Pterostychus: The Never Ending Story, Now Jack Herer

Thanks for the Update PT. Congrats on the harvest and on the new babies. We're getting ready to drop a couple new strains tonight. Ms Stank wants Durban Poison and I haven't decided on my choice quite yet.
Hey Van.. where do u plan on getting the DP from.?
I would advise against it.....unless u can get the real Macoy. The ones i grew from CKS were a where near the DP i remember with that definetive 'ainsy' flavor.
Cheers man.

These are from Sensi Seeds. Supposedly they have had them for quite a long time. No telling if they are as legit as can be, but its what I got and its what Ms Stank wants to run, so she's gonna run em. I tried a 10 pack from Cannabiogen, but I struck out. Only 1 of 10 popped and it was a dude. They were supposedly some of the most legit out there, but I ain't buying again from a company that gave me that sort of germination rate. Reached out to them but never got a response fook em!
both are dutch seed banks ( dutch passion well duh and sensi seeds) and we all know who has history with south africa ...
i briefly looked at both their descriptions sounds similar ... who knows ... and i vouch for both seedbanks tbh so ... well see what happens i guess?
@Archiweedies got his from Dutch Passion and he said the effects were pretty mild (in Doc's kit). Good smell and flavor and amazing color, but nothing he's growing again.
Mine from Dutch Passion was a real beauty but man she was mild. Grew her out again from clones taken from the original and she was worse than before.
I will say that she had a very unique smell to her that I’ve never experienced from herb before. It’s that anise scent that makes her so damn fun.
day 11 from seed

so as stated earlier i have a Jack Herer auto going ... i upgraded some things compared to earlier grows for instance she is now in 50/50 cocos and perlite and in a bigger airpot of i think 18l (~4.7 US gallons)

nothing much to report otherwise lol ... guess thats a good thing ...
oh and i wanna ad that i find airpots scary but my friends talked me into it (note that i witnessed them struggle first few grows) but i guess we'll see what happens heh

The air pot should work well for you. They can get messy so water slowly so it soaks in instead of running off through the holes.
yea that i learned on day one lol ... what concerns me more is my friends were having a lot of ec issues and burns and deficiencies and the likes we diagnosed it after a while to unbuffered cocos eating all the calmag and saltbuildups due to faster drying of the medium

I am trying to counter this by watering mostly on the outside of the pot to keep those layers as wet as long as possible and i give a lot of volume to create lots of runoff ... well see what happens ...

also i seem to have grown a feel of my solutions ... the first week my ph pen broke and i was winging it on the ph minus ... yesterday i made the usual batch i made the days before tested it and it came out at 5.9 ... dayum i wasnt expecting to guess that well lol :ganjamon:
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