H0bbyGr0wer89 - 8 Soil - 1 DWC - 5 Exotic Strains - 2016

Thanks Hozona and GreenFingers!

I am very anxious to start - I know the longer you wait the better.

The soil plants are currently at about 13"-15" tall from soil to top of plant, and about 11" in width.

Seems a bit small to me... have you ever begun flowering at this size?

Thanks again!

I'm concerned that the seem to have a little bit of a stretch and a little wiltier than I would prefer... Im trying to get my humidity down and let the soil dry out... dang moisture is taking forever to dissipate.

I just read about the 12/5.5/1/5.5 light cycle and just put them on it. I think I will flower in a week or two... unless y'all think that's too soon

Food for thought, depending on how big of an area you have for flowering do not concern yourself with a target weight per plant, just grow to the size of your grow area you will get better results. If you do not have the space and you veg to long and they get to big, when they stretch your going to run out of room and your plants will suffer for your mistake. The fuller your tent gets the harder for good air circulation, which could lead to things like PM which is not a good thing no matter how big the plant is. Over crowding also means the lower levels of your canopy will receive less light meaning poorer quality buds. Not trying to be a buzz killer but if you grow to the limits of your tent, you will enjoy more quality buds then if you try to cram 10 pounds into a 5 pound tent.
The DWC in with soil really messes with canopy levels I totally get it, I was going to flower 3 in soil and 1 DWC in my tent and ended up deciding on moving them all outdoors and only flowering the DWC inside since it is growing out of control. I will be flipping mine to flower either Sunday night or Monday, not sure yet depends on how soon I can get my outdoor plants in the ground. If you wait for your soil plants to catch up with your DWC, your DWC will be like mine, a freaking Monster who is taking over my tent. Last measurements on it was 40"x 43" across and that was over a week ago when I check I am guessing it is bigger now.
Got my humidity down into the 60's and they look happier now. Much more perky. The little one I found to be pretty dry this morning and looks like it is getting a little too much nutes as well - I watered him/her (don't know yet) with plain PH'D water - should rehydrate, dilute the nutes, and get the tips of those leafs straight hopefully. Don't really care about that one much, though.

After looking at them today... they are looking pretty good in terms of branches/size and as oldergrower mentioned... I don't want to run out of horizontal space. My DWC plant is insane right now too... I think ima push up the schedule and start flowering in 1 week?

PS: I hadn't mentioned this before... but I put an aeration stone (the disc type) in the bottom of the soil White Widow plant's pot as an experiment. It seems to be 9ne of my healthier looking soil plants and I have smothered her with water to test and it seems impossible to over water her. I have even noticed that it wasn't having PH issues like the others... as if it was less sensitive to the PH range - not sure though. Overall... I think it added some hydro-like benefits snd worked out for the better.
PS: I hadn't mentioned this before... but I put an aeration stone (the disc type) in the bottom of the soil White Widow plant's pot as an experiment. It seems to be 9ne of my healthier looking soil plants and I have smothered her with water to test and it seems impossible to over water her. I have even noticed that it wasn't having PH issues like the others... as if it was less sensitive to the PH range - not sure though. Overall... I think it added some hydro-like benefits snd worked out for the better.

I did the exact same thing on my 1st grow and had the same results though it was a real pain in the ass to up pot. If you search google you will see that there are a few who have been growing that way for a while now, though in their you-tube video they make it appear much less hassle free then it actually is.

As for flipping within the next week, I have a feeling you will be glad you did when the stretch period is over.:love:
I did the exact same thing on my 1st grow and had the same results though it was a real pain in the ass to up pot. If you search google you will see that there are a few who have been growing that way for a while now, though in their you-tube video they make it appear much less hassle free then it actually is.

As for flipping within the next week, I have a feeling you will be glad you did when the stretch period is over.:love:
Thanks oldergrower!

Yeah... with the cloth pots it hasn't been that much of a pain for me in terms of transplanting. Where it has been a big PITA is the air hose. I can't move her around as freely as the others. I just poked a little hole in the bottom of the cloth pot to run the air hose through, connected to the disc (after having already removed the plant from its current pot and retrieved it), added layer of soil, transplant the plant and add extra soil around the edges. Done.

Even if I get 1 ounce per soil plant... that is still 5 ounces, plus whatever that crazy DWC spits out (2-3 ounces?)... that is plenty lol. Approaching 1/2 lb even at that low estimation.

Hopefully the lighting schedule I am doing for 1 week will reduce the stretch when I fully switch to flower (it is supposed to).

Once in flower, I am also going to do the diminishing light schedule.

<<removed bad info so I don't confuse anyone and make them go off and try to do it the wrong way>>

EDIT: it is a 1 hour swing total every 2 weeks... and it starts at 11/13. So, it would go from 11/13 to 10.5/13.5 to 10/14... until you're at 9.5/14.5 by week 8.

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Regarding the diminishing light schedule for flower, I found this snippet of information:

"Diminishing Light Schedule for flower cycle: basicly you add 30 minutes of darkness every 2 weeks once in flower; example:

Start of flower - weeks 1&2 - 11/13 cycle

weeks 3&4 - 10.5/13.5

weeks 5&6 - 10/14

weeks 7&8 - 9.5/14.5

Note studies show that once a certian light/dark cycle can have achieved diminshed returns after week 9 (9/15 for weeks 9 +)

Also no dark periods (24 - 48 HR DARKNESS) are not really needed - a personal choice -

It gives the plant less light simular to season shanges . It t hepls in "tic" development and natrual potency of strain - need to watch flower times - ans consider the pre-flower stage"

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I will be following along for this one since I have never used a diminishing return for lighting, I always go 12/12 and if I do not forget the last few weeks drop down to 10/14. With the strains that are available today verses what I could grow back in the 70's and 80's I have had no complaints about trichome development compared to what I got back in the day. That might have been great information 35 years ago, story of my life, a day late and a dollar short :laugh:

Looking forward to seeing how this all works out:thumb:

I set the two male plants outside to just let them do their thing and die.... or live if the sun / rain keeps em alive. They did in fact stay alive, but did not grow at all. Became very pale and the stress I think caused one of them to "bloom" - my sexing was correct... definitely male!

They are now in the trash...

Trimmed up the plants a bit and implemented some LST to open them up and get as much new vegetative growth on them as I can in the last little bit of veg stage. Just about every leaf has direct light exposure now.

I'm tentatively aiming for flower cycle to start in 1 week, but I'll see how they look at that time.

I think they like the "gas lantern" light schedule!

They just seem more rested and happy. Before, on the 18/6, they would begin to wilt and look "tired" towards the end of the light cycle (last few hours). They get a lot more rest with the 12/5.5/1/5.5 schedule.

Just flipped on the 12/12 light cycle! Tonight will be the first full 12 hours of rest - gonna start counting the days beginning tomorrow.

I'm going to start here and reduce light by 30 minutes every two weeks. Let's see how it goes...
Yeah I couldn't wait any longer. It's been about 2 months from seed and they are big enough... it's time. No need in getting greedy ;)

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