Hey Stage: Where Ya Been? Fall 2017 DBHBB Perpetual

I can tell you right now you will lose some trichs.
Especially if you over dry.

Some folks are not gonna be fans of this. Period.

When I watched that video I thought "You have got to be kidding!"


I like the sound of the non-stick Fiskars. I've lost mine somewhere and this sounds like right up my alley. Let me go and shop around. :battingeyelashes:
I can tell you right now you will lose some trichs.
Especially if you over dry.

Some folks are not gonna be fans of this. Period.

TBH I wouldn't mind as long as there was still a good amount on there. There is undoubtedly a trade off for getting out of trim jail. I will call it trim bail...:rofl:

As far the ones that did come off, lets just scrape those up and make some oil or hash or something from them.

No big deal
All those views and no one knows how to hit the "like" button on the videos? Guys...... I expect more. :battingeyelashes:
Aww Thank you Sugar.
I believe the views will increase when the world catches up to us
In the meantime I'm so proud of how these two have come out.

Are you not entertained? Haha. :)
One last thought and I'll stop cluttering your pages. :battingeyelashes: You'd be surprised at how often it's quiet in my home. I know it surprises me, but then I'm typically carrying on six different conversations across the forum and studying on the side. Lol! It's a pleasure to listen in on your work atmosphere. Damn! Some serious trunks on those girls. Someday I'll set my 4x4 up again and you can walk me through it. I'll have to relocate first.

Let's make it a date of unknown timing. Someday I'll grow one that rivals those massive bushes. :kisstwo:
*bows down in appreciation & aahhh*
I for one am truly entertained. Beautiful plants Stage. Those two big fat bushes are wonderful. It's exactly what I would be doing if I had the room. For now though, its good enough for me to be able to just take a stroll through your healthy, lush, and beautifully green garden of wellness.
Im out. Sparks.
Update: After fumbling around for a bit. I figured out how to post.
Truly a unique experience and a learning curve to say the least. :rolleyes:

Veg tent: These ladies are my next group of vegging chicks.
This group of four have been in these tall pots for a week now.
These clones have taken off since leaving the solos and getting the 1 gal pouches.

Bloom tent 2: This group of six are almost two weeks flip.

Bloom tent 1: Flip +35
The two Weather Girls are getting thick and hairy.
The bud growth is better than I can remember.

I apoligize for the lack of commentary but I'm a bit worn thin from the new site.
The new features are making my head hurt.
Catch yall l8r.

Damn i miss my emoticons....:mad:
Update: After fumbling around for a bit. I figured out how to post.
Truly a unique experience and a learning curve to say the least. :rolleyes:

Veg tent: These ladies are my next group of vegging chicks.
This group of four have been in these tall pots for a week now.
These clones have taken off since leaving the solos and getting the 1 gal pouches.

Bloom tent 2: This group of six are almost two weeks flip.

Bloom tent 1: Flip +35
The two Weather Girls are getting thick and hairy.
The bud growth is better than I can remember.

I apoligize for the lack of commentary but I'm a bit worn thin from the new site.
The new features are making my head hurt.
Catch yall l8r.

Damn i miss my emoticons....:mad:

Looks like you did a fine job of figuring things out, haven;t tried to upload any pics yet myself.

Your grow is looking out of this world, and I just realized no "reps" at the moment
Looks like you did a fine job of figuring things out, haven;t tried to upload any pics yet myself.

Your grow is looking out of this world, and I just realized no "reps" at the moment
High OL,
Thank you my good man.
Its progress? :confused:
High OL,
Thank you my good man.
Its progress? :confused:

I guess a work in progress.

According to 420, they are working out bugs, tweaking , sorting issues and so forth. he started a thread to report issues and things we like or dislike.

Blogs are not part of the software, but he stated they have them and in the near future would add them back.

I imagine better emoticons will be added later as he previously stated they had some new ones and may be able to also add the ones we know and love.

We shall see.....
I guess a work in progress.

According to 420, they are working out bugs, tweaking , sorting issues and so forth. he started a thread to report issues and things we like or dislike.

Blogs are not part of the software, but he stated they have them and in the near future would add them back.

I imagine better emoticons will be added later as he previously stated they had some new ones and may be able to also add the ones we know and love.

We shall see.....

We lost our blogs?? Oh dear God, I just realized all the work I did organizing the Study Hall just went down the tubes. Hours of setting links. Oh geez...... All of my med threads now have non-working links. * deep breath*
That just makes me want to sit and cry. All that work needs redone.
We lost our blogs?? Oh dear God, I just realized all the work I did organizing the Study Hall just went down the tubes. Hours of setting links. Oh geez...... All of my med threads now have non-working links. * deep breath*

It is ok, the blogs will return and the links will too.

this is new software that does not have a blog, after they get things stabilized their developer is going to write a script and add them back.

420 reassured me our saved blogs are still there and will be re-added once the script is written.

