Hazmat And The Magic Beans












Whatz up everyone, howz your week so far? Mine has been decent...all work...but decent ... Easy when you love your job :) .

But a few things on this update:
* A few dayz ago I requested help on the yellowing issue, and I got a diagnosis from a a trusted knowledgeable member here and was told I need "potassium", the reason for yellowing is my plant is cannibalizing itself to make up for the missing nutrient, that's why it's not wide spread but on random leavez.....so this Friday I will be hitting the hydro shop for a PK booster such as bud candy, terpinator, purpinator, etc. Hopefully this givez her a bit of what she needz.

*She got watered yesterday and was top dressed a bit early with geoflora bloom at a bit less than 1/3 cup along with a teaspoon of bone meal for a bit of a phosphorus kick since they use that in flower....trying to stay ahead of the game.

*Yellowing leaves are allowed to stay regardless of how they look in photoz as a way to keep track of the spread.

*I removed a bunch of the tiny growthz along the bottom portion of the stemz and fans in the dark....roughly a handful worth total.

*Temperaturez and humidity are at the normal levels with some nice stability... Within ten degrees and about %10 on humidity.

*Lightz at 12/12 on timer. 6:05-6:05.

So that covers the equipment, feeding, etc.... Now onto the bud talk 😂 .

I'm getting more and more excited daily with her stacking... Each of the lower bud site topz are about the size of a golf ball with quarter sized minis on everything beneath them. The tallest main cola is just fat maybe half the size of a pop can currently and swelling noticeably every day when I check. The smell is super lemon, I did some research on the strain it's apparently " a hard to get strain and the most lemon scented/flavor on the market"*photo below* ...and so far living up to that neon boast for sure 😂 I know I said it before but they should have named this "Pledge" lol.

But enough of my rambling.... I appreciate that crap out you for following along and checking thingz out. Have a fantastic night and peace out :headbanger:








I followed the Geoflora "advanced feeding" chart which calls for Terpinator and Massive, both P and K boosters in flower. It seemed to work well

Frosty flowers you have there :)
I followed the Geoflora "advanced feeding" chart which calls for Terpinator and Massive, both P and K boosters in flower. It seemed to work well

Frosty flowers you have there :)
Yup I've never seen that chart.... Also didn't look for a chart....oops... Well another thing learned through experience and the help of others.
Looking great over there Happy! Cheers bro
Hey thanks Gainesville.... Howz life treating ya today?
Loving your work growmie! She is looking very pretty with all her sparkles! :green_heart: :passitleft:
Thank you.... I'm trying to keep the journal good for myself and everyone else :) and yea I'm loving how they're stacking up with frost.
Looking good Growmie, I'm sure you'll get the PK sorted with the right nutes.
Why thank you :) and no worries I'm going tomorrow to grab terpinator after I get an alignment.
Hey thanks Gainesville.... Howz life treating ya today?

Thank you.... I'm trying to keep the journal good for myself and everyone else :) and yea I'm loving how they're stacking up with frost.

Why thank you :) and no worries I'm going tomorrow to grab terpinator after I get an alignment.
One day at a time bro! lol ..
Cant go on vacation with the family because of the plants! Next year, i might stop in August to get that family time in.
Im going to be alone in this empty house for a week without my wife and son.
Im just going to burn alot of flowers..lol..
Cheers bro
One day at a time bro! lol ..
Cant go on vacation with the family because of the plants! Next year, i might stop in August to get that family time in.
Im going to be alone in this empty house for a week without my wife and son.
Im just going to burn alot of flowers..lol..
Cheers bro
Your not alone brutha you got us here ;) and that's ok bro maybe you can take a solo vacay and just sit somewhere dank and smoke Hela budz.
Hey bro I looked at the contest thread and both are entries are missing. You got any ideas? Thoughts?
Hey so I only posted in the plant of the month this month and both our entries are there.... I will be posting a photo of the month in the next day or two ;)
Terpinator is on deck.... Have given the lady her first dose of 20ml per gallon mixed... The recommendation is between 10-30 so I split it down the middle. Will have an actual update later this after noon once she has had time to perk back up and eat a little.

Hey so I only posted in the plant of the month this month and both our entries are there.... I will be posting a photo of the month in the next day or two ;)
Yeah I was looking at the grow journal contest thinking it was the plant of the month.Smh Getting old,too much weed and to many rights n lefts to the head.
Day 116 Day 40 of flower.

Wutz up everyone, hope the weekend is treating you well.... So far so good on my end :)
So just a quicky update and photo dump.
*No water today even though she's semi light...but no droop....so I'll wait until she asks.
*The yellowing has stopped spreading but the afflicted leaves are slowly....like slowly continuing yellowing and the ends are dying....not an issue in my book as they were already damaged and I expected them to fall off.
* The terpinator seems to have done the trick in slowing that progression....I know it's only been a day but I look at them alot and can see a difference 😂.
*All temp and humidity ranges have been the same...at least I have that down lol.
*Other than that all the Budz are just swelling and frosting up nicely.... Nice to know I have quite a good time left to see how they really develope.

But other than that....she's good....I'm good... All is ....well good ;) . I appreciate you all for stopping through to take a look. Have a great day and have a bitchin rest of your weekend :headbanger:






Day 116 Day 40 of flower.

Wutz up everyone, hope the weekend is treating you well.... So far so good on my end :)
So just a quicky update and photo dump.
*No water today even though she's semi light...but no droop....so I'll wait until she asks.
*The yellowing has stopped spreading but the afflicted leaves are slowly....like slowly continuing yellowing and the ends are dying....not an issue in my book as they were already damaged and I expected them to fall off.
* The terpinator seems to have done the trick in slowing that progression....I know it's only been a day but I look at them alot and can see a difference 😂.
*All temp and humidity ranges have been the same...at least I have that down lol.
*Other than that all the Budz are just swelling and frosting up nicely.... Nice to know I have quite a good time left to see how they really develope.

But other than that....she's good....I'm good... All is ....well good ;) . I appreciate you all for stopping through to take a look. Have a great day and have a bitchin rest of your weekend :headbanger:






Looking good there double h double 8.👀👌👍
She is looking beautiful :green_heart: how long has she got left? Much love :passitleft:
If ya only look at the nugz 😂 but thank you gandalf....I'm gonna say at least 2-3 weeks ...maybe.

Says 56-63 days in flower... Shes a photo period, so I'm not sure if photo periods are more accurately set than autos...I know with autos the time frame they give is off.
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