H-LOC A Hydro Living Organic Coco Expirence

I'm good thanks BF, how about yourself? I see you're still working wonders with your girls ;)! I'm sure they will pal, how much longer do they have left? I'm sure mine are still putting on some weight and it's day 10 of flushing today, just waiting on some more of them amber trichomes.

Nice that should help them with some energy to fatten up, you seem to have really done well with the organic growing for your first grow BF, I'm looking forward to seeing if you think there is a difference in taste, interesting you seem to think there is a difference in aroma too.

Hey tk glad to hear it! Im well thanks! Your girls are looking amazing too i cant wait to see your final weight. These girls started flower on 4/12 so about a month to go. The Chernobyl maybe longer. I know i have a long time to go just so antsy lol! I cant wait to get a usb scope to see the trichs!!

Thanks it was a lot of fun and i feel more conected to this grow then any other. I hope the quality stays its looking like loc is my go to right now. Definitely will have a dewey sog on the side though.
Hey man thats pretty cool didnt know that its an ausie product. Yeah so far im loving it!! Definitely reccomend so far.

Oh man sp thanks! Ill discontinue that gal of water then! I only have fungus gnats so its probably not needed. Ill spray in 5 days then!! Thanks sp you saved my harvest man +reps
Didn't you buy some granular stuff that gets spread on top of medium, for gnats? I had a few gnats, but since I started feeding to no runoff, they left. Are you still growing in coco or are you growing hydroponically now? I mean with just water and nutes ? You got so much going on, that I've sort of lost track ? You started this off as a journal where you was going to be growing organically in coco, and that's where my interest lies. i went to up my boost additive, and the price went to $100 a qt.. So I eliminated the booster, still using the PK 13/14 though.
And now you got me thinking about building a vortex brewer !! :surf:
Actually its at 6.9 ph right now, im running AN base nutes so no need to ph down. The nutes are all chelated so available to the plants at a very wide ph range.
Hey tk glad to hear it! Im well thanks! Your girls are looking amazing too i cant wait to see your final weight. These girls started flower on 4/12 so about a month to go. The Chernobyl maybe longer. I know i have a long time to go just so antsy lol! I cant wait to get a usb scope to see the trichs!!

Thanks it was a lot of fun and i feel more conected to this grow then any other. I hope the quality stays its looking like loc is my go to right now. Definitely will have a dewey sog on the side though.

Good stuff, glad to hear you're well :). Thanks pal, appreciate it. Oh man, me too, so close now I'm thinking can't be many more days now till they come down, I can't wait to get that weight lol. Ahh nice, bet that's going to flyby, I think they're definitely going to throw on some more weight then pal, still early days. Haha, I know that feeling mate, I get the same. I can't wait to see how the chernobyl turns out BF, if it's good I'm going to have to get some of those seeds. OMG me too, I really want one of those, it's on my never ending list of things to get, haha. I've seen people plug them into their phones and get great views of the trichomes, much better than a jewelers loop or other magnification scopes.

No worries pal, credit well deserved. That's great you feel more connected to it, got to be them organics lol. I think you're going to be onto a winner. I need way more space, so many things I want to try now .
Hey man thats pretty cool didnt know that its an ausie product. Yeah so far im loving it!! Definitely reccomend so far.

Oh man sp thanks! Ill discontinue that gal of water then! I only have fungus gnats so its probably not needed. Ill spray in 5 days then!! Thanks sp you saved my harvest man +reps
Did you spray the leaves yet ?
Didn't you buy some granular stuff that gets spread on top of medium, for gnats? I had a few gnats, but since I started feeding to no runoff, they left. Are you still growing in coco or are you growing hydroponically now? I mean with just water and nutes ? You got so much going on, that I've sort of lost track ? You started this off as a journal where you was going to be growing organically in coco, and that's where my interest lies. i went to up my boost additive, and the price went to $100 a qt.. So I eliminated the booster, still using the PK 13/14 though.
And now you got me thinking about building a vortex brewer !! :surf:

I did but barely helped. It doesnt matter if they dry out for me. Idk why. They find an way to live. Ive let the loc plants dry out by accident but still has gnats everywhere. The axamax seems to have worked.

Im doing both aeroponics and loc. The brewer is great!

Did you spray the leaves yet ?

No gnats on the leaves and no mites. Dont want burns or anything on the buds so just the stem and coco and fabric pot
I did but barely helped. It doesnt matter if they dry out for me. Idk why. They find an way to live. Ive let the loc plants dry out by accident but still has gnats everywhere. The axamax seems to have worked.

Im doing both aeroponics and loc. The brewer is great!

No gnats on the leaves and no mites. Dont want burns or anything on the buds so just the stem and coco and fabric pot
Azamax wont burn your leaves. And you probably just wiped out a colony of gnats. do you feel guilty for that slaughter ?:surf:
Good stuff, glad to hear you're well :). Thanks pal, appreciate it. Oh man, me too, so close now I'm thinking can't be many more days now till they come down, I can't wait to get that weight lol. Ahh nice, bet that's going to flyby, I think they're definitely going to throw on some more weight then pal, still early days. Haha, I know that feeling mate, I get the same. I can't wait to see how the chernobyl turns out BF, if it's good I'm going to have to get some of those seeds. OMG me too, I really want one of those, it's on my never ending list of things to get, haha. I've seen people plug them into their phones and get great views of the trichomes, much better than a jewelers loop or other magnification scopes.

No worries pal, credit well deserved. That's great you feel more connected to it, got to be them organics lol. I think you're going to be onto a winner. I need way more space, so many things I want to try now .

Man your stuff is going to be great smoke! This Chernobyl is looking like a keeper for sure. I know the pictures they cqn take with the microscope is amazing! Well worth it. Looking forward to pics of your grow

Azamax wont burn your leaves. And you probably just wiped out a colony of gnats. do you feel guilty for that slaughter ?:surf:

They drew first blood!!! I had to send in the moab! Lol
Last night i forgot to unplug one of the red lights so it was on 2 hours after lights out. Wanted to give them a day of dark but forgot to switch a panel off... so they got like 15 minutes today. I am sure 2 hours over isnt going to stress them that bad but ill still give them some dark time. Not sure if that makes a difference

Turning on the lights. Hqve stuff to do in the tent and they shouod be fine. Ill just keep an eye for balls.
I decided to limit my top dressings as it compacts qnd affects drainage. Ill be adding grow stones from now on qnd ill top dress the soil acidifer but the dr earth fert works in the tea so ill just be making nute teas and giving that every two day or as they need.


I added 6tsp of sea bird guano, 4tsp crab shell meal 2 tsp alfalfa, kelp meal, and humic acid, 1 tsp of dr earth flower girl and some bsm to 2-3gal of RO Will add ewc tomorrow and brew 24 hours

Also watering today with epsome salts and bsm.
The hermie is on its last legs. I just beat the gsc xtrm again with it have a few more sacks left to mature so back in the box limped over, taped up and waiting to die. Hopefully those last sacks open over the next couple days. Then ill start work on the box. Depending itll be additional veg space or ill start my dewey sog. Cant wait

Also do to the recent low ph issue im going to drain and fill everyday so there is fresh proper ph nutes until they biunce back
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