Heavenly Hybrid’s Hideout: Jump In Anytime

Today’s update is just a photo hodgepodge of randomness. So here we go!

First, a mango kush tester bud - the top I cut off pre- harvest. Should be ready to smoke today or tomorrow. :yummy:
Let’s see someone do that with rivets! ;)

The 4x4 with just three left in there. Hiydrow in back, critical mass on the left and northern lights on the rights.
Who’s coming down next?!?!

Babies! Critical purple kush on the left, Dr. seedsman on the right.

On Friday, I did some training on the CBD clones. Nothing special really, just more playing around, because I can. :cheesygrinsmiley: Supercrops!!

And here she is today

It’s hard to see, but she created a nice square shape that I’m kinda diggin right now. We’ll see how it plays out, but it’s fun.
The others are less fun, but the stretchy nightingale got topped on all four of her mains and opened up a little with the lawn staples and padded wire.

And lastly, Candida got a couple supercrops haphazardly going wherever they want.

Soon they’ll get moved into the 4x4 after I do some cleaning. We may end up moving the tent into another room. Mr H has given up his man cave for long enough.

I suppose that’s about it for today. Thanks for stopping by! :ciao:
Well, it turns out I’m a liar, cause I have more update happening. :laughtwo: Trich pics!!
First up - Hiydrow (Cbd 2:1).

They say it’s a 7-8 week strain and we’re at week 9. I’m thinking this one is ready... what do you all say?

Now, some northern lights

I’m not sure about the northern lights, maybe a tiny bit longer? I‘m thinking I want her to get to like 5-10% amber? But oh man, she smells SO good!! Sweet like candy with fruity notes. Can’t wait to try this one out! Who am I kidding, I can’t wait to try them all. :cheesygrinsmiley:
Well, it turns out I’m a liar, cause I have more update happening. :laughtwo: Trich pics!!
First up - Hiydrow (Cbd 2:1).

They say it’s a 7-8 week strain and we’re at week 9. I’m thinking this one is ready... what do you all say?

Now, some northern lights

I’m not sure about the northern lights, maybe a tiny bit longer? I‘m thinking I want her to get to like 5-10% amber? But oh man, she smells SO good!! Sweet like candy with fruity notes. Can’t wait to try this one out! Who am I kidding, I can’t wait to try them all. :cheesygrinsmiley:
Let em go!
Thanks for the help guys. My snipping hand is starting to get that twitch...

Is this the Sensi NL?
This one is Dope Seeds NL. I sure hope I like NL cause all of the sudden I have it coming out of my ears. Prize pack, seed stork angel, and auto freebies. So much NL!!
If those are your sleepy time meds, let 'em go long!
That seems like the plan (sleepy meds), especially after I chopped mango early in the harvest window. I also have the critical mass - which is Afghani x Skunk #1. I’ll probably let them both go long. Just kinda hard to wait! :meditate:
Bright side - waiting will help free up the dry boxes.
Should be ready to smoke today or tomorrow. :yummy:
:slide: :popcorn:
what do you all say?
call that 2% amber and 10-15% clear. Plant looks great
what he said :thumb: good to go when every you’re ready I’d say.

And on the NL...
If those are your sleepy time meds, let 'em go long!
Let em [it] go!
what they said!

Looking good! I’m glad you’re liking the smells off the Dope Seeds NL - trying to factor one of those into my indoor run this year, if not then, then the outdoor next year.
Well my grow buddies, I had planned on giving Hiydrow a little longer to ripen up, especially since she was pushing out a fresh set of pistils. But upon closer look, the fresh pistils were also bringing some bananas with them....

Three sets right there and more I already pulled, so she gettin chopped! No bananas allowed!! So that’s where I’ll be if you need me - trim jail.
Well my grow buddies, I had planned on giving Hiydrow a little longer to ripen up, especially since she was pushing out a fresh set of pistils. But upon closer look, the fresh pistils were also bringing some bananas with them....

Three sets right there and more I already pulled, so she gettin chopped! No bananas allowed!! So that’s where I’ll be if you need me - trim jail.
Glad you found them!
I’m not upset about it at all - which is a weird concept for me! :laughtwo: They’re all over the 9 week mark and I already needed to do a major clean anyhow. She’s a CBD, so better her than one of my nighttimers I’m wanting to go longer with. But now I’ve got my eyes wide open looking at the other two!
Yeah, not much to do about it anyway, best to just take it in stride....
Isn't that weird how they pop up overnight?
So, so fast!! I was looking at the pictures I took a few days ago and I couldn’t see anything.

At this 9 week mark, you’re so right, nothing to do about it anyway. The last time I discovered nanners, it was at 5 weeks with a hermie - seeded everything. THAT was bad. Lol, this is a walk in the park. :laughtwo:
looks good Heavenly, apart from the lady-dicks of course! :laughtwo:

It’s great to see the purple stemmed trichomes there looking just like the ones on the parental Candida CD-1. They were really pronounced just like that on what I thought was the ‘sativa pheno‘, not so much on the seemingly ‘indica’ one.

If the ratio suits you that could be very nice ‘erb :ganjamon:
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