Grow Journal: GJRP420P:00 - Mutts


Well-Known Member
2024-07-14 - 14:00

Alright, instead of continuing the Unexpected Additions thread, I am now going to open a perpetual journal to cover all Mutts, which is plants where there is significant doubt as to the strain. I am thinking the baseline being half the lineage unknown, with the exception of lites, where is pure is bred with anything other than one of its own (which means pollinated by a mutt). I really need to write an essay or something on my methods and protocols and vocabulary soon one of these days...

So starting with Mutt history; my first three mutts were all fully and truly unknowns, each one did get grown out, but only 2 had any sort of harvest.

Mutt:00, which for now I will call LBPTCS:0 (Little Brother's Pre Turn of The Century Seed) is what started my journey in growing and gardening in general. It was a seed saved from some unknown strain he and his girlfriend (now his wife) smoked back in the late 90s. He could not remember what the strain was, or even if they knew it back in the day, so that became my very first Mutt.

Due to being a total noob at this, I really screwed up and even neglected it down in the basement grow room too much, to where I just mostly forgot about it and left it for dead. Come Spring or Summer the next year (2016), we were remembered finally, and pulled the remains from the grow room. The little bugger had actually flowered and made buds during that period, about 1/10 ounce, which gave enough for a couple 5 puff huffs from the little toker. and it did give a buzz. So I went ahead and retroactively dubbed that one Necro:2016.

After that, I started another seed, LBPTCS:1, from the same batch Dave handed over to me in 2015. That became Mutt:01. Due to some unexpected late Spring freezes, she went hermie on me down in the grow room, and was discarded. That was Mutt:01, which even though it was never harvested or pollen collected, is known retroactively as Hermie:2017. I do recall having a few more seeds from that batch that I tried out, but they fizzled out after a while for one reason or another (mostly my own derpiness and inexperience), but do not have any surviving records of any of them, and thus won't be adding them to this list.

Mutt:02 was an "opportunity seed" from 2017 found in some weed given me by my neighbor, who moved out end of 2022. Like with the PTC seeds, there were a small few, but only one makes the list here, since the others did not survive long and I can't remember them clearly enough. Anyway, I call this mutt NCMT:0 (Neighbor Cam Mutt). It grew big and beautiful after going in the cage June 2018, and grew out to make its buds. Unfortunately, we made the mistake of trusting weather reports and panicked, harvesting way too early when it looked like there were a few too many early freezes on the way. She produced no seeds (so not even self pollinated, unless I missed a seed or two during processing), and the bud was adequate, but still total weak sauce. I called that Early Bird:2018. I actually still have a small baggie of the bud, mostly ground up now; which I occasionally hit for some additional variety; and it does seem to have become a little better after 6 years. I have that stuff now labeled as Hot Dog Meat.

Those were the initial mutts that at least helped me get my feet wet.. And all three were assigned the pet project name of Feyleaf. That name is now restricted to whatever the Primary (Subject:00) for my Feyleaf strain.

I had one mutt last year, designated Mutt:03 - Guttersnipe:07 / 2022. It was found among the sunflowers off the west end of my porch.
Porch End.jpg

No sign of any there this year... There were two equally likely candidates for what the seeds were, Feyleaf or Birthday Cake Lite, since that was what I had processed in that area 2022. But I figured it could have also been a long dormant Wildling:00 from 2019 or most anything else brought in by bird or squirrel, thus it qualifies as mutt, plus guttersnipe, as it was growing wild. In fact, all mutts further shown in this initial post are all also guttersnipes.

Before she got too big and attention drawing, we went ahead and transplanted her to the still unclaimed space in the cage out back. If I recall correctly, she had no drama queen period either, and she grew up to be pollinated by the Birthday Cake Lite boy that was on the back porch (also knocked up the two Bubblegums on the porch, as well as the Bitter Sweet Pie, Feyleaf, and its own Birthday Cake Lite sister in the cage).


Her bud was also quite good too, 1.6 ounces, and 4 ounces of what I call Pixie Dust, aka the trim. Out of the bud from this one already, as it only took one jar to hold it all. Now the seeds from that are my Wildling:01-2023 plants which are slated to be noble bred together for a new full name and claim. But that is its own journal (which will finally get its update after Purple Ghost Candy and Wildling:00-2019.

Now, this year, the Mutts have been exceptionally prolific, with the first two being discovered out back within minutes of each other.


