H-LOC A Hydro Living Organic Coco Expirence

I hope it works well for your needs! I'm a big fan of z7. My clones would have died of root rot had I not used anything. I'm sure you'll love it!

So far the little buckets have beat my expectations. I really thought aero would be harder. Yeah for cleanup I just run a bleach or peroxide solution for a few hours give a wipe down and rinse. I can't wait to turn the little box I have into an aero cab!

The only thing is since the water is so low, I have to check daily. My plan if we go out of town is to just fill the water up and add an air stone for a hybrid dwc aero. Also not sure how summer will be. My tent is in the 80s and I'm not having problems but it's only going to get hotter. I hope the z7 will be enough. I'll have to get a cooler with some ice water and pump it through the buckets as some kinda makeshift chiller. Fingers crossed I won't need it.
Ill have problems with heat about the time i flip. Ill figure something out by then. Ill be watching when you convert your cab to aero.

Man I hope it will be soon but I highly doubt it, idk. I'm supposed to get a promotion but it's not official yet. If I do then I'm saving up for a premade timber grow light. They actually seem pretty close in price to the diy kits but you just pay a little more since its ready to go. It will probably be over a grand so the box will have to take a back seat.

But I will use the current lights in my tent for the box and the closet.
Tents looking lush and organised. Good job on the DWC
stuff looks like it's working out for you so far. Setups looking
great mate, good job ;)
It done an awesome job on the SK, i want to see how it vegges this grow

That's great! Yeah that thing looks quality!! Plus the fact that one light covers a 4x8 section is amazing. Ledrf doesn't play around! I wonder if I can do that with a timber...

Oh man...

So I've been holding off on doing a water change on all the hydro girls. They desperately need nutes as I tossed my bad bunch of AN. Well returned for store credit. Amazon said maxibloom would be in Friday but it's been sitting on the floor for a few hours. Should have opened the packages first thing! Plants off time is 1900 but oh well they are vegging anyways.

Have to set the correct ph on the new ph pen. That thing has been sitting in its storage solution getting ready for me to calibrate it. Then I will put maxibloom in everything. Shooting for ph of 5.8. Pics to come.
Tents looking lush and organised. Good job on the DWC
stuff looks like it's working out for you so far. Setups looking
great mate, good job ;)

Hey thanks wizz!! I felt very lost at first taking on a lot of new stuff but it's coming together huh? Thanks very much! Hopefully the buds will be good :passitleft:

Oh my dwc leaks too! A little so I am going to seal it with something. Maybe I'll use candle wax on the outside.
Lol youre more hillbilly than i am .

Lol!! I did have a wedding ring but it keeps falling off so I tied it around my neck. The home depot special was supposed to be a temp but I like these o-rings way more then my original ring. It's funny though, my wife is a complete valley girl and I'm definitely hillbilly! Opposites attract I guess!

Dwc broken down


Leaking part






Maxibloom! Strong stuff. I only want 150ish ppm but went well over 400 I think I put half a tsp. I diluted it down to 200-250. Ph on my pen was spot on with the buffers. Ph of 6 for nutes without any ph down.

Dwc and aero cleaned and refilled with nutes and z7


Just found out the mister has a min/max level... Awesome!!
How long would u consider too long for a solution to sit say it's instant nute then forget about it for a week but it's covered and in a cool dry place
9 1/2" DWC; Deep Water Culture Air Stone Diffuser / Bubbler from Red Frog

Check out that air stone I've seen them used in injection pots and I swear by them in dwc. I have five gal roots and it has always been my dream. Guess I gotta find something else to dream up.
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