High Brix

No flavor? I think I might have to grow at least one plant the old way because I love, I mean really love the taste of great weed. just not the coughing and lung exspansion, rapid pulse. I have read where the sulphur in epsom salts may bring out some of the nice flavors in mmj. Is there any science behind that? If so could you give it in a foliar spray without disrupting the ratios in the high brix recipe?

There's plenty of flavor, it's just subtle like the back end of steam with a weed flavor. A great way to add flavor and smell is with epsom salts and molasses, but it will lower the brix. I might experiment with that after I've tried the latest crop to see how it tastes, etc. I prefer the high brix taste to the "dank" taste, but other people might not share that opinion, so I'll maybe try it for the last 2 weeks.
Yeah there's loads of flavor, I notice it more on exhale but, it's different. My Blueberry Gum smell different than my buddies that are in RDWC and they came from the same mother's. Mine smell like very strong blueberry, his smell dank, I'm more than sure that they will taste like completely different plants. The bud structure appear's to be a bit different too, mine are tight and dense his are kind of airy. All and all it's a matter of choice and the proof will be in the pudding when I compare the smoke, so far high brix kicked his rdwc's ass. He is guessing that his pull will be about 10oz off 8 plants, I should get that easily off 6 with 200w less light.
New soil: far better than the old soil! More triches, more buds, faster growth....incredible!

I'll go out on a limb here and make a very bold, egotistical, over-the-top statement:

I have just turned the growing of Cannabis upside down. (I'll eat crow if I'm wrong.)

The old soil is doing great too! Younger plants in the new mix.

Your environment is so great its hard to tell the difference from here, but its a good thing you don't enter plant of the month contest because no one would ever have a chance! I do see some differences but they are subtle, thicker pistols,more trichome coverage and less necrosis on the leaves at the end of the flowering. "And that shine!" I can't wait to experience it for myself. Nice update Doc!
Your environment is so great its hard to tell the difference from here, but its a good thing you don't enter plant of the month contest because no one would ever have a chance! I do see some differences but they are subtle, thicker pistols,more trichome coverage and less necrosis on the leaves at the end of the flowering. "And that shine!" I can't wait to experience it for myself. Nice update Doc!

The plants that are nearly done are in the old soil, so any differences you see there do not apply to the new soil. But I agree, the "old" soil is also doing a great job......but nothing compared to the new soil.
Doc...I don't even know what to say!!! Aside from those plants in both soils are awesome! Can't wait until you put this on the market, I love this method of growing, it's so easy. Now that I have it pretty much dialed in (with the other products), it almost feels fool proof. I highly doubt you'll be eating crow too, the results blow people away already. To anyone who is just starting a brix grow, you will find yourself and friends saying "Holy shit this is some good weed" every time you smoke it.
I fully agree!

I can't put the kit on the market until I'm convinced it works and that there are no tricky deficiencies or issues that I need to address. So far it looks like a no-brainer, but if I launch without due diligence, I completely mess up the market and disappoint a lot of growers.

I'll make it available here on the forum first, and ya'll will be Beta testers. You can't believe how sticky, frosty and stinky these plants are! More smell than the old soil for sure.
Hey Doc,
A few cycles back you built a drying/curing room.
Here: DocBud - New Room - Super Soil - Etc

I was wondering if you are still using that? what you have learned? What works what doesn't work?

Ive have never been able to get a good cure on my output and with all these brix buds on the way I want to plan ahead a little bit.
Hey Doc,
A few cycles back you built a drying/curing room.
Here: DocBud - New Room - Super Soil - Etc

I was wondering if you are still using that? what you have learned? What works what doesn't work?

Ive have never been able to get a good cure on my output and with all these brix buds on the way I want to plan ahead a little bit.

There's more than one way to dry and cure, but here's what works for me.

Trim buds, snip off sugar leaves and fan leaves as close to the main stem as possible without mangling the buds. The idea is to leave buds on the stem, minus leaves.

Nice curved scissors are a must. I use shears for grape growers that are teflon coated, super sharp and do not have a spring.

Trimmed buds are hung from a wire in a climate controlled room 70 degrees 60% humidity for a couple days, then lower the humidty to 50% and lower the temps to 68 degrees. They hang for about a week this way before the little buds "snap" off the main stem.

At this point, I put everything in turkey bags for a few days to a week. (usually the product is gone at this point, but the stuff I hold back for premium treatment goes in the bag.) After the bagging stage, it goes into jars.

Using this method I find a couple things:

1.)smoke is very smooth, flavors are muted but complex.
2.)smell is pretty strong if you stick the jar under your nose, but totally out of control stench if you bruise or grind the buds
3.)clean, even burn.

