H0bbyGr0wer89 - 8 Soil - 1 DWC - 5 Exotic Strains - 2016

Day one

Wanted to document what all of the ladies look like on the first official day of flower. For size reference, they are in 3 gallon smart pots.

The DWC scares me... it's such a beast lol. I'm hoping it doesn't try to double in size during flower! For reference, that's a 5 gallon bucket it is in...

Now the fun part begins!



There is always a silent majority unfortunately

You will find people usually chime in if you ask a question, are running into problems or for pretty bud pictures ha ha

I hate when my thread goes quiet, considering how much work it takes to make it look pretty and give thorough and informative updates :)

They are watching don't worry :)

Here's some environment metrics for y'all...

I keep my temp between 79-84 F and want to keep my RH in the 60's for now, reducing down to 50's once I get some buds going. As for the CO2, I'm looking a little low, at just over 500. Looks like im about 1000 short of optimal.

This is where my curiosity comes in. Now that I have this new handy-dandy meter... I have my baseline (527) and I just mixed up 4 cups of sugar, warm water, and yiest into this "GRO BRO CO2 Generator" bucket - let's see if it actually makes a difference!

I'll give the yeist a few hours to do their thang ;)

Ok - my obsessive/compulsive side is really going to show here... lol

So... I know for a fact that the bucket produces CO2. It gets fizzy and smells like alcohol. However, I also don't have to test it to know that it won't get me to a PPM of 1500 in my 40" X 40" X 80" grow tent.

Upon realizing that my CO2 levels are far from optimal and due to me needing everything to be perfect... I visited my local hydro store and made an impulsive purchase (see pictures).

I have it set up to run for 15 minutes per hour. At the end of that 15 minutes, my grow tent is at 1511 PPM - woop woop. I walked out of the store with everything for $250; not cheap, but better than I've seen elsewhere.

If you look closely at the meter in the third picture, you will see:

79.5 F Temp
64.6 Humidity
1511 PPM CO2

I believe that should be a recipe for happy plants?

Hope it makes a difference!

PS: found some gnats flying around again. *sigh* I sprayed some "garden take down" on the soil and around the plants... should take care of it hopefully. I did notice one plant a bit droopy and I'm guessing that the gnats are the reason.

Hey GreenFingers - thanks for the heads-up!

Currently, my grow tent is completely sealed, with the exception of a charcoal filter/fan running just enough to have negative pressure in the tent. It vents into my garage.

I checked around the tent and from the exhaust fan to make sure I wasn't going to raise CO2 levels in my garage and make me pass out or something like that... seemed to be fine (about 600). And this was at the end of it's 15 minute cycle while it was still running.

I'll be watching it over time to make sure there isn't any buildup in the garage or anything...

Think it will work?
I will definitely have the CO2 leak out and dissipate over the 45 minutes that it is shut off... but it is what it is I guess...? Grow tent's aren't air tight, even if I didn't have the fan.

My (likely false) hope is that... my tent has negative pressure so it won't leak out of the walls (air squeezing inwards through any leaks). And... my exhaust pulls from the top; CO2 is heavier than air... so I'm hoping that most of it will chill around the planuts while fresh air is pulled in and then back out, slow enough that it is not pulling the CO2 up and out with it.

Im pretty sure this isn't how it works... but a man can dream... haha
Welcome, Sara!

Love your LEDs and the customer service is even better!

Thanks for providing awesome LEDs that are affordable for the recreational / hobby grower (aka the "little guy")

Anyone know what might be going on?

I'm using AN nutrients as directed and I just changed out my DWC's water. I usually adjust ph down to 5.5 and let it fluctuate back up to 6.0-6.5 until adjusting it back down again. However, the PH hasn't been rising like it used to.

My only thinking is...

PH? It's at 5.5 right now
Root rot? They are light brown but have always been this color even when healthy.
Nutrient issue? Using as directed, so...

If root rot, how do I combat it?

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