Here We Grow Again! - A-train's DP Auto Ultimate x 2

Helga is in the front and Olga is in the back. Still feeding @ 1.5ml/L grow / micro / bloom and 2ml/L B52 and they are drinking 2L a day each.

I'll up to 2ml/L across the board soon. And as soon as the stretch stops well be giving her a pre flower flush, then hitting these girls with vodoo,pirahna,grow,micro,bloom,b52,Big bud, and carboload/bud candy
uys quick update.... I am and always will be terrified of fucking bud rot.... I installed an extra 6 inch fan. I'll be running them both during flower on different levels an on hi in late flower due to the thick heavy colas the AU is capable of producing I would hate to get some rot going on.

And call me a cheap ass but I hokked up my phresh filter today. In the veg period I do not run the filter just so I can run my fan @70 percent and get the same air flow with less power. And from phresh they claim a 1 year life of product so I figure un hook it when the smell isn't bad and hook it up only when needed maybe I'll get 2 years out of it?.

A few pics

Olga is in the front now Helga in the rear.-
uys quick update.... I am and always will be terrified of fucking bud rot.... I installed an extra 6 inch fan. I'll be running them both during flower on different levels an on hi in late flower due to the thick heavy colas the AU is capable of producing I would hate to get some rot going on.

And call me a cheap ass but I hokked up my phresh filter today. In the veg period I do not run the filter just so I can run my fan @70 percent and get the same air flow with less power. And from phresh they claim a 1 year life of product so I figure un hook it when the smell isn't bad and hook it up only when needed maybe I'll get 2 years out of it?.

A few pics

Olga is in the front now Helga in the rear.-
Can you smell the love :welldone: :adore: You the auto GURU
Lets see how tall they go;) my autoultimate sits at just over 3 and a half foot stretch definalty over.42 days old today.ur ladies are looking sweet good job:)
Beautiful plants. Cant wait to see them flower. Such a great job Atrain..
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