Hacker's Back, New Place Same Old Story


Well-Known Member
...Hey Hey folks, Guess who's back, back Again. LLOOLL . Decided to make a new move and new Thread. This is gonna be a fun grow as I am going to a new area, but in the same state. Recently I had decided to get off the beaten path, and work with more privatized grows. I started my own consult type business, but have run into the same old problems. People in general don't understand how complexly simple a grow really is. There will also always be cost conderns, as well as the potential " pro grower " attitude. In the course of this grow/thread I intend to use my wide range of buddies on here as a tool for my biz yes, but mostly a tool for the people who I am counseling. I find most of the peeps on here to be very user friendly, knowledgeable, and overall easy to discuss or talk with about issues to do with success and failure..
... I am moving north about 2 hours or so to a property that is on the East coast literally. In the area I have several small to medium grows that I will consult with for this summer. Trying to keep it small for now, this way I can be more intimate with the clients and their grows and needs. As I am in the negotiation process with a few un-named ( for now ) seed bands for sponsorship I am not quite sure as to which beans I am gonna pop, but I do have quite enough to choose from this year..
...I will be doing a combo between indoor perpetual, and outdoor grows as I normally do. I will definately be incorporating a few beans that have been gifted to me from some peeps on here, as well as some of my own personal seeds. I am thinking of doing a Star Pupil, Some Stanky Stanks (U know who you are LOL), an Arjans Strawberry, Blissful Wizard, and a couple of BB autos for sure. I will however be growing about 12 strains total, some of the same strains inside and outside. I will be dropping beans weekend after next, so as to make sure to be able to get the outdoors plants going in time to harvest. Man the one thing about New England is the grow season outdoors is the shortest I have ever had.
... This is the dawn of a new era for me, last year I was so busy with the commercial grow I was contracted with that I never really could complete a full journal the way I wanted to. This year I am slowing down, and living with the earth more. I have been totally engulf in grow for profits up here, as I needed money as most folks do. Now I still need money but I don't need the BS that goes into the robotic commercial grows for now at least. Need a soul bleaching, and reset so to speak.
... So for now I just wanted to get the thread going, and take some suggestions,comments, or general likes or dislikes from some of the peeps on here as far as gear goes. What do you think I should incorporate with the listed genetics? What points do you all think I would be best to keep up on here etc? Anybody got some beans to trade or etc ??
... Super Green days all, and I look forward to getting back on track..
Ok so today is moving day, and of course it is raining like hell. Oh well.. Got a bag full of clones, and another full of my clothes, seeds, and some food. Only a three hour trip to my new home, and I can't wait to get there. I am gonna start a brand new grow with an old hippy, just like me I might add, and things are looking positive. Ran into some down time and gained some weight so I can't wait to get out in my sandles and tye dyes LOL. Gonna be a few more weeks up here before that kinda weather but, so goes life. Just a few more hours, and I'll be right home to .... Never mind time to play some poker and listen to some jams... Green day to all, and I will be a lot more active starting next week...
Ok so today is moving day, and of course it is raining like hell. Oh well.. Got a bag full of clones, and another full of my clothes, seeds, and some food. Only a three hour trip to my new home, and I can't wait to get there. I am gonna start a brand new grow with an old hippy, just like me I might add, and things are looking positive. Ran into some down time and gained some weight so I can't wait to get out in my sandles and tye dyes LOL. Gonna be a few more weeks up here before that kinda weather but, so goes life. Just a few more hours, and I'll be right home to .... Never mind time to play some poker and listen to some jams... Green day to all, and I will be a lot more active starting next week...
It is snowing where I am in Alberta so it could always be worse
Ok all finally got to my new home, and am getting situated. You would not believe how much of a big deal it is to internet service in these small coastal towns. LOL. I am gonna dump all kinda photos with descriptions later but until then just want to let all who are looking in that I am up and eh hmmmm kinda running. Really slow internet still Ethernet here for now.. LOL. Moved in to the stone (d) age... Got alot of stuff to work with here, and I will just leave it at that for now... Green days all
Ok all finally got to my new home, and am getting situated. You would not believe how much of a big deal it is to internet service in these small coastal towns. LOL. I am gonna dump all kinda photos with descriptions later but until then just want to let all who are looking in that I am up and eh hmmmm kinda running. Really slow internet still Ethernet here for now.. LOL. Moved in to the stone (d) age... Got alot of stuff to work with here, and I will just leave it at that for now... Green days all
Ok fellow green thumbs I will now commence with the photo drop. It will have to come in many posts as this site now is limited on attached photos and the like. So anywho, I moved to a small organic farm right on the coast. I can smell the ocean, and it is a beautiful view. Be a whole lot purdier, yeah I said it, in the fall.
We will start off with some picks of my heavy hitter, these I brought as clones. They are called 9 pound Hammer, and I have yet to hear back on the seed bank. I will update that later.


... Keep in mind that these are a few pics from about ten days ago.. I will post some later on tonite before I put them to bed. They are so cute all tucked in, and have grown about 4 inches already.. Yummy...
... Next up is my prized OG Dead Head. This beauty is gonna become a workhorse in my new perpetual, it is a cross between an OG Kush, Candy Krush, and a Super Silver Haze.. I had a decent amount of this to make the four hour bus ride.. Nice Ride. LOL

..Man look at those roots, not bad for a ten day before I left type job..

... Next up is my Blueberry Twist, and Afghan Cow. These pics are of them just after their soak..

.... More recent pics to come later...
.. And last but not least for now is my CBD Mass.. Thanks Sue.. Dont have much on her quite yet as she is just a soaking.. I will be starting some Stanky Stanks gear soon, but have to get the greenhouse slash grow room up and running.. Quite a bit of work yet to do in there for set up and clean up.. Green days all...
Ok next photo Dump will come as a two part post.. This is my new perpetual grow space. It is a converted rear porch that was covered with weather resistant durable clear ish plastic roofing sheets. Man this place is awesome, or will be.. It has all kinda grow space, with built in brick planter boxes, for the spring summer and fall use of course. But it is huge measuring about 10 x 30 mostly glass and screen. Well insulated, with a walk in basement and wood stove for the cold ass winter, as well as a propane heater that vents CO2 and H2O vapors when used during the winter which will make it quite tropical... As I had said it is gonna take some work, but it has it's own built in fertilizer producer. Stupid chicken coop, hope to move that soon.. But if anyone needs guano, I will be drying, and selling it cheap.. Or giving it away to those who know how to use it it their grows.. I am gonna sanitize it and all that blah blah jazz.... LOL heres some pics YO..

Heres a few pics of my soil, There is a shit ton of organically composted soil here. Just gotta add my stank to it.. LOL
Hey @MaddHacker i'm in for the long ride! :ganjamon: Nice looking spot you've got there :bravo:
’m in, looking forward to this journey! Hey you are living my dream man. Is it nice and quiet where you moved?
Yeah Arch, it is most surely quiet tho there is a road right beside the house that picks up traffic a few hours a day. Got a camp ground on site and all.. This is truly an opportunity I have been searching for, got lots of side work from well to do lazy folks as well. LOL
Congrat's on the move and the new space, Brother! :high-five:
Thx Krip, you know I have been waiting a while to be able to do this so I am gonna make the best of it for sure... Lots to do, and of course it is raining. Gonna rain all next week, but I don't care I can waller' in the mud with the best pigs LMAO.. green day all
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