Growing A Legend: An Auto Tribute To Jack Herer

Here is a little inspiration for the Winter JH Auto Challenge...these are my current autos shot today @ exactly 9 weeks from germination:

Man, those are some beauties. I got a couple different things this morning to see if I can focus the light downwards some. Maybe I'll get a little more growth on the go. I'll post what I end up with.
Mmmmm.. .....druelly!
I saw that about the germination and thought, Wicked..... So much for the Yankees having nice big plants LMAO.

You believe everything you read? LOL

I seriously doubt 9 weeks. I doubt that it will start flowering in 2 or 3 weeks. I am thinking that 11 weeks from seed is more realistic.
I know of people that are affected by SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder) due to short days...I think insurance should cover grow lights used to counteract this condition! I love going up in the middle of a grey, often snowy, winter and opening the Box to see green growing cannabis. Especially now when they are budding, and I come back into the house and my 8-year sniffs, looks around the room, and says "I smell skunk".

Skunk indeed, young one, skunk indeed...

I know of people that are affected by SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder) due to short days...I think insurance should cover grow lights used to counteract this condition! I love going up in the middle of a grey, often snowy, winter and opening the Box to see green growing cannabis. Especially now when they are budding, and I come back into the house and my 8-year sniffs, looks around the room, and says "I smell skunk".

Skunk indeed, young one, skunk indeed...

Skunk... I love that stuff. It won't be this year (I got lots to do already) but I will be doing some eventually. When the greenhouse gets done I'll be able to do a bunch of different ones.
You believe everything you read? LOL

I seriously doubt 9 weeks. I doubt that it will start flowering in 2 or 3 weeks. I am thinking that 11 weeks from seed is more realistic.

Mine took 5 weeks to start budding. I'm hoping that what I'm doing now will reduce the time. It's warmer in there now and I'm going to fuck with foil around the lights today.
Third party is cool but if you have an awesome looking plant I am going to say HELL YEAH!

LOL, sounds like the Canadians are wanting to buy a 3rd party judge to rule in their favor!!!
True. We can do the visual vote ourselves. There's enough people watching to police the fairness of that part.

Yeah I think as long as we have the clause that we can't vote for ourselves, we should be fine. Frankly I don't care who wins....just the experience of all growing together!! It brings a whole different type of excitement to growing to me when compared to a traditional grow.
We get a lot of skunk roadkill here so in the car we are always yelling "Skunk!" and rolling down the windows....I ended blaming the dog and my so just nodded and went back to reading.

You want to know something weird? I'm from Newfoundland and there's no skunks over there (or snakes, coons, porkies, ad nauseum). Due to being a pothead, I've always had positive associations with the skunk smell and when I drive past skunk road pizzas I always have to take a deep whiff.
Autos are unique that the clock is constantly ticking and you need to dance to keep up. Size can definitely be influenced and so can the amount/quality of buds....

(but first things first...I need to pop this bean before I start yapping!)

No cheating Blew!! Wait til Monday brother!!
LOL, sounds like the Canadians are wanting to buy a 3rd party judge to rule in their favor!!!

I kind of thought a 3rd party would be only fair. I'll ask my wife to be a judge... she has nothing to do with this stuff.
Yeah I think as long as we have the clause that we can't vote for ourselves, we should be fine. Frankly I don't care who wins....just the experience of all growing together!! It brings a whole different type of excitement to growing to me when compared to a traditional grow.

Totally to compare similar genetics on the same timeline under different conditions. If there is a "update" of everyone's plant every 2 weeks we can say the challenge is "done" 10 or 12 weeks from germ...doesn't mean you need to harvest but keeps the timeline equal.
Yeah I think as long as we have the clause that we can't vote for ourselves, we should be fine. Frankly I don't care who wins....just the experience of all growing together!! It brings a whole different type of excitement to growing to me when compared to a traditional grow.

Since thank and like are one shot deals, I'll respond with thank thank thank thank like like like like.
No cheating Blew!! Wait til Monday brother!!

Definitely waiting....just saying that I will feel much better when she pops....

I want to change the subject here for a post or two guys. I haven't been visiting too many threads the past month; the short days of winter have me a little down and I tend to withdraw into myself. I just want to thank everyone for their patience and kindness for coming to visit me here and on my own threads. You're all top-of-the-line friends, even the Yanks hah.

When I go see the mental health counselor on Monday you'll all be getting a collective honorable mention.

I get it me. We might not get the light loss that our northern neighbors get, but I can tell you with my reduced mobility due to my back and ability to do the things I used to be able to do I feel that weight. Its hard to battle those invisible monsters brother. Its much easier to fight something I see.....but its tough when every time I get dressed, every time shower, every time bend over, every time twist....I get a jolt that reminds me that its not going anywhere. I don't allow myself to throw pity parties...but I just haven't found how to compartmentalize this issue compared to other issues I have dealt with. It just feels like a lot of the times, this back pain seems to be a prison. Its tough for someone that was as physically active as I was my whole life to not be able to any of the things I used to do.

So now I channel everything into my plants. They, along with a great woman and the wonderful people on here are my outlet. But shit man, what I wouldn't give to lose this back pain. I finally get it people say that chronic pain wears on you.....and for me it leads to those mental monsters that are harder to fight.
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