Growing Without Bloom Nutes By Farside05

The front right showed sex overnight so she got topped this AM. They all got fed a gallon of the 10's. I'm harvesting the other tent tomorrow so these will get moved into it and I'll start some new seeds (NY Diesel and Wedding Cake).
The first NY Diesel has poked it's head up. I worry about one of the Wedding Cake seeds. I dropped it when I went to plant it in the Solo cup. I couldn't find it in top of the soil so I assumed it fell into the hole. I covered the hole and hope that little S.O.B. is in there somewhere. Next couple days should tell the tale. If nothing comes up I'll have to drop another seed.

:cheer: for the sprouts lost and maybe found!

So the "lost seed" was near the edge of the cup and too shallow. Replanted her in the center and back under ground. We're still missing a NY Diesel.

[That's what comes up when you put "congratulations" between two colons.]

Checked with Google to see if that was Congratulations in Chinese. Appears that the stickman roasting a Z shaped marshmallow is just the first image in the pictogram. It's should have a pair of stick Siamese twins after it, with the left head being female.

Didn't see any activity from the other NY Diesel seed so I dropped another. That makes it 11 for 12 on the Expert Seeds Autos. Not a bad percentage.

The back left NY Diesel is probably the ugliest plant I've had in a while. She seems more hell bent on going up rather than our. Lately I've found my best success by topping autos 1-3 days after they show sex. I could top her now to force bushing but I'm gonna stick with the previous plan.

Topped the back left NY Diesel the other day since she showed sex. Overall these all want to go more vertical than bushy. Gonna have to train these more than the last several grows.

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