First to come along is Mutt:04 - Guttersnipe:08 / 2023, found in one of the strawberry trays out on the back deck. I am keeping her in the tray permanently, since she seems quite happy and content there. Her pet project name is Strawberry Surprise.

And here she is 3 1/2 weeks later...

And now today, 2 days shy of another 4 weeks onward...
CN - Guttersnipe-Mutt-15.jpg

And moments after we spotted her, we noticed this little lovely next to the house, happily nestled amongst a patch of wild Garden Stars of Bethlehem.

Behold! Mutt:05 / Guttersnipe:09 / 2023, nicknamed Bethany. And 3 1/2 weeks later...

Growing up happily in her own pot next to Elmily, the Siberian Elm that was found growing between the layers of chicken wire against the cannabis cage.

And as with Strawberry Surprise, 2 days short of 4 weeks after the above...

And today...
CN - Guttersnipe-Mutt-16.jpg

And due to the 10 picture limit, I must declare...

To Be Continued, with as many of the remaining Mutts as I can fit in. Perhaps I can even get them all in a single post. But time for a little break now anyway for other things.
So then, back on 2024-06-19, I spotted this little guy out in front of my front porch behind a recently planted Dwarf Teddy Bear Sunflower

Mutt:06 - Guttersnipe:10 / 2023

I figured this one could stay put for a little while until it was either noticeable or too heavily overshadowed by all the sunflowers around it.

And as of today...
CN - Guttersnipe-Mutt-17.jpg

She does appear to be too heavily overshadowed now, and will be moved real soon to the planter I have prepared for her. For obvious reasons, this one is being assigned Teddy as its pet project name.

And last Monday (07/08)...

Growing off the east end of my front porch, hidden behind Cleopatra, my elder China Rose among ivy and likely morning glories and bellflowers, I spied this little scamp.

Mutt:07/Guttersnipe:11, project name obviously Scamp. And here is how she is looking today...
CN - Guttersnipe-Mutt-18.jpg

(She is not really anywhere near as blurry as the pics would lead us to believe...)

So, I was planning on letting her live her life out back there and see how she does, but then I was recently reminded, that Her Royal Rotundness, Pepper, The Great Round One(TM), often likes to hunker down in the shade back there during the hot parts of the day when she is too lazy to come in and trod all the way upstairs to enjoy one of four air conditioned rooms.
Great Round One - Porch Lump.jpg

So, Scamp will be getting carefully uprooted and put in a Dollar Tree planter very soon.. That will likely be part of the actual first update for this journal, which will also include transplanting Teddy and taking my first cuttings from Bethany.

In more recent history, Mutt:08/Guttersnipe:12 made its appearance in the most unlikely of places...

as did Mutt:09/Guttersnipe:13

This one was hidden behind the bricks that the other was growing out from underneath. That is just a very very thin layer of mud they are growing in on concrete in a decently shaded part of the porch. They went into Jiffy Pots, but only made it a couple days before succumbing to the triple digit heat wave that was just starting. Oops.

And that brings us to our latest.

Mutt:10/Guttersnipe:14 was an even bigger surprise, as it appeared in the small Dollar Tree planter that has a Wildling:01-2023 happily growing.

I gave her a couple days to grow a little more, then dubbed her Cloverbelle and put her in her own pot.

She also got started on flowering lighting (14 hours dark / 10 hours light) to see if I can get it sexed early and then reveg. Unlike previous sexing experiments, I will be keeping her on flowering lighting up through the end of the month instead of 10 days. And during that period, when in the light, will spend the day in the south facing window of my room until the sun is gone, then under the little blurple lamp on my nightstand until 22:00 when it is put to bed.

Thus far, Cloverbelle is 1/8" (3.17mm) tall from the lip of the planter as of noon yesterday, as well as today.

So that catches us up on the mutts for now. Once other journals are caught up, I will do those transplants and cuttings for this one's next update.
2024-07-17 / 15:30

Small update. Bethany had her first cuttings taken.


Took the 2 bottom branches, dipped them in Dip 'n Grow, then stuck one in a Jiffy Pot and the other in a small container of water.


Don't have too much confidence that this is going to work, because it never has before, and I have not done anything different than how various how tos show.

