Well-Known Member
Holy shit you guys started early today and talked a mile a minute! I can tell you I'll be posting pics all along the way. This is going to be the only place I'm journaling the JH!
I vote everyone harvests when they would normally harvest, with the trichomes however they like them. If it makes it easier, when we're all done we can each post our best plant pic and best bud pic (like the contests), to make it so no one has to scroll back through 317 pages to find ones they like.
BTW are we starting at 12am Monday, and if so, whose time zone?
12AM!! Some of us gotta work you know!
How about this: I'm the one in this grow-off that sees the sunrise first, and I have Monday off from work. And no, it's not for this haw! I was going to plant somewhere around 8:00 in the morning when I get up for a coffee. If Shed is in the same time zone as BC, that's 4:00 AM which is pretty unreasonable. I'm not sure what zone Illiz is in. But from one end of Canada to the other end of the attached states is only four hours so just stick the seed in when you get up in the morning. Four hours won't make an appreciable difference and if Shed decides to be an asshole about it I'll even let him keep the plant in the soil an extra four hours. No offence intended, I didn't say you are, that's just in case.