Herbie's Beans - Black Widow And Super Skunk

I get my new light Thursday and the cords shipped separately but they are supposed to be here then to i see hope so im anxious i got the dimmer pig tail to

Right on! id like too see a pic of your set up when you're done 👍
I need to make a decision here am I going to keep the ones in the containers for mother's which might seem lik the obvious choice but i like to get in a couple generations before i keep a mother or am i going to keep the clones if they work as mother's?? Dilemma 🤪🤪🤪. Well I think I wait and see what ones are healthier and if the growing habits will be close or will they grow better or worse??? See what im up against!! 🤪🤪😂😂
I never test BRIX for cannabis and rarely for food crops. I know BRIX is a popular topic but I don't personally believe the many claims that are made around BRIX. For ex folks will say that high BRIX will keep pests and pathogens away which we know to be the opposite in practice. In reality a plant with high sugar content is much more attractive to insects. It really comes down to managing the health of the plant. I would skip it personally. I am much more focused on delivering sufficient mineral nutrients in balance along with good microbial numbers. A tissue test will tell you all of the mineral concentrations in the plant. That is much more valuable than a BRIX metric. The other issue with BRIX is that if you are lower than your target metric for BRIX how do you improve it? You balance the mineral needs so again I think folks are focused on the wrong topic there. It's like EM1. People love EM1 but the active ingredient is LAB so just make LAB and skip EM1 if that makes sense. And finally, I could always be wrong.
Cutting the clones in the water keeps them hydrated no air pocket in the stem well that's my theory 🤓🤣🤣
Yeah, I don't bother with all that. I put them immediately in water after I snip and then pull them back out to finish them which brings a bit of a water bubble along. I've read of your practice but it never seemed necessary to me.
Here's what my soil consultant says about Brix. I feel the same way about that. Copy/ paste.
I never test BRIX for cannabis and rarely for food crops. I know BRIX is a popular topic but I don't personally believe the many claims that are made around BRIX. For ex folks will say that high BRIX will keep pests and pathogens away which we know to be the opposite in practice. In reality a plant with high sugar content is much more attractive to insects. It really comes down to managing the health of the plant. I would skip it personally. I am much more focused on delivering sufficient mineral nutrients in balance along with good microbial numbers. A tissue test will tell you all of the mineral concentrations in the plant. That is much more valuable than a BRIX metric. The other issue with BRIX is that if you are lower than your target metric for BRIX how do you improve it? You balance the mineral needs so again I think folks are focused on the wrong topic there. It's like EM1. People love EM1 but the active ingredient is LAB so just make LAB and skip EM1 if that makes sense. And finally, I could always be wrong.
I Used EM-1 all the time I quit using it!!
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