Hey Stage: Where Ya Been? Fall 2017 DBHBB Perpetual

Welcome back Stage. Can you tell you were missed?

Beautiful plants too. Can you put up a pic of the Jamaican??? She's gotta be getting pretty big by now.
High Neiko,
I really appreciate the love.
Lights come on in the veg tent in an hr.
I got you. :thumb:
High and good morning folks. :hug:
I'm fine. Really.

Been busy with life and family.
I decided to take a much needed break from posting.

Feeling refreshed now, I decided to share some updates.

Veg tent: Two groups of ladies here.
The 1st group is in 1 gal pots and will likely finish in 7's.
For the next run I'm choosing these six ladies for bloom in next round.

Veg Tent Pre Bloom ladies: These ladies share the tent with the 1 gal clones.
They are currently at nearly five weeks veg and are in the tall 5's now.
For this quartet, I will finish in 10's.

Bloom tent 1: Notice that my Weathergirls have a new home.
I moved them to the CMH/LEC tent for last 12 days to allow them to finish up under some UV.
Bud production is serious.

Plant yo yo's are barely helping keep these flowers up.

Somebody got a chainsaw? :)

The Weathergirls are nearly done.
I'm gonna chop in a few days.
Wash, hang cure. Once I post the harvest totals, this journal is toast.
Happy Monday all.
Thanks for caring and sharing. :hug:

Awesome Stage! Please get more pics of those beautiful girls before chop to enter in POTM unless your not interested in winning that!

Have a Rocking day!

Awesome Stage! Please get more pics of those beautiful girls before chop to enter in POTM unless your not interested in winning that!

Have a Rocking day!

High Ween.
Thanks for checking in.
Indeed I just may do that.
Not sure when tho.
Beautiful update stage :love::yummy:

I was really enjoying the beats with the late veg girls (2nd vid) ... was going to ask you who it was... and then your caption says ‘beats by Stage’... very smooth man! I likey :cool::green_heart:
High Amy and thanks for the welcome.
I started as a dj in the late 70's early 80's.
Eventually I moved to an Akai MPC to make my beats from snippets of obscure music from my youth.
Me so glad you likey. :high-five::thanks:

PS. The last video music is original as well. The female vocal I used was something from a friend.
Took the poem and chopped it into phrases.
Then used those phrases over the beat.
High Amy and thanks for the welcome.
I started as a dj in the late 70's early 80's.
Eventually I moved to an Akai MPC to make my beats from snippets of obscure music from my youth.
Me so glad you likey. :high-five::thanks:

PS. The last video music is original as well. The female vocal I used was something from a friend.
Took the poem and chopped it into phrases.
Then used those phrases over the beat.
Sweet - I started as a dj in the early 90s. By 93-94 I’d discovered dub and triphop. Spent some years doing clubs and making electro madness with some friends. I love the MPC - they’re pricey to try and get these days tho. I still have cubase v2 on an Atari and an Akai 3200 (same sampler as in the MPC I’m pretty sure) set up in my room. I’ve tried lots of other software but the old Atari and cubase is still my favourite way to program. Your track is just my style...
Sweet - I started as a dj in the early 90s. By 93-94 I’d discovered dub and triphop. Spent some years doing clubs and making electro madness with some friends. I love the MPC - they’re pricey to try and get these days tho. I still have cubase v2 on an Atari and an Akai 3200 (same sampler as in the MPC I’m pretty sure) set up in my room. I’ve tried lots of other software but the old Atari and cubase is still my favourite way to program. Your track is just my style...
UDJ2? ;):yahoo:
Small world...who woulda thunk it?
The MPC's are pricey agreed.
The sequencer works like and reminds me of tape decks so I'm right at home.
I sold my turntables to buy the MPC.
I'm now interested in the new Pioneer DDJ-1000.
It just came out in Feb of this year. It ticks all the boxes for me and what I do.
Nice - those ddj1000 look amazing. I bought a pair of the cdj100s when they first came out in about ‘98. I still have them, and one TT1210. always wanted the cdj1000 when they came out. I don’t play anymore, the turntable is a sampling tool now ;). If I was the 1000s would be ticking all boxes for me too! I’m trying to find my way back to making some beats n tunes after a long time of being too unwell to do it (and before that, distracted by doing a degree). Energy is an issue and mostly I have auditory sensitivity (neuro thing) which makes it hard (to listen to anything many days)... I’m thinking I’ll have to learn how to make ‘music for quiet people’ ... :love:
Here is an example of atmospheric beats that may appeal to music for quiet people.
Here is an example of atmospheric beats that may appeal to music for quiet people.

