Hash Making

Re: Roseman's Hash Making

Hey man just wanted to say hello and thanks for the tutorial i will be giving it a shhot as soon as we have enough leaf to make the hash keep on keepin on man way to go
Re: Roseman's Hash Making

I've made hash THE EXACT SAME WAY for years.. Hah.. Well.. Roseman uses a little screen box and I use a big one like he showed a picture of. This stuff is super potent, when made from grade A hydro trim, WILL knock the bejezus out of you, especially if the plant has a very cerebral buzz to begin with. Rule of thumb I've found for the grade-A is, 1/10th of a gram will give you a cement grin, and if you smoke till you're high.. it's too late. Heh. The texture of unpressed is very odd thou, rather akin to brown sugar.
Re: Roseman's Hash Making

Good desciption of loose kief. I just press it between my finger for a couple of seconds using hand pressure and body heat till it a disc and add a little to a bowl but only during the evening. My strain has a mixed high but my hash is extra mellow and tasty and the cement grin is a given! Just makes me feel all warm and fuzzy. I use the same box as Roseman. First time I ever tried for hash this way and I'll be doing it from now on. Right now I'm only breaking buds over it and using the trim with iso. Oh what I wasted in the past! LOL!
Re: Roseman's Hash Making

I brick mine up the same way he does shown here.. to the T.. In fact the bricks had beer logos from the glass pressed into them accidentally. Heh. Nice pulling out a 20 gram slab with a beer logo pressed backwards on it. Seriously thou.. the trib mine came from was very cerebral, and the hash was 10 times worse. I smoked 1/2 gram by myself in a milkshake, thinking okay.. that's plenty and went cross eyed 10 minutes later. Seriously, if you smoke till you're high like you would a joint or a bowl, it'll kick you in the ass 10-15 minutes later. I had to warn people because it was so intense. "Don't expect to drive for at least an hour, and if you over do it, it's pure couch lock." And oddly enough, I couldn't eat away that buzz.
Re: Roseman's Hash Making

I know the buzz follows you wherever you go for about 2-3 hours and at that point it's just manageable but not gone. I don't think I've ever smoker a 1/2 gram of hash on purpose. At least I don't remember! LOL! Seems to put you in a different world. What te heck is smoking it in a milk shake? I've lived a cloistered life!
Re: Roseman's Hash Making

Take a straight pin and poke it through an index card. Stick the hash on the pin and light it. Set a GLASS cup over it (it is on fire) and wait for it to extinguish it self. Tip the cup up, and suck the smoke out with a straw. It'll melt your face and any pain in the process.
Re: Roseman's Hash Making

Was just introduced this past weekend to that process by a stoner friend of mine. Used a piece of my last batch of iso hash. It does have a lot of knock-out power and I barely remember the first part of the playoff game I was watching. Luckily my friend is made of stouter stuff and he drove. Another interesting use for our wonderful products!
Re: Roseman's Hash Making

Everything that doesn't get turned into hash gets turned into oil. The real gold one was extracted with petroleum ether and the other was done with ISO and activated carbon filtered down to 0.5 micron. Both are heart stopping at one hit but the gold looks so much better.



It may be all about marketing to some, but it's all about results to me!

Re: Roseman's Hash Making

Nice one LabRat.. I made some many many years ago with butane. Talk about scary shit. It yielded about 1 drop of pure amber honey per joint of schwag, and would knock your dick in the dirt, but very very volatile, and dangerous to make.
Re: Roseman's Hash Making

I've made hash THE EXACT SAME WAY for years.. Hah.. Well.. Roseman uses a little screen box and I use a big one like he showed a picture of. This stuff is super potent, when made from grade A hydro trim, WILL knock the bejezus out of you, especially if the plant has a very cerebral buzz to begin with. Rule of thumb I've found for the grade-A is, 1/10th of a gram will give you a cement grin, and if you smoke till you're high.. it's too late. Heh. The texture of unpressed is very odd thou, rather akin to brown sugar.

Do you bake or compress yours? How? How long?

How do you turn your kief into hash?
Re: Roseman's Hash Making

Good desciption of loose kief. I just press it between my finger for a couple of seconds using hand pressure and body heat till it a disc and add a little to a bowl but only during the evening. My strain has a mixed high but my hash is extra mellow and tasty and the cement grin is a given! Just makes me feel all warm and fuzzy. I use the same box as Roseman. First time I ever tried for hash this way and I'll be doing it from now on. Right now I'm only breaking buds over it and using the trim with iso. Oh what I wasted in the past! LOL!

I have wasted lots of kief in my lifetime, not knowing to save it.

I can roll one joint a day, even commercial pot, in my box, using the screen like a rolling tray, and at the end of a month, have enough kief for a gram of hash.
Re: Roseman's Hash Making

Take a straight pin and poke it through an index card. Stick the hash on the pin and light it. Set a GLASS cup over it (it is on fire) and wait for it to extinguish it self. Tip the cup up, and suck the smoke out with a straw. It'll melt your face and any pain in the process.

I have smoked hash the same way, with a very large glass on the coffee table. We used to get a newbie to bend over, take a toke off the coffee table from under a glass, and when he stood up, he'd pass out or fall out dizzy.

We took an empty book match cover, the little card board thing matches are in, without the matches, stick a sewing needle or pin in it, put 1/8 gram of hash on the needle, light it, and cover it with the glass. It will not flame and it will fill the glass up with smoke. Then lift the side of the glass up 1/2 inch, and suck the smoke out. BAM!
Re: Roseman's Hash Making

I have smoked hash the same way, with a very large glass on the coffee table. We used to get a newbie to bend over, take a toke off the coffee table from under a glass, and when he stood up, he'd pass out or fall out dizzy.

We took an empty book match cover, the little card board thing matches are in, without the matches, stick a sewing needle or pin in it, put 1/8 gram of hash on the needle, light it, and cover it with the glass. It will not flame and it will fill the glass up with smoke. Then lift the side of the glass up 1/2 inch, and suck the smoke out. BAM!

We used to call that "hash under glass".
Re: Roseman's Hash Making

I used this method recently when we had only hash and no way to smoke it. We used a straw to inhale the smoke from under the cup. Pretty funny, reminded me of a teenager trying to smoke.
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