Growing A Legend: An Auto Tribute To Jack Herer

i know that this strain is an auto, but the rest of the gardens time had come, so we flipped...about 6 days ago. The stretch has begun, and she has grown a few inches this week, as well as her undergrowth and foliage looks as healthy as ever.

Obviously I won’t be topping her...but it has me thinking. My JHA that I topped in the co-op grow had 4 main branches, each stretched 12-18 inches depending on what light they were reaching for. This time with no topping, maybe I’ll get some more solid flowers, with similar stretch.

Anyways, have any of you others planted a JHA byproduct, and if yes, how do they look?

Yay, love jack and am growing some now!! Can't wait for it to finish up!
Can't wait for these to finish up!! (A couple shots on F44) This Jack smells so good!!


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