CN - Guttersnipe-Mutt-19.jpg

Perhaps I will get lucky this time around. I did go ahead and start a journal just for my cloning attempts, which I am sure will be a comedy of errors.
2024-07-22 / 14:15

o/~ Oh, Christopher Columbo, now what do ya think of that? o/~
Christopher Columbo Now Whatta Ya Think of That.jpg

o/~ A biggada fat-a kitty she laid upon my plant... o/~

Well, I did warn myself. Now we see when she gets up how the next line will go. I do not have the highest confidence that Scamp will survive the Great Round One's afternoon siesta. But who knows?

CN - Guttersnipe-Mutt-20.jpg

And immediately after Pepper moved to another spot for a better mix of shade and sun, Scamp appears totally unphased by the ordeal.

Still not transplanting her today though, perhaps in the cool of the morning tomorrow instead.
2024-08-01 / 12:00

Cloverbelle - Mutt:10/Guttersnipe:14 is off flowering lighting and for now, gets to spend time with the little blurple lamp on the nightstand all to herself.

CN - Guttersnipe-Mutt-20.jpg

She didn't get much growth during the past couple weeks, and there were a few days she only got perhaps 4 or 5 hours of light because she kept getting forgotten. At least she was rarely ever late going to bed.


Cloverbelle - Mutt:10/Guttersnipe:14 - Size: 1/2" (12.7mm)

Teddy and Scamp are still in the ground out front, and still need translanted. At least their planters are ready and waiting for them. Teddy is heavily concealed by the bigass sunflower that almost completely toppled over during the brief mega storm we had last week. Fortunately, Teddy is only covered, not smooshed. Once I get the nearly fallen sunflower pulled back upright as straight as we can, Teddy will finally get transplanted.

Bethany's cuttings did not take root after 2 weeks. It is likely that the snippity doodad tool that came with the @SeedsMan Purple Ghost Candy seeds were not up to the task, too dull for taking cuttings.

CN - Guttersnipe-Mutt-21.jpg

So for attempt 2, I used the unserrated knife blade on my Leatherman, and also was able to use said blade to cut a split in the stem from the tip to an inch or so up through the center before dipping them, to get the Dip 'n Grow even better distributed.
CN - Guttersnipe-Mutt-22.jpg

Hopefully at least one of these takes this time. I guess we should know a week from now, though I will give up to 2 weeks before saying nope. Probably about time to start doing the same for the others soon, possibly in the cool of the morning, then will hopefully get my initial cuttings from the four subjects out in the cage.

CN - Guttersnipe-Mutt-23.jpg

In the meantime, the new Bethany cuttings will get a spot in the south facing window up in my room, atop the AC, next to the Eggheads until further notice.
Hey Raven, let’s get ya tuned up on all things cloneish..

How you cut clones is important, right now there’s too many nodes left intact, Its much harder for a cutting to develop roots when there’s a bunch of foliage on top to try to keep alive… only need about 3 to 4 leaves total and many peeps dock or cut the ends of fan leaves to help draw or uptake sap…

Don’t cut with pocket knife or kitchen knife both are way too dull, needs to be razor blade or scalpel, your cutting tools need to be sterile clean, lightly scrape the skin near the bottom of the cutting. The actual cut needs to be made at 45 degree angle which gives more surface area of the cutting exposed to water

for the cutting in water… needs to be a dark sided container. Weed roots hate exposure to light, and since the cutting doesn’t have roots yet it’s even harder to grow roots when continuously exposed to light… clones in water do not need a dome… change water every couple of days

clones in soil, needs well aerated light seedling started soil mix… problem with jiffy pots is there is zero air moving thru the soil… you could drill out the jiffy pot or try dark sided solo or Dixie cup… cut or drill holes in bottom and on sides… clones in soil or coco benefit from a dome but they also need fresh air exchange… after first 5 or 6 days remove the dome for longer period of time each day.. holes in bottom alone doesn’t work cuz the holes are covered when placed on flat surface… so either use cheapie dollar store cookie drying rack or set them on a grate so air moves thru the container & soil… your home soil mix doesn’t have enough aeration… seriously you will never get a clone to take until you get light fluffy soil mix… preferably something that does not have nutes added…

one of the easiest ways to clone is with a cup of perlite… but again the dark sided cup thing matters big time… cup of perlite method… drill 1 overflow drain hole in side of cup about an inch above bottom. fill cup halfway with perlite, add your cutting so the base of cutting sits about inch above the overflow hole, fill remainder of cup with perlite and add water til it drains out the overflow hole… clones in water do not need a dome…

light for clones… needs to be more than just light thru a window… I know that’s old wives trick & works for houseplants but weed clones need consistent light and steady temps… a compact florescent light bulb is good and a seedling heat mat helps the cloning process. Don’t put clones in a cabinet or drawer there’s not enough fresh air exchange… if no seedling heat mat then top of fridge is good alternative but gotta have that good supplemental light… it’s a fine line you can’t blast a cutting with 400 watts but neither can they root in dim enviro, it’s tricky cuz plant needs that food (light for photosynthesis) but we are not trying to grow the cutting - we are trying to make the cutting grow roots…

peace out gotta run - hope it helps!
That does help tremendously, and before I take my first cuttings of the 4 mains out in the cage, I will see if I can salvage these.

