Hello! Good to be here

I did go back just now and re read the entire thread twice. Nothing on what media you use back there. Snoopinasusual asked the strain. You told him to read too. You only named one plant and what seeds you have. You are the one who needs to step away from the pipe and read the posts.

Forums are for discussion and helping advance in skill. Get the impression you just want to blog. No problem, go for it.
When growing perpetually like me you have plants in different stages all the time, its extra work for sure and you'll have to feed them individually. There's no one day to water or mixing one big batch of nutes. But I like it. It forces me to focus on every individual plant. Its a lot of fun. It's my hobby and I want to tune to it rather than making it too simple. That's how I do shit at work, at home and in life generally. Its pretty awesome having ADHD. My body might age, but I'll never grow up mentally.

I have 4 kids in different ages and genders, it's about the same challenge. Try mixing a teenage girls taste in soda up with her younger brothers and you will have a war in your car all the way home. Gotta stay sharp!

You can't read?
Well, IF I was to follow the manufacturers instructions there is no cal-mag at all. And depending on your water and grow medium you might need it, depending on where you live (and what water you use).
I mean I don't see any information that says specifically do not do that, I know that my system must be mixed in order, personally I think of it is only for a couple of days she would be fine with either tap or distilled, I would not use the call mag if I did not have the base nutrients.to mix, i would save my money, a couple of days rinse is a good thing every once in a while, do you have any pictures of your show? Also my experience is only with botanicare cal-mag, I do see that roots makes one too now. Which line are you using, also do you have experience with others? I myself have only ever used botanicare, I am real happy with it but I am interested in what others are doing, I am always doing something just a little differe.t than last time to see it I can get the plants to do a little better. I hope that this finds you well, and thanks for getting back to me. I never had anyone to workshop with before I found this site two weeks ago almost. I would love to see more pictures, what are you growing there Azton
Yeah, yeah, I lost it a little.

I stand by it though. Yes, I have not only told you already, I have written it down for the entire world to see.
Oh! Thank you for the clarification. I didn't see the trigger but I do understand the desire to aire that out, I hope that you are having a really great day friend, of you're ever needing a safe place to vent I will be here for you whenever you want to talk.
I did go back just now and re read the entire thread twice. Nothing on what media you use back there. Snoopinasusual asked the strain. You told him to read too. You only named one plant and what seeds you have. You are the one who needs to step away from the pipe and read the posts.

Forums are for discussion and helping advance in skill. Get the impression you just want to blog. No problem, go for it.
Hi sativa, I would not take it to personally, I am sure that it could not be personal, sometimes people are just upset. I promise to never be rude in my posts, I look forward to seeing you in yours as well. We should not want to make others feel bad, I believe in making amends, and growing, doing better. I do hope that you have a really awesome day, you are worth clarifying for, I think OP will come back and apologize for real, and that should be the only thing that is said, not why or anything else, just sorry, I am sorry, and I didn't even get disrespectful 😂 empathy is important, please reach out of you ever need a safe place to vent, I would love to talk to you all, whenever, whatever just say hello 🤗
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