High Priest's, Soil, Shiva Shanti II, Grow Journal

Heya HP what's going on in your world? Not seeing any new pics up, did you do something to hubbies plant again :rofl:

Blessed Buds our friends and be well :passitleft:

Heya Arctic... Hahaha... :rofl: Hubby's plants are still alive lol
Been a little bit caught up with so much work and LSTing... :) this week that I didn't realise it's time for an update..
Gonna do one today perhaps but definitely it's due... :;):
Update: Week 5 (Day 31)
Strain: Shiva Shanti II (75% Indica)
Stage: Vegetative
First date in Soil: 23rd January
Soil mix: Vege soil + horse manure + BioBizz Light Mix
Pot Size: 1 gallon pot
Light Cycle: 18/6 indoor with 600watts dual spectrum HPS
Temp of Room: 27.9°C / 46% Humidity
Last watered: 22nd February with nutrients
Fertiliser: Metrop Fertilisers (MR1+ AminoExtreme + RootStimulator + Calgreen)

Hello everyone! :Namaste: :circle-of-love::circle-of-love:
Finally an update after quite an occupied week... :) We just past week 5 of vege stage for our grows and it's longer than our 1st attempt (which was 4 weeks only). We're going to keep them in this stage for as long as we can or at least until our Northern Lights auto are ready to be flipped into flower mode. Finally after a while, there was some sunshine yesterday to take our grows out for some photos. As usual, I'll start with hubby's grows... :goof:

Hubby's eldest grow:


She's looking great so far except for the yellowing leaves. Hubby already removed their first set of leaves last week (all yellowed). These yellow leaves on the pics are their second set though. Her last feeding was 2 days ago. Looking at the ram horn leaves, I told hubby that he should have waited for a day or two more. Anyway she is growing well but when we compare this grow to the others, her leaves are more broader. We think she's either a different strain (probably mixed wrongly from seed bank) or a mutated seed.

Hubby's youngest grow:


Our shortest grow of all, she's growing quite slowly actually given the fact that she was put in soil 1 day earlier than my youngest grow. As for the spots on the leaves, I can't figure out what's wrong. Maybe nutrient lock? I'm not sure. But she was last fed 4 days ago and for her next feed, I'm suggesting to Hubby to give her 1/3 dose. What do you guys think?

My eldest grow:


So far she's getting along well. Since my last update, I starved her for 6 days until 2 days ago when her pot felt light. I realised that instead of feeding her half a dose, I should give her 1/3 instead until she's a bit bigger. Well she has grown to her 5th node now which means I'm going to top her tomorrow or the day after. :cheer: Hopefully she'll be okay with that. I know her younger sister loves it. :)

My youngest grow:

My first trial on topping and LSTing. She's growing very very well. :cheer: Hehehe. I'm happy with her. She was topped 4 days ago and gave her a feeding too. I was kind of nervous doing my first topping to be honest...hahaha but now I'm just loving the results. :dreamy:

before topping:


after topping:

taken yesterday:



My LSTing need some revamp though. I'm using garden wire to clamp them together with a string as an anchor but I think I should do the other way round. I accidentally tore a leave while trying to clamp the wire together yesterday. :whoa: Hopefully I won't make anymore "accidents". That being said, I need to revamp my LSTing on this grow.

Well so far our grows are doing okay I suppose. :laugh: Just about waiting for some signs of sexing hopefully soon. Fingers crossed that they're all females. :adore: Hopefully my next update will have some news of that. :love:

Thank you guys for following my journal and as always, your comments are valuable to me. So keep them coming yah. :thanks: Blessings of Love to all and your grows and have a great weekend everyone. :circle-of-love::circle-of-love::circle-of-love:
Looking nice
I have 4 x SS2 from seed that are growing in coco, had some Ph stress but habe come back nicely.
Good luck with the grow

Sent from my SM-G360H using 420 Magazine Mobile App
Looking nice
I have 4 x SS2 from seed that are growing in coco, had some Ph stress but habe come back nicely.
Good luck with the grow

Sent from my SM-G360H using 420 Magazine Mobile App

Hi SAgrow... Thanks :)
:welcome: to my journal by the way. Nice nice... I looked in 420mag for a journal growing this strain when I first started. Couldn't find any. Glad to know now there's another.. :high-five:
Yeah man had some Ph problem in the beginning but got it sorted, now heading for week 3 in veg.