Same with links, they are broken due to the way the new software is set-up. The links follow new paths to their destination and they will write a script to update those new paths.
It is ok, the blogs will return and the links will too.

this is new software that does not have a blog, after they get things stabilized their developer is going to write a script and add them back.

420 reassured me our saved blogs are still there and will be re-added once the script is written.

Same with links, they are broken due to the way the new software is set-up. The links follow new paths to their destination and they will write a script to update those new paths.

You know, if you were standing right here in front of me......... Thank you m'lord. You've been all over the place keeping me from going to pieces. Lol! Where is that "thank" button now?

I've redone the ones in my signature. I'll wait patiently, or as patiently as a hardheaded woman can. : )
Nice work on the update Stage - excellent photos of very beautiful plants. :love: (I’m going to keep tying the ones I know and love cause maybe they’ll work again one day!)

I did the same - had been sitting on a big update till after the migration. I skated that learning curve pretty fast & loose - it was quite a trip, eh?

Happy days in your garden :yummy:

High and gmorning Amy,
Indeed. This qualified as a "head buss" moment for a lot of farmers.
Tanks for the love.
Nice work on the update Stage - excellent photos of very beautiful plants. :love: (I’m going to keep tying the ones I know and love cause maybe they’ll work again one day!)

I did the same - had been sitting on a big update till after the migration. I skated that learning curve pretty fast & loose - it was quite a trip, eh?

Happy days in your garden :yummy:

Nice to see everyone back on the site and figuring things out. Its taking some of us (me) a lil longer than others, but I'm not the best with computers. Some of you older folks may know what i mean. Yet others, no problem. Anywho...
Nice pics of the grow Stage. Really am impressed. I was actually going to ask about your set-up (lights). I remember you running COB's but didn't know you added a QB. I still haven't made the switch from blurple led's yet, and as I've been researching, and looking at different types, prices, brands, and styles (in other words been procrastinating & dragging my feet) now I see these Quantum Boards and damn if those things dont run eficient as heck! :) And they've got a nice even spread of light/par. Was thinkin to myself, "ya know self, if you was to combine the two, COB's and QB's, that would probably end up being one helluva light." Then low and behold, I see your pic's of room and lights and now I know that im not just a complete fool! Hahahahaha! I seems that you're happy with their performance. Any advice for a guy with a little, or alot less space? Like a 3x3 or a 4x4 tent? I know, i know we have sponsors....checked 'em. I guess what i'm asking is, "in your experience" do you think Cree cobs or vero cobs? Recommended Kelvin rating for transition to flower period only? Or just go with QB's? Just trying to pick your brain a little. Hope you dont mind. Sorry for all the noob questions, but I do appreciate your time and patience with an old broke down "Burro" like myself. *smiles*
Keep up the Great Work!
Nice pics of the grow Stage. Really am impressed. I was actually going to ask about your set-up (lights). I remember you running COB's but didn't know you added a QB. I still haven't made the switch from blurple led's yet, and as I've been researching, and looking at different types, prices, brands, and styles (in other words been procrastinating & dragging my feet) now I see these Quantum Boards and damn if those things dont run eficient as heck! :) And they've got a nice even spread of light/par. Was thinkin to myself, "ya know self, if you was to combine the two, COB's and QB's, that would probably end up being one helluva light." Then low and behold, I see your pic's of room and lights and now I know that im not just a complete fool! Hahahahaha! I seems that you're happy with their performance. Any advice for a guy with a little, or alot less space? Like a 3x3 or a 4x4 tent? I know, i know we have sponsors....checked 'em. I guess what i'm asking is, "in your experience" do you think Cree cobs or vero cobs? Recommended Kelvin rating for transition to flower period only? Or just go with QB's? Just trying to pick your brain a little. Hope you dont mind. Sorry for all the noob questions, but I do appreciate your time and patience with an old broke down "Burro" like myself. *smiles*
Keep up the Great Work!
Big Sparks whass good playboy?
Thanks for stopping thru. Appreciate the kind words.

Before I answer your question, let me start by letting you know I'm no expert.

As recently as 2016 I was using a 600w HPS.
Well things done changed man.

If you wanted cheap you could add more blurples to the inventory.
But we want the cool new tech right?

As a self described broke down burro I can tell you that as of now the cheapest way is to buy a kit and DIY.

Which lights? Coming from blurples, I would recommend going with the QB's.

If you are set on the cobs, for the money the Veros or even more affordable citizen clu048 are great options.

As far as kelvin ratings, not sure but it sounds like you are saying which k for a transition light. My reply is,unless you are using multiple tents 3500k pretty much is the default choice.

In my experience....

3x3 300w QB or cobb watts draw is plenty.

In a 4x4 500w to 600w will deliver serious buds.

I believe Timbergrowlights is a sponsor here.
You could spend less than Four bills for a four cob rig or just under 5 bills for a 320w QB kit.

Good luck and smoke this :passitleft:
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