Hello! Good to be here


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone

I'm Azton. I'm a middle aged guy who had just picked up growing again after 20 years. So much has happened since then so I'm basically a beginner.

I have grown outdoors and indoors under HPS in hydro and now I am doing LEDs and soil indoors for the first time. Having a lot of fun and learning stuff.

I'm in an outlaw area of the world and might not be generous with details on my person, but you guys get it.

Anyhow. I'm happy to be here and I'm looking forwards to learn from y'all.

Autocorrect makes me sound southern US, lol.

Peace and love/ Azton
Hey everyone

I'm Azton. I'm a middle aged guy who had just picked up growing again after 20 years. So much has happened since then so I'm basically a beginner.

I have grown outdoors and indoors under HPS in hydro and now I am doing LEDs and soil indoors for the first time. Having a lot of fun and learning stuff.

I'm in an outlaw area of the world and might not be generous with details on my person, but you guys get it.

Anyhow. I'm happy to be here and I'm looking forwards to learn from y'all.

Autocorrect makes me sound southern US, lol.

Peace and love/ Azton
Welcome. You're in great company! Looking forward to seeing you grow. What plans do you have?
Yeah, right. I grow in a 2x2 tent with a 100W bar light as of now. I also have a smaller 1,5x1,5 with a 65W quantum board that I have used for propagation and mothers but its too hot right now and my power meter would spin off the wall if I had to cool another tent. When autumn comes I'll be making seed though.

I have about 1 kg of mystery seed I got from my father, who has taught me the basics of growing plants in general. Back in his day they stole streetlights and stuff. I might have done some stupid stuff myself when I was a youngster too, but now I stay as low key as possible.

Just thought I'd share some more when my ADHD is popping.
Welcome. You're in great company! Looking forward to seeing you grow. What plans do you have?
Personal grow, just to not have to take the streets and support real criminals ya know. Think we from the same place and those gangs are terrorizing society and I want nothing to do with that.

I don't do no damn drugs, I just smoke weed kinda thing.

And; I love growing this plant. I love growing things in general. But these gals are special.
Strawberries are illegal in your country? :oops: :oops:
Strawberries are not illegal but are being grown illegally by criminal organizations and sold without a permit and without paying any taxes. Influxing the market and as a result lost revenue for legal growers.
:welcome: After 15 years I stopped growing from mid 90s to early 2000s. For the first couple years back it felt like I was updating equipment and techniques more than growing. This is a great community of old school and new school growers working together.
Yeah, I tried putting my own kit together for a while but then I just invested in a premade kit from a reputable company. Dont regret it a bit, now everything works and I don't have to worry about the technical side of it much. We got power we good 👍
Hey everyone

I'm Azton. I'm a middle aged guy who had just picked up growing again after 20 years. So much has happened since then so I'm basically a beginner.

I have grown outdoors and indoors under HPS in hydro and now I am doing LEDs and soil indoors for the first time. Having a lot of fun and learning stuff.

I'm in an outlaw area of the world and might not be generous with details on my person, but you guys get it.

Anyhow. I'm happy to be here and I'm looking forwards to learn from y'all.

Autocorrect makes me sound southern US, lol.

Peace and love/ Azton
Welcome to 420Magazine my friend :welcome:
Hope your garden is doing well.

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
are you swedish ? i spent a little time in the country years ago. loved the people. met tons of motorheads and friendly mom and pop biker types.

couldn't believe how expensive the booze was.
are you swedish ? i spent a little time in the country years ago. loved the people. met tons of motorheads and friendly mom and pop biker types.

couldn't believe how expensive the booze was.
Yeah, booze is pretty pricey I suppose, I haven't had a drink in 5 or 6 years, and before then I had maybe 4 beers a year and I don't think I have bought an alcoholic drink my entire life honestly so it never bothered me really.

Bikers are great, never had any problems with those guys, even the outlaw clubs. I work in a business close to them do I run into those kinds of clubs on and off and an ex of mine worked directly under the largest of them, always cool
Had to add a bit of life history because people always draw the conclusion that I'm a sober alcoholic when I say I don't drink, haha 😂

If I'm at a restaurant with people and I ask for a glass of water or a coke or whatever people around me often ask something like "Oh, is it alright if I drink?" 😂 Like I give a shit. Or they think I'm some sort of a saint of sobriety. I'll be puffing a blunt within an hour, chill. Just never liked booze.

I don't like mayonnaise either. Nobody ever asks if it's ok if they have some or if I have had mayonnaise problems.
Yeah, booze is pretty pricey I suppose, I haven't had a drink in 5 or 6 years, and before then I had maybe 4 beers a year and I don't think I have bought an alcoholic drink my entire life honestly so it never bothered me really.

uuuhhh .. are you sure you are swedish lol :p
the only times i ever saw swedes drink they meant it. other than that they were super straight laced.

a lot of them were a bit surprised at my relaxed attitude to cannabis.

Bikers are great, never had any problems with those guys, even the outlaw clubs.

outlaw clubs weren't so prevalent when i was there. things are a bit different now. it wouldn't be the same now i bet.
there were a lot of both bike and car clubs when i was there. also a bit of a mix. the gov't actually helped some of them with a break on taxes etc..

I work in a business close to them do I run into those kinds of clubs on and off and an ex of mine worked directly under the largest of them, always cool

i've worked here with occasionally bike and car clubs. i crew as a light tech on live band and event production and we've done a number of large club rallies etc.

we have an always be respectful rule in the production crew. incredible hospitality and help. it's always been a good experience with them but i wouldn't pick a fight lol.
Hey everyone

I'm Azton. I'm a middle aged guy who had just picked up growing again after 20 years. So much has happened since then so I'm basically a beginner.

I have grown outdoors and indoors under HPS in hydro and now I am doing LEDs and soil indoors for the first time. Having a lot of fun and learning stuff.

I'm in an outlaw area of the world and might not be generous with details on my person, but you guys get it.

Anyhow. I'm happy to be here and I'm looking forwards to learn from y'all.

Autocorrect makes me sound southern US, lol.

Peace and love/ Azton

:welcome: to the forum! :green_heart:
Had to add a bit of life history because people always draw the conclusion that I'm a sober alcoholic when I say I don't drink, haha 😂

If I'm at a restaurant with people and I ask for a glass of water or a coke or whatever people around me often ask something like "Oh, is it alright if I drink?" 😂 Like I give a shit. Or they think I'm some sort of a saint of sobriety. I'll be puffing a blunt within an hour, chill. Just never liked booze.

I don't like mayonnaise either. Nobody ever asks if it's ok if they have some or if I have had mayonnaise problems.
30 years for me :Namaste: Not a drop.
But I enjoyed way too much.
I quit before it became a problem.
I’m Irish btw. It’s in our jeans.
Pot has been a savior for my health.
Tell me , how do you smoke mayonnaise?:rofl:
I’ll try anything once ;)

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Roll it up in a backwoods and enjoy it! 😂

I love cigars and blunts. I limit myself with the tobacco nowadays though and mostly smoke out of glass. I saw some cool dry herb vapes on this site I'll check out too. Theres enough shit in the air we breathe the way it is I think to add more poison.

But, a well cured cuban leaf ❤️
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