Here We Grow Again! - A-train's DP Auto Ultimate x 2

Ok guys-had the-sisters out for a small trim today. Here's a few pics wich pheno do you prefer and wich one do you think will yield more?

My money's on Helga.... She's got that shape for some fatness... Either way doc, you win, lol....
As much fun as I'm having playing with all the madness in my grow, every time I stop and stroll through your pages you make me long for the simplicity of what we started with.

It suddenly occurred to me during today's stroll that the choice is mine. Huh! I think I've already made it. Hahaha! Atrain, I love you. :hug: If you weren't here being so damned good at what you do I would have screwed around longer. I need to grow through what I've started, which includes a brand new Jamaican Dream. But I can run Autos in the closet while..... Oooohhhh Atrain. * Deep Cleansing Breath *

Thank you for being you. Incidentally, do you fully appreciate how much you contributed to how incredible my Carnival looks? Well, I Do. Thanks for that too. :kisstwo:

I think I need to go home and do some logistical planning. Wanna hear something funny? The largest batch of seeds I have are my favorite, Dark Devil Auto. So I'm already primed to go back to my roots. What a hoot!

Well Atrain, this was really unexpected, but I'm so relieved. Goodnight. I'll see you tomorrow. :love:
Helga. You can already see her packing it on. I'll be interested to see if my instinct is right. You guys are all such good teachers and I keep trying. :laughtwo:
Just wanted to say thanks one more time. You do good work sir. :love:
Blueberry bliss auto is a good bean to try likes to be trained and stays quite short and will produced fat smelly colas;) good if u don't have a lot of height to play with;)
My munny is on Helga. fwiw. :thumb:
Hello all,so this is what happens when growers get bored, got some room on the side of my tent beside my AU so I figured why not try a little experiment. I have these reg autos from Evol, the strain name is known as "stoopid". I been wanting to try them out and see if I can get me a female from a non feminized seed so here we go. Gonna put these seeds in small pots and see what they'll do just for fun I guess.

Strain: Evol seeds: stoopid

Pot and soil: two 1qt pots filled with pro mix bx

Light: 1200w mars 2

Nutes: full advanced nutrients expert line. With 3 part grow/micro/bloom base nutes

Light schedule: 18/6

Probably no training or anything else just growing them out to see what happens in the mean time

I havnt... I sidnt even know that was possible lol

He mentioned recently that he was having nearly 100% success identifying females with the method he's using. I find that intriguing.
A mate of mine swears by a nail on a string held above the seed,pretty sure it was if the nail does anti clockwise circles while holding the string it's female and opposite for male.Sounds like a load of bull but I've never seen him grow a male plant and he only ever grows seeds found in baught buds
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