So, I am going to forgo planting the cuttings and just do them in water until they root (was planning on using Jiffy Pellets in Jiffy Pots without any yard dirt, but sounds like just having them in water will be fine, one little 2 ounce Solo cup per plant.

As for lighting, wouldn't any light shining down through the water be a show stopper? Should I cover the tops of the cups so only the foliage is exposed?

Going to see what I can do with Beth's cuttings now and report back later.
The jiffy peat pucks are ok better than jiffy pots and I know the aeration thing is weird cuz we don’t see oxygen as a factor in trees or forest… but for containerized weed plants oxygen to root zone is a huge factor

No sir no need to cover or block light coming in from above on cuttings…if you block light you also impede air transfer, even tho they are in water and no direct air transfer occurs into the water… the little 2 ounce cups aren’t big enough… imho…

Up at the top 420 menu is the huge How to grow marijuana link, if you click on that and scroll thru there are 3 huge sections on clones… each section has a plethora of sub links…

also think jiffy pots might work better if you drill out holes on bottom & sides, they are made of compressed peat or coco but think it helps to pre soak them in water few times to start the biodegradable effect. Holes in bottom alone doesn’t work cuz when you set the jiffy pot down on table no air gets to the bottom air holes…holes in bottom alone are fine if jiffy pots are sitting up on a grate like dollar store cookie sheets. Also a cup in a cup is really bad for airflow, I get the idea that it’s a drip pan but cup in a cup kills air flow…

Might help to do rootopsy at end of season and see if roots made it thru the jiffy pots… seriously I’ve see where roots were greatly restricted by jiffy pots because they didn’t break down in timely manner.

aright dude- later gator!
Alright. Here is v2.0 of cuttings configuration now.

I went ahead and cleaned up the snippings as best I could and shortened them, using an actual fresh clean razor blade, and with a 45 degree cut.

Also scraped the bottom of the stems (but also cut a little slit in them), and since the original bits that got dipped were cut off, I redipped them both.

CN - Guttersnipe-Mutt-24.jpg

Fan leaves also got removed and the remaining ones were docked. Now hopefully this is not too much foliage now for cuttings...

As for the Solo cups, I think I just need to stick with them for now and see how it goes...Space is always at a premium). They are also being kept under this flouro desk lamp now for their lighting.

CN - Guttersnipe-Mutt-25.jpg

Had other things do quite well under this lamp. In fact, the Egghead project now gets moved to here after the sun has gone down even.

Going to likely wait another day or two before trying this with the four mains out in the cage.


If not tomorrow morning, then early evening tomorrow, or Sunday morning or evening. At least this is freeing up small J-Pots for other things (am out of them now other than 1 that was going to be for one of the cage cuttings, but doing them just in water, no need.) Should have remembered to pick up another pack when I was out at D&B yesterday for other gardening stuff. Oops.
2024-07-14 - 14:00

Alright, instead of continuing the Unexpected Additions thread, I am now going to open a perpetual journal to cover all Mutts, which is plants where there is significant doubt as to the strain. I am thinking the baseline being half the lineage unknown, with the exception of lites, where is pure is bred with anything other than one of its own (which means pollinated by a mutt). I really need to write an essay or something on my methods and protocols and vocabulary soon one of these days...

So starting with Mutt history; my first three mutts were all fully and truly unknowns, each one did get grown out, but only 2 had any sort of harvest.

Mutt:00, which for now I will call LBPTCS:0 (Little Brother's Pre Turn of The Century Seed) is what started my journey in growing and gardening in general. It was a seed saved from some unknown strain he and his girlfriend (now his wife) smoked back in the late 90s. He could not remember what the strain was, or even if they knew it back in the day, so that became my very first Mutt.

