Hey Stage: Where Ya Been? Fall 2017 DBHBB Perpetual

Video and Picture update: High and good morning.
Heading out the door but I wanted to post a quick update.

Veg tent: The clones are looking well.
Here they are completing two weeks in these softies.
Front row right, I have about ten tops on the Jamaican 2:1
Happy roots lots of shoots.

Bloom Tent 2: Flip +16 Took a lights out video of these six blooming ladies.
Lights out and they still in church. smh. :)
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Gotta run folks but remember this....We cant control what happens, only how we respond to it.
Embrace joy today.

Damn...I sound like Sue. :rofl:


Looking good over here. You definitely have a knack for this. Your Jamaican looks nice and healthy, she's a very strong and aggressive plant. She can take over quick if your not careful. She will stretch so lots of tops is a good thing. I pulled about 5.5 oz from mine going from a 1 gallon to a 10 and flipping the same day. I took mine at 11 weeks. The buds will turn a chocolate purple when they are getting close. The smells are pure Jamaica. Next update I'll get some good pics of mine. It's 48 hours after CAT #1.
Looking good over here. You definitely have a knack for this. Your Jamaican looks nice and healthy, she's a very strong and aggressive plant. She can take over quick if your not careful. She will stretch so lots of tops is a good thing. I pulled about 5.5 oz from mine going from a 1 gallon to a 10 and flipping the same day. I took mine at 11 weeks. The buds will turn a chocolate purple when they are getting close. The smells are pure Jamaica. Next update I'll get some good pics of mine. It's 48 hours after CAT #1.
That sounds lovely! How long did it flower for? I love when a nice plant gives you good returns. I took my first 9 pound hammer recently and pulled a little more than 5.5 off of it going from a 1 to a 7 and flipping the same day. Best yield I have gotten from a 7 and it only took 10 weeks!
Looking good over here. You definitely have a knack for this. Your Jamaican looks nice and healthy, she's a very strong and aggressive plant. She can take over quick if your not careful. She will stretch so lots of tops is a good thing. I pulled about 5.5 oz from mine going from a 1 gallon to a 10 and flipping the same day. I took mine at 11 weeks. The buds will turn a chocolate purple when they are getting close. The smells are pure Jamaica. Next update I'll get some good pics of mine. It's 48 hours after CAT #1.
High Neiko,
I really needed to hear those details.
Really excited to have a landrace cbd variety.
Smells like pure Jamaica? Dude I'm grinning my ass off.
Stay lifted my man.:goodjob::high-five:
High ya stage! Things are rocking out like always. That Jamaican sounds tastey! Hope you have a great rest of your week
How's things? You've been MIA everything OK?

What Neiko said! I'm dying o see those two monsters. Speaking of monsters, my cogs turned out to be a bit of a monster herself, not quite 4X4 but probably would've been if she had the room. She took up more than half of the 4X4 and is quite a beautiful Brixy lady. Stop by when you return.

Come out, come out wherever you are. :hug::hug::hug::hug::hug:

You'd think we missed you or something. :battingeyelashes:
Boo! :kisstwo:
I'm doing a test of the cobs later today Stage. I'll let you know when I post the results. :hug:
High and good morning folks. :hug:
I'm fine. Really.

Been busy with life and family.
I decided to take a much needed break from posting.

Feeling refreshed now, I decided to share some updates.

Veg tent: Two groups of ladies here.
The 1st group is in 1 gal pots and will likely finish in 7's.
For the next run I'm choosing these six ladies for bloom in next round.

Veg Tent Pre Bloom ladies: These ladies share the tent with the 1 gal clones.
They are currently at nearly five weeks veg and are in the tall 5's now.
For this quartet, I will finish in 10's.

Bloom tent 1: Notice that my Weathergirls have a new home.
I moved them to the CMH/LEC tent for last 12 days to allow them to finish up under some UV.
Bud production is serious.

Plant yo yo's are barely helping keep these flowers up.

Somebody got a chainsaw? :)

The Weathergirls are nearly done.
I'm gonna chop in a few days.
Wash, hang cure. Once I post the harvest totals, this journal is toast.
Happy Monday all.
Thanks for caring and sharing. :hug:
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