Here We Grow Again! - A-train's DP Auto Ultimate x 2

Oh good. Now I can learn about that from you too. Not comfortable yet myself.

Way to go Atrain. How many of those are you planning on collecting? :laughtwo:
Day 42
Flowering begins.... here's some shots for reference later
Just for every ones info, all the Mars 11 series comes with veg/bloom switches now. Doc, I am sold on Auto's. What you have done is amazing. Now I will have to find me some Auto beans. Thanks for the show and the girls are just drop dead gorgeous. Vet's rock....
I might just take you up on that offer brother. Thanks Doc, you are the best.....
If you need any help to making your selection to suit your needs please let me know stage

Why yes I certainly do require your insight to the choice autos to seek.:Namaste:
I am currently running hso and my auto cubbard is bare,so do share. :wood:
No hijack intended.:thanks:
Be still my beating heart! :laughtwo: Amazing Atrain. :high-five: I expect somewhere along the way you're going to pick up another win. I'm going to have to be careful and never go up against you. LOL!
Doc....I just got some Dark Devil autos in today. Your opinion? Jim

Atrain, these are direct orders from She Who Must Be Obeyed, understand? :laughtwo: You help him grow those to look like yours.

I can't believe you're growing Dark Devil Autos MagicJim! My favorite strain! My obsession genetics! Unbelievable! Are you up to the intensity of the buzz? Because if yours turn out anything like mine it's like speed on a stalk.
Man good stuff. I read your other 2 journals, I'm impresed. Makes me want to try my hand at autos for my first grow! Help me out here a-train, why do you preffer growing autos instead of regular plants. Is it cause they harvest faster and you can try different strains faster. They don't yield more, right? Sorry for the noob question, he'll I don't even have all my gear yet. I been reading like crazy, trying to educate myself before I purchase key things .
My first post yay!!
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