Here We Grow Again! - A-train's DP Auto Ultimate x 2

So far with my auto's even my mates with super high tolerances are finding them pretty affective.

Same here.....the autos I've grown are plenty effective enough for me too and I'd never heard of them before joining here. Not as strong as the Violator Kush (photo period) I grew....even if you've got a fairly high tolerance and are stuffed with the cold I reckon you'd notice that stuff.....I did :)

Anyway, I noticed above Atrain is currently feeding his plants 1L a day.......I've been way off that! My WW auto that is mid flower is not far off 1L a day now but it was getting a fraction of that when it was vegging under a 125W. Sounds like I should feed more.
how far from plant to light do you do with veg?
ordered another 6 inch cooltube today should have it by next wed. Will be putting 4 Alchemy plants for 18/6 veg for 5-6 weeks ( when Pammy should be done ) . Got some New ( re-used ) toys today for free. Gonna add pics in todays update which I am off to work on
Hey kush lol I went to water today at the normal time @ 1/L and they were starting to droop a tad bit.... looks like I'll be going to 1.5L

Hungry girls :)

The autopot thing, or at least I think that's what they were called, was a reservoir you fill with solution and the plant pots sits in a tray with solution getting bottom fed. There was a float valve to maintain the water level in the tray and a pipe so that the reservoir could potentially be located outside the grow room or wherever it's easy to top up.

I guess it works a bit like the swick thing Sue has a thread about and I've seen some others swear by bottom feeding on here too but mostly it sounds like a labour saving gizmo to me.
I could see the benifit. Especially for the Living organic soil community. I think for now I'm sticking to the feed daily and watch the leaves method. It would suck to mix a rezoning that was too hot and find out 3 days into them bottom feeding then have to dump it and change it

Cheers. All I've been doing is working up to 4ml/L of the Plant Magic Oldtimer bloom nutes while it flowers. If that works ok (and I think it is so far) I might give autopots and autoflowers a go as underfeeding has been a problem for me....the other week I got a couple of days notice of going away for 3 days and came back to a load of brown fan leaves.
Hey the Atrain, grow is looking awesome!!!! Just thought i would share that i have started trying your method of ponytailing. And the plants love it so far!!!! Thank you for this awesome technique. I will be sure to share knowledge and who it came from!!!



And the day after

Thanks again Atrain!!!!
Hey the Atrain, grow is looking awesome!!!! Just thought i would share that i have started trying your method of ponytailing. And the plants love it so far!!!! Thank you for this awesome technique. I will be sure to share knowledge and who it came from!!!



And the day after

Thanks again Atrain!!!!

I may be wrong but it looks like your plants may have a deficiency maybe Zinc?
Day 35
Nice even canopy with lots of tops. Can't wait to flower these girls. They are currently getting 1.5L of water daily still just grow / micro / bloom @1.5ml/L and B52 @ 2ml/L
Gonna up feed soon.

Looking great Atrain I wanted to point out to everyone your rocks under your pots. what a great Idea keeps the airflow underneath.
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