Hello! Good to be here

@azton. Welcome.
I'm also new here and new to growing again. Haven't grown or partaken in about 35 years since got into an industry that do random testing. Had to give up this massive love of my life (one of them) for the sake of the family and children, etc.
So, looking forward to seeing your grow Journal once you get one going. Luckily I live in a state in the US that it is legal to grow and consume for both medical and recreational use. Unfortunately I am still employed by an entity that can test at a moments notice so I am still forbidden. That has not stopped me from starting a grow and once the crop is in and cured, might just have to start rolling the dice so to speak.
I'm hoping to get to know some folks as time goes on to chat with on grows and stuff.
Last time i grew was in the early 80's. Funny thing is a lot of the folks on here that are pro growers might not have been born last time I grew. We knew nothing back then about PH, EC, PPM, etc.
Anyhow, welcome again from the Hot AZZ desert of Arizona USA
P.S. "I'm also a middle aged guy, if you live to be 130 years old". lol
@azton. Welcome.
I'm also new here and new to growing again. Haven't grown or partaken in about 35 years since got into an industry that do random testing. Had to give up this massive love of my life (one of them) for the sake of the family and children, etc.
So, looking forward to seeing your grow Journal once you get one going. Luckily I live in a state in the US that it is legal to grow and consume for both medical and recreational use. Unfortunately I am still employed by an entity that can test at a moments notice so I am still forbidden. That has not stopped me from starting a grow and once the crop is in and cured, might just have to start rolling the dice so to speak.
I'm hoping to get to know some folks as time goes on to chat with on grows and stuff.
Last time i grew was in the early 80's. Funny thing is a lot of the folks on here that are pro growers might not have been born last time I grew. We knew nothing back then about PH, EC, PPM, etc.
Anyhow, welcome again from the Hot AZZ desert of Arizona USA
P.S. "I'm also a middle aged guy, if you live to be 130 years old". lol
I'm still growing the children of the plants I grew in the early 80s if it helps make you feel younger. At least until we add up how many greats ther are in those grand children.

No I do not believe so. 🍋
Thanks Keith, I am taking that as one vote for not senile. Take any I can get anymore..

Maybe if a mod feels like it he could clean this thread up a bit? General forum information maybe belongs somewhere else, but what do I know.
Most of us have the focus of a squirrel. Tangents are rabbit holes everywhere. What problems were you having starting a journal?
Good morning

Sheeed I should have been a photograph 😂
Just lean your heads, I'm old.
I wanted to create a grow journal but I have to post more I suppose and I don't feel like ruining your forum here with shitposts in threads I haven't even read through, so I guess there won't be a journal for this grow. Well, there isn't a "this grow" in my life, it's just a cycle.
Been raising the PK for the big girl, she wants to bloom now. She's an auto I got from a guy on another forum, Ive never grown an auto indoors before so that's pretty cool.

Next in size and the lil shit there are mystery seeds. The larger of them (in the small pot) is looking strong 💪 I'll breed from her for sure. Will clean out my propagation tent this weekend. Bent her now to give the lower nodes some light. She LOVES training like that. Thick baby. I'll never know where she came from but I like to imagine dad got her as a bag seed sometime when I was a kid and just kept her among his mixed seeds and now I got her. The seeds she brings my son might grow some day. Happy to meet an old mystery seed who seems to like growing under LEDs. Some just dont seem to know wtf is going on and grow crazy weird and don't eat or drink like they should.

Fed her two days ago and just gave her a sip of water now since she felt light and I'll be gone for the day.

Journals. I have always been horrible at writing stuff down but I'm trying to learn. I like writing though.

What's that dam paper towel Tupperware shit you got there hoss? That is a paper towel Tupperware shit Hun. Lol, its water and some wire too, dad taught me that. Its like a humidifier. Lowers the temp with a whole celcius degree and dont cost a penny.

The smallest one I hope will be my muscular MALE and hopefully he'll be the father to my new custom "strain". I'll name it something awesome and local. If it's a girl.. Well, we know what to do with those and we'll survive. Mommy will be fine in 18/6 for a while and I'll find me a boy.

Short note on nutes. I just use organic liquid now from a teputable brand. Can't remember what the rules on this forum is for naming brands. Their feeding chart is CRAZY so I do my own thinking here.

If somebody is interested I'll write my soil recipe down, but you got your shit sorted I bet.

Anyhow, off to work.
Morning brother. Looking great 👍


Looking awesome to me.
Ya, one of em started showing signs today, or I noticed it today. I'm not to worried though, usually they perk up quickly. If there's no black magic difference between LED and GPS grown weed here.

One thing I've noticed is that since there is less heat, water evaporates at a lower rate so I have to use nutrition more often compared to how often I water. Wow, that hardly made sense but maybe you know what I mean.

I'm growing one in a small pot, because I think small plants are cute, and it seems to suffer more from the smaller space for the roots, maybe because they (seem to) grow more roots under LEDs?

Its a brave new world with this technology for sure, so much to take in and learn 🙂
LED have more blue spectrum than HP lights. Blue light promotes root growth. More root means more food taken up.
Plants are eating more food but need less water now that they are out of the heat. Without the heat you need more air flow to keep the moisture off the leaves. One change has so many ripple effects.
Got a bit of a calcium deficiency going. Water is too soft. Got more cal-mag coming but I forgot to order in time. Well, well, it's just over the weekend, we'll be good.
I would forgo the other nutrients if you don't have cal-mag, from what I understand that is really important to mix those nutrients as instructed, I would be worried about stressing or locking out. I would use distilled water or even tap, just make sure that the pH is good, it's a good idea to run H2O1 every so often just to keep her on her toes 😉
Calcium is used in processing N at this young stage. Lock out in a few days would take some extreme out of balancing. Here in the USA we can just walk into any convenience store and grab a bottle of peroxide off the shelf. I don't know if this applies to azton but in UK it is heavily regulated beyond its citizens reach for some reason.
Yeah, well, unless I flush them, there is plenty of nutrition in the soil the way it is. Im not stressing out over this. All life has some minor bumps in it's existence and in veg I don't stress out about a lot of things honestly. I'm in no rush. She'll be fine. Larger pot with some fresh soil and I won't have to give her any nutrition for a while anyway. With or without cal-mag. Wont flower anything until it's cooler here anyway.
I would forgo the other nutrients if you don't have cal-mag, from what I understand that is really important to mix those nutrients as instructed, I would be worried about stressing or locking out. I would use distilled water or even tap, just make sure that the pH is good, it's a good idea to run H2O1 every so often just to keep her on her toes 😉
Well, IF I was to follow the manufacturers instructions there is no cal-mag at all. And depending on your water and grow medium you might need it, depending on where you live (and what water you use).
For my tap water here where I live I mix 0,5 ml of my chosen cal-mag per liter of water after some experimentation and it works a charm
Are you in soil or soilless grow? Cal mag is normally way down there on the list of concerns in soil.
Soil. Yep, it is. Jesus this turned in to quite a discussion.

Everything is in the thread. Everything but a question mark. I know my soil, like it says in the thread I mix it myself. I am well aware of what is in it and not.

It was just an update.
For my tap water here where I live I mix 0,5 ml of my chosen cal-mag per liter of water after some experimentation and it works a charm

Soil. Yep, it is. Jesus this turned in to quite a discussion.

Everything is in the thread. Everything but a question mark. I know my soil, like it says in the thread I mix it myself. I am well aware of what is in it and not.

It was just an update.
Wasn't questioning your judgment, just couldn't remember what media you were using. Get multiple conversations going and I loose track.
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