Homer's Legal 4-Plant Max Perpetual Minimalist Garden In Ontario

:woohoo: :bravo:

You nailed it partner!!! Great White North it is!!! You are The Bard!!! lol... :headbanger:

Yay! My small commission will be one seed of your new creation. LOL. Now that we have named her, you just have to create her! :)
Yay! My small commission will be one seed of your new creation. LOL. Now that we have named her, you just have to create her! :)

Yes, now comes the hard part. :p
I am sure you will nail it when the time comes. And, of course, I was just kidding about the "commission." :)

It should work out. I am sure I will have lots of help. No doubt about the commish; got to follow the rules! :)
I woke up this morning to this little lady peaking her head up!!! :woohoo::bravo::party:


She is a lady who takes her time but she was worth waiting for!!! :headbanger::thumb:
For anyone not following along this is my NL from Sensi.
I woke up this morning to this little lady peaking her head up!!! :woohoo::bravo::party:


She is a lady who takes her time but she was worth waiting for!!! :headbanger::thumb:
For anyone not following along this is my NL from Sensi.

A little patience is all it took...now hurry up and grow!

That was a nail biter because it took longer than any seed I have grown to both get a tail and break ground and I only bought 3 of those seeds. Better late than never!!! :)
Unbelievably, my Dinamed has stretched about 17 inches in the three weeks and one day it has been in flower. :oops: Here are two photos; the first from when it first went in next to the Critical and the second photo today and you can see the difference in the cribbing under the Dimamed.

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Unfortunately the Critical is a bit of a flowering disappointment after its stellar veggie growth. I think it will come in around 4 ounces. All of the NL I have grown from not first-rate seed banks was stinkier and stickier than the Critical I am growing. That shortfall just reaffirms to me the importance of genetics and makes me understand why so many people are on phenohunts. We learn from our mistakes and other than my White Widow my biggest pitfall right now is I’m not finding the best genetics so that will be where my efforts will go. Kind of a game actually; like a big scavenger hunt with lots of reading! :nerd-with-glasses:

I find the budding performance of the Critical plant surprising because Royal Queen Seeds which I have had good luck with says, "No other plant from Royal Queen Seeds will yield as much in 7 weeks as Critical Feminized."

Here my Dinamed is just starting her fourth week in flower. Seems good for this stage? I never pushed this plant above 6.2g per gal and I still got burned tips and keep lowering it slowly and down to 5g per gal. They really vary but I think I have been overdoing it. I am going to continue pushing the nutes but much less dramatically and keeping a closer eye and reacting more when too high.


Here are two pictures of my OG Kush from Dimafem three weeks and five days old. I started her on 2 g per gallon and now she is up to three. I just started her training yesterday.



And here is my NL from Sesnsi which I have big hopes for but am braced for a disappointment, LOL. Either way, it should be interesting to see how this old stock strain measures up. She’s kind of bent up and moving slow but she seems healthy which is what matters most.

To find keepers it's really a numbers game, just have to run several and pick the one you like the best.

That is my problem; my number is limited to four. I was always doing something stupid and taking chances when I was younger but I just don't want any headaches these days so I am going to stay within the legal limit so the numbers do work against me but I am sure I can make it work.

When you say numbers game and run several do you mean lots of strains or zero in on a strain and run phenotypes and clone every plant you grow from a seed in case you want to make seeds from the clone if the mother is good?
And clone clone clone, and be prepared to throw out the clones of the ones you're not keeping. This is something I am now learning :).

I am uncertain what I am cloning for because I am not sure how much phenotypes vary? If you buy a pack of seeds and one seed is crap would you assume the whole batch is or is there so much variability you would run them all and test them all?
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