H0bbyGr0wer89 - 8 Soil - 1 DWC - 5 Exotic Strains - 2016

Which AN nutrients are you using ?

You should not let your DWC PH rise above 6.0 it will begin to cause nutrient lockouts.

5.5 is also a little low, I PH down to 5.7 and let it drift to 5.9 over the space of about 2 - 3 days

How long is it taking your PH to drift?

What is your EC?

If I know the answers to these questions I might be able to help you figure this out.

You say using as directed, I hope you do not mean you are using the concentration on the bottle, that mix will be twice as hot as it should be.

I'll get you the answers to your questions. As for the nutrients, I'm using connoisseur and I used the full 4ml per liter (eek). I went back to the micro/bloom since I thought the nutrients might be too stong. But it continued to get worse. It was healthy on the micro/bloom at that dose (4ml) previously...

Sent from my SM-N920T using 420
Never used the Micro / Bloom but I am using connisseur at the moment.

4 ml/l is way to hot, I dose by EC measurement but at the last res change definitely less than 2 ml/l was used and my plants are 29 days into flower this was also with additives.

My journal completely explains what nutrient concentrations I am using throughout each stage of flower, I think checking it out could be very beneficial to you.

Thank you, Green Fingers!

I think the nutrients were indeed just wayyyyyyyy too hot. It was nutrient burn to the max - instead of just the tips, it made its way into the entire leaf and a few buds, killing them.

I have completely changed out the reservoir again - bleached/cleaned it, refilled, added back in micro/grow nutes (not nearly as strong as the connoisseur and the full dose worked perfectly fine before - so I went back to what I knew would work).

It looks as though the plant is now "stable" - I trimmed off the dead stuff and now I don't see any more vegetative death since last night.

Fair warning to others: even on AN website, it warns that you should only use the connoisseur in the most optimal conditions possible, for the pinnacle of growers. oops.
No problem H0bbyGr0wer89

I'm happy that you got everything sorted out :)

Do you have an EC or a PPM meter?

Connoisseur is no more difficult to use than any other nutrient line, it just needs to be measured. That's why I suggested checking out my page, I discuss exactly what measurements I am using throughout every stage of flower, you didn't need to stop using it you just needed to accurately measure your EC.

Yup - I have a PPM meter, but not EC

I just went the easy "if it aint broke dont fix it" route. When I have time and when the plant has recovered a bit, I will measure it out and use the correct amount of Connoisseur :).

Ill definitely reference your grow when doing that! likely in the next couple days. I will also try to get some more pics for you guys at that time.

Funnny (actually not-so-funny) story - went to adjust my LED height, right? Welp... the damn hanger broke when doing so and landed right ontop of my hydro and Shanghai Express plants. Luckily, I only lost a few limbs... the others I basically used wire to give them a splint. Hope they recover... they seem to be doing ok... not much different than "supercropping" I guess haha.

With the lost limbs, probably losing out on 1/2 ounce or so... as long as it didnt break the plant at the base and ruin the whole thing, I'll take losing just a few limbs and keeping the other 80% of the plant :thumb:
Hey Everyone - Update!

In 4 days, it will have been 4 weeks since I flipped the switch to flower.

The hydro is still giving me issues. Since I was using the full recommended amount of the connoisseur, the assumption is that the nutrients were likely "hot" if anything. However, when I checked the PPM I was confused... it said 700. Since I have exhausted ideas, I guess I have to trust that my PPM meter is correct and I added more nutes, brining it to 1500 PPM. Also, my PH now declines instead of inclining... so I currently set my PH at 6.1 and I will watch it fall down to 5.7 or so. We shall see...

The rest of the plants are enormous... ranging from around 3-4 Ft. tall at this point. Buds are developing - the non-hydro White Widow has some really nice fat buds. All the other pure Sativas have pretty dinky buds.... but they will also need to flower for an extra month compared to the WW... so I am not worried.


First up, pic of the whole setup:

My not-so-healthy hydro White Widow

Closeup of the "burnt" looking leafs of the hydro White Widow

Shenghai Express

Shenghai Express - Bud

Mozambique Poison

Mozambique Poison - Bud

Zambian Gold

Zambian Gold - Bud

Non-Hydro White Widow

Non-Hydro White Widow - Bud
:circle-of-love:hope everything will be better soon.:high-five:
Hey Everyone - Update!

In 4 days, it will have been 4 weeks since I flipped the switch to flower.

The hydro is still giving me issues. Since I was using the full recommended amount of the connoisseur, the assumption is that the nutrients were likely "hot" if anything. However, when I checked the PPM I was confused... it said 700. Since I have exhausted ideas, I guess I have to trust that my PPM meter is correct and I added more nutes, brining it to 1500 PPM. Also, my PH now declines instead of inclining... so I currently set my PH at 6.1 and I will watch it fall down to 5.7 or so. We shall see...

The rest of the plants are enormous... ranging from around 3-4 Ft. tall at this point. Buds are developing - the non-hydro White Widow has some really nice fat buds. All the other pure Sativas have pretty dinky buds.... but they will also need to flower for an extra month compared to the WW... so I am not worried.


First up, pic of the whole setup:

My not-so-healthy hydro White Widow

Closeup of the "burnt" looking leafs of the hydro White Widow

Shenghai Express

Shenghai Express - Bud

Mozambique Poison

Mozambique Poison - Bud

Zambian Gold

Zambian Gold - Bud

Non-Hydro White Widow

Non-Hydro White Widow - Bud
Awesome - I've got some news that is both good / bad.

So, the hydro plant showed signs of accelerated / exacerbated leaf "burning" that I have been seeing all along. Technically, this is bad... BUT I now know for sure that I'm simply giving it too much nutes (and my PPM meter is broken apparently?).

I just changed out the reservoir again and I added only 1ML / Liter of the connoisseur nutes. She should bounce back with the decrease in nutes. Let's wait and find out...
Ok, well... I flushed the plants since I haven't done that in quite some time. Fortunately, runoff was at about 6.4-6.5 PH.

I think I will add some NPK and see if they like it.

I'm purely guessing here... lol
Ok, well... I flushed the plants since I haven't done that in quite some time. Fortunately, runoff was at about 6.4-6.5 PH.

I think I will add some NPK and see if they like it.

I'm purely guessing here... lol
Quick update...

The plants are about 4 ft. + now

I trimmed off the fan leaves from the main stems to allow light to the entire plant and lollipoped a bit to get rid of the little worthless buds / growth.

This was before the trim...

After the trim from a different angle...

The soil White Widow is doing well...
:goodjob:nice buds,so many smiley faces:bravo:they will get frosty soon:volcano-smiley:
Quick update...

The plants are about 4 ft. + now

I trimmed off the fan leaves from the main stems to allow light to the entire plant and lollipoped a bit to get rid of the little worthless buds / growth.

This was before the trim...

After the trim from a different angle...

The soil White Widow is doing well...
Hope all is well in your world.

Is this grow still alive?

We would love to be updated with some pictures and info.

How about posting a 420 Strain Review?

If you need any help with posting photos, please read our Photo Gallery Tutorial.

I am moving this to Abandoned Journals until we get updates.

Sending you lots of love and positive energy.

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