Growing A Legend: An Auto Tribute To Jack Herer

I planted the seeds to my Stankberry's directly into the soil. First time I tried it. I have read that process can potentially lead to stronger plants....but who knows. I am not sure which way I will go with....I might go with a soak in a bowl for a few hours and directly into my 7 gallon pot.

7 gal! Cool! I only got 6L haw!
Holy crap Van if anybody is going to hit up seedsman it better be you..... Other than them I don't know anybody who categorizes there seeds in alphabetical order LMAO.

Dude, if you saw my spreadsheet on seeds you would die. I have different sheets for different things. I have a CBD tab, an Indica tab, a Sativa tab, a hybrid tab, a future buy tab, an inventory tab, a growing schedule tab. I am sure there are a few other tabs on there. I believe my current strain inventory sits about 160 different strains.....give or take a dozen or so.
You must not have followed my other journal huh? If you had Shed, you would know that bugs are no joking matter with me!

Have you not seen my last auto grow? Here is the pic I submitted for Photo of the Month - January:


I did not win, but I take my bugs very seriously too!
Have you not seen my last auto grow? Here is the pic I submitted for Photo of the Month - January:

I did not win, but I take my bugs very seriously too!

Holy crap! That's a whole bloody ecosystem right there. Get out the Raid!
Oh interesting I always thought Jack was one that got up into the 20s. I suppose perhapds the photoperiod versions are stronger.

They are crossed with ruderalis​ which is a low-THC strain. Guess it kind of averages out.
Have you not seen my last auto grow? Here is the pic I submitted for Photo of the Month - January:


I did not win, but I take my bugs very seriously too!

I will gladly give you the bug award....I hate seeing any bugs in my garden!!
But your pot is 4 feet tall dude!!

Well, one and a half, but who's counting. I just got these pic loaded onto my laptop a minute ago. Just took it an hour ago. This is what I'm starting with. There's two seeds in there but one is for down the road

Shed put it into my head to get some foil upso when I went to the dollar store for foil I saw these pie plates and I figured I'd try them too. I don't know why I didn't buy 2 packs

This is the same angle taken with the lights on. I was going to delete it but I like the lighting. Kinda like Frankenweed or something

Here's a pic of either encouragement or ridicule, depending on how good a grower you are. This JHa was planted a month ago today. It was planted when I was getting the insulation and white siding in


And Guy, this is what I still have left of my NYC Diesel. Still four more weeks on it, I think, so I'm hoping to make it to the end


And here's a JHa planted 5 days ago. Once again, you can ooh and ahhh or you can piss yourself laughing,

So that's a roundup of my day in botany.
The foil hats need to get down around the side of the bulbs to reflect back the light that is shining off the side away from the plants. So we shouldn't see the bulbs at all when you take pics of them.


I ended up making mine even longer down the sides later on.

I like that! If I get an indoor growroom later on it'll be about that size. I made sure I got the heavy-duty foil so I can use it to put spanners between them.
See look at that. No one will ever say us Yanks aren't helpful.....even to the enemy....errr....I mean the canadian growers!

Yeah, watch out Yanks, you're in for it now haw! You might as well throw in the towels now.
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