Herbies Desserts to Sweeten Your Day @ Otters

Ah yes, one can clearly see all the answers are there! :Rasta:
Are you antagonizing over it? I do! This illustrates that a higher calcium rate would push back both potassium and magnesium(maybe). Not that that's my problem!
Do you have a moisture meter? a cheapo dollar store one that probes the soil. It looks like starvation, but your serations say too much light, which will drive a plant too hard and can cause starvation due to over photosynthesizing up top for what the roots can supply down low, except your lighting is being heavily monitored and starvation usually starts at the bottom leaves, so it makes me suspect dry soil on the top half of your pot.
Hi Gee, no meter, I can see roots as soon as I remove the plastic cover Earthbox uses as a mulch. When I put my fingers in I can feel roots break and it feels nice and moist to me. That may not mean much to you. I have been keeping a close eye on the light however it's with Photone and who knows really. I moved the light up 4 inches just in case.
Whats your PPFD
I didn't look today but by the book of Photone until now.
It looks like environmental causing uptake issues.

It almost looks like it's finishing.

How many days since flip?
Tent's been 82f/27.7c lately lights on, ~10 less off.
It's been 34 days from flip in that pic and can be half+ done by the book. 55 days can be it says Herbies. So she is getting done. I still don't like seeing this!
What caused your leaf tips to burn and curl? Did you feed something new about 10 days ago?

Did that plant get overly dry last week?

Any anomolies at all? Is it a mutant?

Have you used any high NPK products that could have killed myco off?

Just going thru a checklist here, not pointing fingers. Something changed.

I'm leaning towards too much light and dry soil up top in the pot. Probe her.
I've fed nothing new or with an npk. Just ro and cal/mag at 4 ml a day. Yesterday the phosphorus uptake encouraging microbes.
I think the auto water is working. I'll check water level next time I go down! Thanks!
Not a mutant that I can see.
I can agree with the light thought. The soil needs to be probed before I can say more.
Depends on how much she drinks I'd imagine. I probably would shut it off to be safe as she's not accustomed to that much water hitting her from all angles.

With your automatic feed you probably know what her drinking rate is so you can calculate how long to shut it off for based on how much you give her from the top, and what that would equate to in terms of time with the automatic feed if that makes sense.

I'm starting to think that a periodic, and regular, top watering is important in organic soils for the calcium issue you referenced. I'm going to introduce a weekly version and see if that improves my grow.

Always something new to learn. :green_heart:
Something happened with this grow Azi. I can see it happening to some of the others now too. Maybe Gee has it with over lit, but I over lit as a lifestyle before and I didn't have this. This soil mix has ++ calcium and magnesium via dolomite, maybe something there.

Back to top watering. I started them out differently, with a week of top water before I turned the rez on. That's different from last grow. Roots started to populate up top, now maybe they're calling for more water as Gee suggests. I'll stick the rez and see what's there to see how I want to go forward with the top watering. I have no idea what they consume in amounts. That size plant should be a gallon a day easy.
You've got some great stacking of buds going on bud! I really enjoy stopping in here to see your progress. Makes a grower smile. :green_heart:
I get that feeling in your garden too LC! Thanks! I just love to grow this weed!
Although, what about a root drench? Couldn't that redistribute the moisture levels and take care of any dry spots, which in turn would sort out the calcium issue? Could a combo top and res feed have a similar outcome perhaps?
I'm thinking the top water will be a drenching experience for her. Adding some microbes was my thought.
Okay, now for amatuer hour!

Stone, I look at her and see too many large fan leafs down inside. They look nice and green too, while some of the upper leaves look hungry. I'd start by removing some of the big fans in the inner/lower part of the plant.

Please just start an account for me and credit me that 2 cents. I'll collect when I'm up to a dime! :Rasta:
Mmm not today. She's burning through leaves and might need them later. I'll try to push them down lower out of your view.
Here is a good Muldars Chart with an explanation.
Do you always use plastic on the surface? lack of O2 will mimic starvation.
Always is 2 grows in them. This is 3 and 4. Yes. I was wondering about that too. Maybe a few slices can help, it's pretty tight in there! I'm going to stab it in 4 places when I go down! Those upper roots may be the ones making this plant look like it wants to yield a pound+! Dang man, I think I have to remove it and get my bark chunks on and start a top water regimen today!
Mmm not today. She's burning through leaves and might need them later. I'll try to push them down lower out of your view.
Thanks Stone. Such a nice way of saying my suggestion was an affront to Amateurs everywhere! 😁
Alrighty now, a couple of things.

