Homer's Legal 4-Plant Max Perpetual Minimalist Garden In Ontario

Yeah, it took multiple trips to get the groceries into the house yesterday. I also had to go to Princess Auto for a new lawn tractor tire, and install that. I mowed the lawn too, and today I'm totally useless. With a calcified leaky aortic valve it takes hours to get rid of the lactic acid build up from any physical activity.

Sounds like you had a pretty productive day yesterday so deserve a useless day today. Sorry to hear about your leaky valve; that sounds like quite the frustrating restriction. I'm pretty able-bodied generally other than my bad knees but I have a 50% chance of a cancer recurrence in the next decade so that's my burden to bear. Like I keep saying when I joined this site I thought it would be a bunch of young partiers not a bunch of broken-down old coots like me, LOL.
I was hoping the book Old Salt recommended to me would have a section on the best methods to produce a cannabis tincture but all it said was on page 40 briefly mentioning, “tincture, refers to an infusion of a plant in a liquid base often alcohol in which the plan has been soaked and brewed for days weeks or sometimes months”.

I had suspected that the recommended less than three minutes soak with frozen alcohol to limit chlorophyll extraction which seems to be the consensus on this site was inadequate because when I smoked the bud I had used to make a tincture it gave me a pretty substantial buzz like lots of THC was left behind.

So I looked around online and yes, almost every site recommends soaking for days to weeks and some actually using heated alcohol. So I think tomorrow I will decarb a few ounces and start to do some experiments.

Here are some of the sites I referenced:

Cannabis tinctures 101: How to make, consume, and dose them | Leafly

How to Make Cannabis Tinctures | Grow Weed Easy

Marijuana Tinctures: Your Complete Guide

What are Cannabis Tinctures and How to Make Them

Cannabis Tinctures: Everything You Need To Know • High Times
Tremendous work on the GG Homer. Great looking plant.
Thanks, Sauga. I am looking forward to seeing how she buds. She has quite the stout strong structure so she's living up to her Gorilla rep, lol.
I have a couple of GG4 S1’s going now. Hope look as good as yours.
I have no doubt yours will be killer besides I think genetics are mostly responsible for my plant's success. One benefit of having only one plant is she gets a lot of attention too.
My Gorilla Glue is turning into a real beast of a plant about a week into flower and thankfully still looking nice and healthy.


And her trunk is officially over an inch at 1.0385".

You taking clones?

I wasn't going to since I am using 10-gallon pots instead of 5-gallon now I am only growing two plants, one in veg and one in flower, and I already have my Bruce Banner seedling started in veg. Maybe a mistake but I have four more Gorilla Glue seeds that I could clone in the future if this strain is a great budder.
I also have some Budda Kush from Dr. Seeds I am going to grow after Bruce Banner and once I have budded all three of those I will probably regrow the best strain and take some cuttings of that for a few generations.
Take those clones just in case.
That isn't a bad idea in case my Bruce Banner dies. I may but once they get to the stage it is at now they almost always survive.
Homer...a very nice shrubbery
Thanks, cr8grow. I think it has a lot more to do with genetics than anything I have done though. The word shrubbery always makes me chuckle because it makes me think of The Knights Who Say Née in Monty Python and the Holy Grail, LOL.
Thanks, cr8grow. I think it has a lot more to do with genetics than anything I have done though. The word shrubbery always makes me chuckle because it makes me think of The Knights Who Say Née in Monty Python and the Holy Grail, LOL.
Homer...I was hoping you would get the reference...I really need a Monty Python marathon...tis but a scratch.
Homer...I was hoping you would get the reference...I really need a Monty Python marathon...tis but a scratch.
That is such a good idea I just checked Netflix.ca and the Holy Grail and Life of Brian are both available so I might have a little marathon sometime soon. So many classic lines from that movie; I love the way instead of retreat they yelled, Run Away! LOL.
Take those clones just in case.
I was going to take your advice anyway to take some clones today as insurance but when I woke up my Bruce Banner had fallen over which made your recommendation make even more sense. Today I took four little ones from my Gorilla Glue and put them in 4-ounce cups. I don't like to throw out perfectly good plants so if I don't need them hopefully I can give them away.


I also put two 1/2 ounce batches of my 1:20 in ethyl alcohol yesterday and this time I am going to leave one for three days and the other for a week and check the trichomes against the samples I soaked earlier for between one hour and 17 hours to see if the longer soak dissolves the more.
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