Sent from my SM-G360H using 420 Magazine Mobile App
Heya HP how's things in your world? Your girls are looking great and are getting so big! We enjoy seeing them grow up and watching how they come along. You guys are kicking butt! When you said you were taken them outside and we're starting with hubbies I was like " oh shit, here we go, must be windy" lmao. :rofl:

Blessed Buds our friends and be well :passitleft:
Sorry to hear about your seeds Slowpuffer... I can feel your frustration on the duds. But I know for sure that the seeds I bought from Sensi seeds are of quality and the 4 that didn't take off was purely my fault.
You should have a go at Sensi seeds. So far the reviews I read was that even if something were to happen to the seeds that you bought, they will replace it with the exact same thing.
Thanks, and I'm keep that in mind !
Here are mine this morning


Heya SAgrow... I can see the similarities... hehe...
By the looks of yours, I think hubby's 1st grow might be from another strain.
How old are your grows now by the way?
Blessings of Love to your grows SA... :circle-of-love:

Heya HP how's things in your world? Your girls are looking great and are getting so big! We enjoy seeing them grow up and watching how they come along. You guys are kicking butt! When you said you were taken them outside and we're starting with hubbies I was like " oh shit, here we go, must be windy" lmao. :rofl:

Blessed Buds our friends and be well :passitleft:

lol here's a pic of hubbies proxy plant just in case there is an unforeseen incident with the wind or something along those lines :rofl:


Blessed Buds our friends and be well :passitleft:

Hiya Arctic ! :rofl: :rofl:
Thank you... :thanks:
We are quite watchful whenever we bring them outside now... especially when we feel a strong gust of wind.. hahaha
Wow.. Is that the Green Crack? :thumb: I'm sure Hubby would have taken your offer if we were close by... hehehe...

Blessings of Love to you, wifey and your grows :circle-of-love::circle-of-love:
Update: Week 6 (Day 36)
Strain: Shiva Shanti II (75% Indica)
Stage: Vegetative
First date in Soil: 23rd January
Soil mix: Vege soil + horse manure + BioBizz Light Mix
Pot Size: 1 gallon pot
Light Cycle: 18/6 indoor with 600watts dual spectrum HPS
Temp of Room: 26.6°C / 45% Humidity
Last watered: 28th February without nutrients
Fertiliser: Metrop Fertilisers (MR1+ AminoExtreme + RootStimulator + Calgreen)

Hello everyone! :Namaste:
Hope you and your grows are doing well. :circle-of-love:
Ours however are not looking so good for the past week. This update unfortunately is more of a "what's wrong with our grows??? " moment instead of hoping to give good news. I was pretty certain this kind of days will happen sooner or later. I'm on a learning process and so far I've applied what I've read and viewed to our grows but it seems my diagnostics still needs more training. So it's time I need the help of my mentors here to tell me what's happening to our grows?
:thanks: mentors! :love:

First off Hubby's eldest grow taken this morning:



So far she's not doing that bad. From the curled leaves and some burns I deduced that she might have been overfed with nutrients. That was my diagnosis though. Hubby fed her half dose last saturday (4 days ago) and upon seeing this yesterday, he gave only water to her yesterday. What's your take on this?

Hubby's youngest grow taken this morning:



She has been experiencing slow growth lately. Since the last update, hubby watered her the day after (4 days ago) and yesterday hubby watered her again even though I advised against it. But I have to say this morning she does look better though. What's should be our next action for this grow?

My eldest grow taken this morning:



I gave her a feeding 1/3 dose 4 days ago and she's actually doing okay. Just that the yellow leaves at the bottom bothers me. I've already trimmed their first true leaves before which were yellow by the way. So this yellowing is on their second set. I'm holding off any watering or feeding on this grow till I get some advice on what should I do next for her. Also I just topped her 2 days ago. :)

My youngest grow:



This grow is my favourite as she was doing so well.. until yesterday. :jawdropper:
The bottom leaves began to be lighter yesterday and I was actually panicking. I though I was doing well with her. Honestly I was heartbroken. Her last feeding was 4 days ago at 1/3 dose and upon seeing this yesterday I watered her in an effort to "dissolve" the nutrients so to speak. I'm not sure but I have a feeling it's not a nutrient issue though. Anyways what do you guys think? Am I wrong?
P.S: the brown leaf below is the one that I accidentally tore during my LSTing. :(

Hubby and I figured we might have fed our grows too early on nutrients... We kinda figured this as we look at our Northern Lights growing so well. They're up to their 4th node now with no nutrient feeding as yet.
We should have waited while longer to feed for our Shiva Shantis'... ahh well... We learn from this anyway.

Thank you everyone for following my journal. Looking forward to your comments and diagnosis on this update. Wishing you all a great week and Blessings of love to you and your grows :circle-of-love::circle-of-love::circle-of-love:
I have SSII and California indicates fron SS all 5 germenated, only got 5 seeds had to share with someone

Sent from my SM-G360H using 420
I have SSII and California indicates fron SS all 5 germenated, only got 5 seeds had to share with someone

Sent from my SM-G360H using 420

Oooh nice nice SAgrow... How old are they by the way? :)

Good day Penny! Well we didn't really look into the ph of it to be honest. But we have a ph tester kit (very mediacore) from our swimming pool box which I used it recently and it indicates between 6.8 to 7.2 from the runoff of yesterday's watering. I did also added some lemon juice to reduce the tap water from pH 7.4.
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