load off hassle and make the public a lot happier at the same time and im sure the extra tax revenue would come in handy. They dont mind the tax i paid on my lights, tent etc etc
It's been only few days since transplant and Power Flower has already roots sticking out of bottom drainage holes and extra holes I made on bottom sides.
And yesterday this happened:

Blue Cheese

Power Flower
Autos have advantages and disadvantages. Time to harvest is a LITTLE faster, but not by much. Maybe 1-3 weeks difference.

Yields can be reduced, but not always.

You have no control over how long it vegs and no control over when it flowers.

But you set up your light schedule 18/6 and don't have to worry about anything after that, the plant does the work. Some folks even use 24 hour lights.

Training is difficult beyond LST. Topping, FIM, defoliation, supercropping, cloning, etc.. are a little more difficult to do, as stress can take some time to recover from, and autos have a definite lifespan. These training techniques are not impossible to use on an auto, but they carry a higher risk of affecting the yield if recovery takes time.

Autos will still need nutes, and I believe they can be grown in any medium. Soil coco, hydro, aero, etc..
Thanks for that Antics, I'm not sure they'll suit my grow if they stay on 18/6. I think I'' stick to photo's :)

One of the journals im following by mapilot started a photp and auto together and when switched to 12/12 just left the auto on there with the photo and the auto is still doing great. Or you could do an auto if it is in with a photo that your fluxing as i believe they stay in longer light schedule for longer. Just throwing a few ideas out there.
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