Is it the best way? Probably not. However, it works very well for drying 1 to 3 pounds at a time, and if you are a day or too late taking the buds down, no harm is done, because the humidity is at least 50%.
usually the product is gone at this point

I hear that...without fail every cycle here is how the conversation goes:
Me: It's not ready
Them: Does it burn?
Me: Yes
Them: Then its ready...gimmi :)

Ever been to a cigar bar? The little room they have with a humidifier and all the product is just sitting out in the open...That's kinda what I have as a vision in that the only time that you need bags and jars is for transportation.
amazing results mate, just wish i lived closer so i could try it myself, my only other option is to try and make my own, but ill need to sort out everything i need, would be great to be able to buy a ready made product.

also mate can i pick you up on the purple plants, im growing a blueberry but getting no purple, is their anything i can do to bring out the purple
amazing results mate, just wish i lived closer so i could try it myself, my only other option is to try and make my own, but ill need to sort out everything i need, would be great to be able to buy a ready made product.

also mate can i pick you up on the purple plants, im growing a blueberry but getting no purple, is their anything i can do to bring out the purple

I'll be putting together a kit with EVERYTHING needed. It will be several months, probably.

RE Purple:

1.)Turn temps down into low '60's at night
2.)Lower nitrogen in feed

Be patient! Most purple plants don't really start to change until the last 2-3 weeks, with most purpling in the final week!
I hear that...without fail every cycle here is how the conversation goes:
Me: It's not ready
Them: Does it burn?
Me: Yes
Them: Then its ready...gimmi :)

Ever been to a cigar bar? The little room they have with a humidifier and all the product is just sitting out in the open...That's kinda what I have as a vision in that the only time that you need bags and jars is for transportation.

I view it exactly the same way! Bags and jars are for prohibition. Freedom and liberty= nice humidors and climate controlled displays.

My product is fought over by two dispensaries right now. Either one will take all of it right now. They don't care about a cure as they usually get rid of it all in 2 or 3 days and then harass me until the next crop is ready. The stuff I hold back for about 8 people in total is the only stuff to get the cure.
This is pretty amazing. High brix is the future.

What do you think about the idea of doing high brix for outdoor grows? Especially with the power of UVB light. Also, what about putting some uvb lights on your indoor plants?

I'm also curious if you think that ORMUS products such as sea-crop would add even further enhancement to a high brix grow.

I would imagine that if your starting with low sodium levels and you add ormus products like sea crop you'll not only have a high brix grow but a grow extremely rich in the entire spectrum of trace minerals.

I know a lot of people think ormus is science fiction but I really don't think so. Everybody in the raw food world who has actually tried drinking ormus products finds them to have astounding, instant onset effects.

I had this idea while reading your thread that if you put something like Gaias Harvest right around the bottom of the plant every once in a while, it might have some insanely beneficial effect.

Check out this experience report of some stuff from that company made for human consumption, being taken.

Hey doc another great grow.

Sorry for being so late to the show. I'm really looking forward to you sorting a kit out.
I think it will change the way people look at mmj.

Don't know if you can remember the soilminerals website I suggested in your last grow but I ordered
there product and done a grow with it. I was quite impressed, nothing compared to your high brix but has got the shine
so will see what the smoke report brings.

Hey doc another great grow.

Sorry for being so late to the show. I'm really looking forward to you sorting a kit out.
I think it will change the way people look at mmj.

Don't know if you can remember the soilminerals website I suggested in your last grow but I ordered
there product and done a grow with it. I was quite impressed, nothing compared to your high brix but has got the shine
so will see what the smoke report brings.


Sounds great bro! Adding minerals to a soil grow will improve things for sure, no doubt about it. I'm sure it resulted in higher brix for you, which is great.

I'm going to try to get some pics today, in between trimming sessions. The plants I"m harvesting right now are really nice, the stickiest yet. But they don't compare to the plants in the true High Brix soil. I've never had trichome formation like this before. Everything is frosted up far more than I've ever encountered in the past.

It's a freak show in my garden now!
thanks for the purple info, im doing all i can but nothing seems to be working, i take my purple strains out the grow room at night and place them near an open window, ive been doing this a while now, ill keep at it till harvest and see what happens, i did flush the soil as its getting close to harvest, plus its getting winter here now so ill order a none auto purple and give that a try, i know the ruderalis grows in cold climates so it might be less prone to the cold than a none auto strain, ill keep trying, ive never seen purple buds in person ive only seen them on this site, its more of a challenge for me, i just want to give it a try and see what happens,

thanks for the info, ill check my night temps and see how cold it is by the window
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