I'm not too quiet, but I am digging this! Cheers brother Stage, hope all is well in your corner this evening.

Here, enjoy some Lemon Tree, she'll be coming down soon...
I'm not too quiet, but I am digging this! Cheers brother Stage, hope all is well in your corner this evening.

Here, enjoy some Lemon Tree, she'll be coming down soon...
Hey Stoney!
Tell me your thoughts on your cat drench window frame?
Your flowers are crazy my friend. Dang!:goodjob:
Welcome back my friend to the Grow that never ends, so glad you can attend come inside, come inside. Glad to see your doing good.
High Drifty!
Glad to see you and thanks for the welcome back.
Been hanging in there and keepin a lo pro.
Youre just in time for harvest.
Pull up a chair next to me....hit this spliff.

Now..grab some snips...this is gonna take a while.
I was smitten by that last musical cut. How sweet to find you created it. It tickles me to watch members discover shared passions and then spin off into specialized languages like giddy children. Lol! These digital fields do so much more than show off our plants. :green_heart:

You already know how I feel about your beauties. In awe over here on the floor. :thumb:
I was smitten by that last musical cut. How sweet to find you created it. It tickles me to watch members discover shared passions and then spin off into specialized languages like giddy children. Lol! These digital fields do so much more than show off our plants. :green_heart:

You already know how I feel about your beauties. In awe over here on the floor. :thumb:

High and good afternoon Sue!
Thanks u. :passitleft:
Erotic poetry is another of my loves.
Not that I write it mind you...but to listen to a poem then create music under the words is something I enjoy a great deal.

I feel the same way when I read your medical journals.
To know that you are self taught is tremendous in itself.

I probably need to start an off topic journal about the budding and semi pro musicians and dj's that grow.
Grow in peace my dear. :hug:
High and good afternoon Sue!
Thanks u. :passitleft:
Erotic poetry is another of my loves.
Not that I write it mind you...but to listen to a poem then create music under the words is something I enjoy a great deal.

I feel the same way when I read your medical journals.
To know that you are self taught is tremendous in itself.

I probably need to start an off topic journal about the budding and semi pro musicians and dj's that grow.
Grow in peace my dear. :hug:

Why thank you. What a delightful compliment. :hug: I heartily support your off-topic idea. You'll be surprised at who shows up.
Here is an example of atmospheric beats that may appeal to music for quiet people.

:thumb: that’s pretty smooth... my neuros don’t really handle those frequencies for long tho most days now (unfortunately). Try this out, it’s pretty different to that, but I like lots of different sorts of stuff - maybe you do too. Set aside a little while, toke on a J and see what you think.:rollit:
:thumb: that’s pretty smooth... my neuros don’t really handle those frequencies for long tho most days now (unfortunately). Try this out, it’s pretty different to that, but I like lots of different sorts of stuff - maybe you do too. Set aside a little while, toke on a J and see what you think.:rollit:
Yo Amy!
Hit this....:passitleft:
Me likey....me likey.

I forgot about all the high pitched pinky crunchy frequencies between 20-30 mins in to the album... had me reaching for volume knob that’s for sure! (It’s been a few years since I listened to it ;) ). I’m enjoying reminiscing wth it.. i’ve found if I play it through my phone with the volume low... I can mostly listen ok - certainly enough to enjoy it. I’ll have to experiment with creating and mixing with the speakers at super low levels. That’s an effective way to check a mix (if you can hear everything in balance at super low volumes).

Glad you likey likey :passitleft:
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