Fanleaf Tries For A TLO, True Living Organics, Grow With 6 Plants

wow... that's 2l sized. I can't wait to fire up these lights. I may do it despite house hunting... I think I will be perfectly legal in a few more weeks.
I will be patiently waiting! I know you have been looking forward to it for quite some time. What has passed initially in your state? If I remember correctly it's 6 plants?
wow... that's 2l sized.
She really has produced. Her colas are longer than any indoor plants I've grown to date. I will chop them from the top to about 18" down from that and each branch will still have lots of cola left! Very excited for her to be ready!
Her colas are longer than any indoor plants I've grown to date.
That is a plant that has fully expressed itself. I will greatly enjoy being able to do that with these lights, and yes, it has been killing me to just look at them. They are still changing things, but they now have it refined to 6 adult and 6 non flowering plants, but here is the rub. We are only allowed to keep 3 oz of dried product on hand for each patient. Each plant can easily produce the max and the plan is that for all of the excess to be sold into the dispensary system or trashed if it isnt worthy. So far, the Health Department who will be managing all of this by setting up armored transports to deal with all the excess pot, inspecting grows, etc... has not hired any extra staff in my county. Right off the bat, the system as designed by the politicians can not work. So, its a free for all, at least for now. If someone would knock on my door, and I don't expect them to, I just show them my card. The state constitution now says that if I am a qualified medical patient, I can grow 6 plants. Some will have them outside in the tomato patch. Some in the basement. They are not going to be looking for grows, it will be all they can do to manage the grows of those law abiding citizens who think they are going to get rich in the scheme. We will see what happens, but it is absolutely going to be fun to watch.
Good to see you back Fan! Busy is good. Sweet harvest. Your bud looks divine. I bet it tastes great. I'm on board the TLO train. My plants grew like never before too. Thought my lights were to blame but no it was me not bottle feeding good enough or my Michigan mix soil I used just didn't have the life the TLO soil does. You're ahead of me. I'll cut one down in a few days. Can't wait to taste it.
Up to my elbows on trimming right now guys. Here is a sample of the Lemon Kush Headband.
Still trimming ladies and gentlemen. 1 more plant to go.....

My TLO soil recovery tub is already filled beyond capacity so I need to bring in the other tote.

Can I really just re-amend this and wait a month or more and go again? Should I pull some of the root matter out first?
10-1/4 oz of Lemon Kush Headband.
202 grams from the plant in 10 gallons of soil and 88 grams from smaller plant in 3 gallons of soil.

Next up will be Malawi X Panama in the next day or so. Waiting for it to be ready to bag up.
Nice! Between the Revs book and talking with emilya, I am jazzed to go TLO. Unfortunately I am not having a ton of luck with my seedlings right now. Cant figure it out. Weeds are pretty darn finicky. I can grow veggies that are the envy of my neighbors, but cant grow a dang weed. I'll get it figured out, because I'm motivated to do so. I REALLY need to grow my own medicine. First, because I really function much better when I have it. I am tired of not having a 100% reliable source. I need this stuff to help me deal with my PTSD and anxiety. 2nd, as a connoisseur, I would like some weed that is actually cured and provides a smooth enjoyable smoke. Lastly, but also just as important (to me anyway) is overall quality. the last few times I got my stash, it was so dang over dried it would practically turn to dust just from handling it lightly. Also, it has not been the best tasting. I need to master this for myself. Then I can start choosing to grow the strains that agree with my pallet.
On another note, how are those awesome LED'S you made? I LOVE those sweet full spectrum cobs you built. I'd like to replicate what you have done with those after you see how they do. How many grows have you ran them on so far?
I just said screw it myself and bought rapid rooters to try out just dropped four autos myself in them last night hoping I don't kill these too lol
Really nice grow show with the TLO soil. Thank you for taking the time to post all your hard work and describe your experiences with the TLO method. I love it a lot! I trust you will be posting up the results for the Malawi x Panama soon. it looks beautiful, awesellent work buddy!
It is not impossible to understand the interactions between minerals in soil. This was a new concept to me several years ago, but I studied it and through the work of Mulder and others, I now understand cation exchange, flow through rates, absorption and the reasons that various minerals affect the availability of the other minerals in the mix. It is simply intellectual laziness to accept that a soil mix is "impossible to study or that it has infinite variables... it does not.