One, I cut the mulch skirt off her and in its place went chunks of my old bark that's been sterilized and used many times indoors as mulch. Then 1.6 itrs of real growers recharged microbe enriched ro water over the top. There was no runoff from the o-flow hole :thumb:. Speaking of ro water. Mine was coming in at 49 ppm and I had a spare cartridge so I changed it out, something I wouldn't normally do mid grow but I felt it had to be done! Now they see 24 ppm. I hope that makes a difference. I don't believe that to be the whole issue. I think it's to do with me top watering that first week. Those roots built a mass that wants to make flowers now and I've stopped water. I can see top roots like I haven't before.

The way it went

All that in 8 colas!

That soil is down at least 2 inches from when I planted! It was damp to my touch and has roots to the very top. It felt fluffy when I ran my fingers through it and has areas that were very wet. Not enough o2 is a good path to walk for a while!

There's 10 gallons of soil in there. I know it has grown pounder plants with no def's like this historically so the energy is in there. I just need to what? At this point I'm feeding top roots as well as providing more o2 to them so 2 things. I hope I see positive things happen because I see this starting in the rest!
Although, what about a root drench? Couldn't that redistribute the moisture levels and take care of any dry spots, which in turn would sort out the calcium issue? Could a combo top and res feed have a similar outcome perhaps?
My guess is that a bottom drench won't rehydrate dry spots at least as well as from the top since you've got gravity working against you from the bottom.

In Stone's case his plants are used to processing a certain amount of water per day so increasing that dramatically would probably mean less O2 in the mix for a bit until the excess got processed.

In my case, the excess never did get processed and just sat there for the entire grow, clogging pores that arguably would have been better used had they seen oxygen every once in a while.

But that's just my theory based on what I've seen and what Gee has told us.
My guess is that a bottom drench won't rehydrate dry spots at least as well as from the top since you've got gravity working against you from the bottom.

In Stone's case his plants are used to processing a certain amount of water per day so increasing that dramatically would probably mean less O2 in the mix for a bit until the excess got processed.

In my case, the excess never did get processed and just sat there for the entire grow, clogging pores that arguably would have been better used had they seen oxygen every once in a while.

But that's just my theory based on what I've seen and what Gee has told us.
These are in kind of a constant drench as they are SIP's. That's how my mind sees it. Kind of. Do you have a special definition for drench? Moving water, amount of moving water through?
I hope I get the one that's eating my SIP pot out of house and home right now! I was just going to mention the short one seems to be packing on so much bud, so fast she's got a pretty good def a little more than half way through flowering! Looks like two things Potassium and phosphorus to me. I haven't had two before that I recognized, hmmm she's plain hungry? I'm thinking of watering from the top to bring down some nutes not tapped into yet. I added some microbes to aid uptake of phosphorus yesterday to the rez. I think today I'll try the top water with some recharge microbes in it. @Azimuth would you think I have to shut rez water off to top water at this stage of life? I also don't know about frequency? Once a week? Twice?

Overachieving Apple Betty with issues. Anyone?

With that said I fully expect @Gee64 and or @Keffka to come on and say they think it's a calcium issue :) i appreciate everyone's thoughts please. I'll be looking at the globe with arrows to try to make sense with it. The three others don't have this happening.

What is your VPD like? Is this plant in a place that is dryer or receives more air flow than others? I see K in the same patterns I get it when they’re budding hard in a dry environment. You either need more K in your mix, better VPD or your calcium is antagonizing your K due to an imbalance. I start with the easiest first, VPD.
Always is 2 grows in them. This is 3 and 4. Yes. I was wondering about that too. Maybe a few slices can help, it's pretty tight in there! I'm going to stab it in 4 places when I go down! Those upper roots may be the ones making this plant look like it wants to yield a pound+! Dang man, I think I have to remove it and get my bark chunks on and start a top water regimen today!
Stone do you have a refractometer? I wonder how your calcium is. If it's really really fuzzy on the reading it could be your 1st thought, calcium messing with P.

It looks more environmental, but those curled tips look like nute burn. High calcium can do that
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