Heavenly Hybrid 2nd Grow: Blackberry Kush, Coco Grow, LED450

No update for the ladies today. But... I’m about to put in lots of work in getting things ready for the seeds I just popped. Seems like that’s going around a bit lately. It’s becoming more and more evident that having the big tent in the garage is going to cause a lot of problems. It’s been a few nice days, with temps only getting up to 65-70°F, but it’s already getting kinda hot in the tent. There’s no way any plants will do well in there once full spring and summer roll around. After a little talking, a little arguing, and then compromising with Mr. Hybrid, we’re going to move the big tent into the house. :cheesygrinsmiley::cheesygrinsmiley: Remind me to treat him extra nice for a while, he’s giving up some space in his sort of ‘man cave’ area.
So that’s what I’ll be doing for the next couple of days. I was thinking of waiting until after I harvest some of these girls, just to make it easier; but I need to do some exhaust fan switching around anyway, and that can’t wait, so I may as well just get er done. :thumb: Wish me luck! :D
Sounds like you were very convincing...well done! I've got tent moving on the agenda today as well...my daughter is coming home for spring break on Tuesday and needs her room back :).

Congrats on the new beans!

Well that’s the excitement for now. Happy Gardening!
Loads of frost on those babies...looking great!
It used to make me sad every time I looked in on them, but now it makes me smile - lol, for the most part.
Sounds like you were very convincing...well done! I've got tent moving on the agenda today as well...my daughter is coming home for spring break on Tuesday and needs her room back :).

Congrats on the new beans!

Loads of frost on those babies...looking great!

Thanks Shed, luckily I know some trade secrets, ;) plus Mr. Hybrid is about as easy going as it gets. He is the yang to my yin.

What are you planning to do with the tent while she’s home?
Hi again, I’m just going to do a little photo dump real quick, to show they really do stop drooping sometimes. :D
Bubblegum #1

Jack Herer #1

Jack Herer #2

Bubblegum #2

And last but not least Sneaky B
Starting to show more amber hairs :yummy:

Oop, one last thing, I popped one more seed today, - Banana Kush! I’ve been really wanting to grow this one ever since I first bought seeds. It says it’s harder to grow, so I’ve been waiting until I had a little more experience to make an attempt. But I can’t wait anymore! Plus I’ve got seed drop fever.
Okay, all done with show and tell for today. I hope everyone is having a fun, safe, Happy St. Patrick’s Day!
I had no idea I was supposed to wear blurple today!

Plants look much better and congrats on the Kush seed! As long as it is what it says, you'll nail it :).
Lol, that’s just some lazy-mama photography! No dress code in my garden ;)
Thanks Shed, I will be forever worried with 420 seeds. The mango kush ones were right - thank god!!
So far all the 420 seeds I know of were correctly labeled, but I can certainly understand your wariness! I try to order from sponsors now though to support the site.
Yeah, I agree. I was just looking at some cbd strains through Seedsman that I want to get. I just have so many friggin seeds to get through before I can buy any more. Cbd is different though, so maybe I can convince Mr. Hybrid???
Yeah, I agree. I was just looking at some cbd strains through Seedsman that I want to get. I just have so many friggin seeds to get through before I can buy any more. Cbd is different though, so maybe I can convince Mr. Hybrid???
Smoked a Candida joint with my wife last night before bed. We swear by it, every night. Either a CBD gummy or a Candida doob. She sleeps like a rock now. LoL

No high, just a nice relaxing/comforting feeling. Just be sure you have a 30:1 type of CBD strain. Some of the 1:1 or 2:1 CBD strains will still knock yo ass out. LoL
Thanks P! So we're talking the Candida or Master Hemp level?
I've found quite a few other strains that are similar to Candida. CBD seems to be trendy right now. LoL

I've gotta grow a few more phenos to see the difference. My expertise in CBD strains ends at Candida. LoL

I plan on fixing that very soon
Thing that appeals to me about Candida CD1 is the proven, tested consistency of cannbinoid levels over a number of years.

I recently got to try some CBD Therapy and it was really really nice. Just like what you say about the CD1 P9, super relaxing, no high. Wasn’t sleepy though. CBD usually wakes me up! Ive read though that in large doses it can help sleep... so I’ll look forward to trying that when I harvest my first Candida next month :)
Thanks for the info gang! I’m looking at everything MMG through Seedsman right now. My MIL uses cbd big time, so I was looking at strains for her for things like ADD, anxiety, etc. For my hubs, I’m looking for pain relief and muscle spasms, and for me the sleepy, anxiety that I think you’re talking about @Preston9mm. The hard part is that Mr. H likes to smoke to get high. He’s tried cbd drops, but he had to use so many drops to get relief, it was not ideal and he went through the bottle quick. He’s willing to try it out though - anything that helps, right? I was wondering about the ones that had 1:1 ratios, would that not be as helpful you think? I really appreciate the help and welcome any advice with this. :thanks: I’m considering some that are on sale right now: Nightingale, and Hiydrow are the ones I’m watching. I like that you can buy just 1 or 3 and the prices are still decent. Thanks again for the help :cheesygrinsmiley:
Research shows again and again that the 1:1 ratio is the most effective for most purposes. So no, the 1:1 wont be less effective at all. It can be even more so. I’m growing Candida so I can have the option of CBD alone, or of making my own blends at different balances, including 1:1

THC is a powerful cannbinoid that manages pain, reduces inflammation, treats insomnia, enhances appetite. It’s just as powerful as CBD and they work best together. Then, people have preferences and some don’t like THC at all so you start with CBD and add little amounts of THC up to where the effect is undesirable, and then back it off. Or stay with CBD only if that’s what is comfortable. The whole thing is very personal and can take some time to fine tune. That said, it’s usually pretty easy to get quick success right away tho :thumb:
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