Yes, properly running a TLO grow is a lot of work. It is totally possible however to go to the opposite side of things and make an organic grow work with nothing but water added, a totally easy way of growing. It just depends on how much you want to put into it and how much you expect to get get out. If you are afraid of a little bit of hard work, or getting messy, TLO is not for you.
Your jumping on Rev for using 3 gallon containers is not justified either. He does not say that this is how it must be done, he just states that this is what he does. I too find that I can get perfectly great results from 3 gallon containers, but my last 7 gallon and 5 gallon projects were also done TLO style... there are no restrictions in this regard.
Yes, Rev has changed his methods over the years and SubCool has changed his recipe. I also regularly change my methods and assumptions, and I use natural fertilizers in my grows, contrary to what many organic farmers would do. The early microbiology work done by Ingram, et. al. has been added to over the years too, and we now know many other beneficial microbes that can and should be added to our grows. You don't find many scientists that have written about the use of oatmeal in their teas for a very special form of desirable bacterium, and many organic growers are light years ahead of the old research by doing experiments with the growth hormones found in 7 row barley seedlings. Then let's talk about the work Doc is doing with the High Brix movement. The state of the art is changing constantly, and the work that I and many others do on these online forums is leading the way. I refuse to listen to the argument that if there is not documentable scientific research on some aspect of this, it doesn't exist or is not valid. What do you think we are doing with our grow journals? The refusal to accept that many of us are actually marijuana cultivation scientists is head in the sand nonsense, because I like others, try hard to keep as current as I can, always researching out several things in my grows, actively trying through our experiments, hypotheses and conclusions to advance the state of the art .
So very well stated Emilya. Your diplomacy is impeccable! I appreciate all that you do to furthure your's, and the grow community's fundamental understanding of soil biology. Your motivation to understand and communicate with the micro soil sentients is inspirational. Thank you for your time, and the gift you provide to those of us thirsty for such knowledge.
This should be very interesting, you seem to be following rev's directions pretty close, can't wait to see what happens. I've been reading some of my old notes and have realised i myself have never followed his recipes or instructions that closely, i never had the whole nutrient list nor did i have R/O water...etc. Anyway i think i might try one of his flowering pots just for shits and giggles, not really adapted to my style but always fun to experiment.
Thanks henr8 for the clarification, and admission to not following the TLO recipe to the "T" from your past trials. Your previous statement of having used the method, followed by your comments didn't stack up.
If your really up for it, a side-by-side with at least 2 plants in TLO, and 2 plants with your preferred grow method will allow for a quality educational experience. Using one plant really doesn't allow one to see the subtle differences. Plus having 2 TLO style plants at the finish will make you happy in the long run. More "organic" produce to compare to current produce you have in stock. Keep up the great work!
Thank you. Honestly, I'm so used to shoving chelated nutrients into my plants at 100mph that so far this seems almost too easy. Even though I know there is tons of nutrition in the soil part of my head is so used to feeding my plants that I have to remind myself they are growing because there's nutrition in the soil LOL. If I hadn't fed them several times by now with the chelated nutrients they would be wilting and showing deficiencies already LOL. I'm not letting my past grows dictate anyting with this grow but it sure is a mind f¿@$. :rofl:
Ha ha! I can so relate to the mind f%#$ that comes from the switch of mind set. Awesome work so far as I make my way through your grow journal. I was a really late to the show, but I'm happy I made it here to learn from you and the others joining in.
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