H-LOC A Hydro Living Organic Coco Expirence

Hi AB welcome to :420: and welcome to my journal! Glad your enjoying and thank you very much!

We are at the finale stretch. Im just waiting for the seeds in purple gsc to turn brown and ill take that down. Cant wait to test them!! Hope they dont hermie easily. Ill probably leave the sativa in with my next group. Thwt thing looks like its going to go for a bit longer
That afghan loooks goood i love the purple i want a strain that just has purple in its genes and will purple no matter what lol was thinking maybe blackwater?
Oh hey!! Cant wait! Do you see more initial stretch using vrg nutes a week or two into flip?

All the leaves on purp gsc are falling off. Added 1tsp of ferrilizer to loc afghan and gsc. Gsc is filled with seeds that are in different stages. Thinking 2-3weeks before they mature? Afghan is looking alright but coming to its end. Cant wait to harvest. The trial is over, it works even though it wasnt perfect this grow ill keep trying. I think i have a better idea for next round and i cant wait. The dewey girls are looking alright too, thats another thing i look forward to dailing in. I should get some good seeds out of this! I cant wait to get a new round of 4 organic girls.
They stretched nicely over the past week but time to start flowering now. Still dont want them too tall. Your next LOC should be awesome!
Sup brother. So I wanted to ask how long do you carry on with veg nutes into the flowering stage? Was thinking about a week or two? I used veg nutes too long in my last grow :rofl::rofl: got some lanky wanky going on there
Oh man its a black hole!! But its a great hobby. Id go insane without a grow and no other plant is worth the cost of indoor growing. Cannabis is a quick ROI at least but still!!
I am already counting my nuts. Have been counting one two one two for the last few months :rofl::rofl: excited to get going again so wish me luck! Trying to shoot for getting all set up this weekend. Germinate on Saturday :passitleft:
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