Due to being a total noob at this, I really screwed up and even neglected it down in the basement grow room too much, to where I just mostly forgot about it and left it for dead. Come Spring or Summer the next year (2016), we were remembered finally, and pulled the remains from the grow room. The little bugger had actually flowered and made buds during that period, about 1/10 ounce, which gave enough for a couple 5 puff huffs from the little toker. and it did give a buzz. So I went ahead and retroactively dubbed that one Necro:2016.

After that, I started another seed, LBPTCS:1, from the same batch Dave handed over to me in 2015. That became Mutt:01. Due to some unexpected late Spring freezes, she went hermie on me down in the grow room, and was discarded. That was Mutt:01, which even though it was never harvested or pollen collected, is known retroactively as Hermie:2017. I do recall having a few more seeds from that batch that I tried out, but they fizzled out after a while for one reason or another (mostly my own derpiness and inexperience), but do not have any surviving records of any of them, and thus won't be adding them to this list.

Mutt:02 was an "opportunity seed" from 2017 found in some weed given me by my neighbor, who moved out end of 2022. Like with the PTC seeds, there were a small few, but only one makes the list here, since the others did not survive long and I can't remember them clearly enough. Anyway, I call this mutt NCMT:0 (Neighbor Cam Mutt). It grew big and beautiful after going in the cage June 2018, and grew out to make its buds. Unfortunately, we made the mistake of trusting weather reports and panicked, harvesting way too early when it looked like there were a few too many early freezes on the way. She produced no seeds (so not even self pollinated, unless I missed a seed or two during processing), and the bud was adequate, but still total weak sauce. I called that Early Bird:2018. I actually still have a small baggie of the bud, mostly ground up now; which I occasionally hit for some additional variety; and it does seem to have become a little better after 6 years. I have that stuff now labeled as Hot Dog Meat.

Those were the initial mutts that at least helped me get my feet wet.. And all three were assigned the pet project name of Feyleaf. That name is now restricted to whatever the Primary (Subject:00) for my Feyleaf strain.

I had one mutt last year, designated Mutt:03 - Guttersnipe:07 / 2022. It was found among the sunflowers off the west end of my porch.
Porch End.jpg

No sign of any there this year... There were two equally likely candidates for what the seeds were, Feyleaf or Birthday Cake Lite, since that was what I had processed in that area 2022. But I figured it could have also been a long dormant Wildling:00 from 2019 or most anything else brought in by bird or squirrel, thus it qualifies as mutt, plus guttersnipe, as it was growing wild. In fact, all mutts further shown in this initial post are all also guttersnipes.

Before she got too big and attention drawing, we went ahead and transplanted her to the still unclaimed space in the cage out back. If I recall correctly, she had no drama queen period either, and she grew up to be pollinated by the Birthday Cake Lite boy that was on the back porch (also knocked up the two Bubblegums on the porch, as well as the Bitter Sweet Pie, Feyleaf, and its own Birthday Cake Lite sister in the cage).


Her bud was also quite good too, 1.6 ounces, and 4 ounces of what I call Pixie Dust, aka the trim. Out of the bud from this one already, as it only took one jar to hold it all. Now the seeds from that are my Wildling:01-2023 plants which are slated to be noble bred together for a new full name and claim. But that is its own journal (which will finally get its update after Purple Ghost Candy and Wildling:00-2019.

Now, this year, the Mutts have been exceptionally prolific, with the first two being discovered out back within minutes of each other.


First to come along is Mutt:04 - Guttersnipe:08 / 2023, found in one of the strawberry trays out on the back deck. I am keeping her in the tray permanently, since she seems quite happy and content there. Her pet project name is Strawberry Surprise.

And here she is 3 1/2 weeks later...

And now today, 2 days shy of another 4 weeks onward...
CN - Guttersnipe-Mutt-15.jpg

And moments after we spotted her, we noticed this little lovely next to the house, happily nestled amongst a patch of wild Garden Stars of Bethlehem.

Behold! Mutt:05 / Guttersnipe:09 / 2023, nicknamed Bethany. And 3 1/2 weeks later...

Growing up happily in her own pot next to Elmily, the Siberian Elm that was found growing between the layers of chicken wire against the cannabis cage.

And as with Strawberry Surprise, 2 days short of 4 weeks after the above...

And today...
CN - Guttersnipe-Mutt-16.jpg

And due to the 10 picture limit, I must declare...

To Be Continued, with as many of the remaining Mutts as I can fit in. Perhaps I can even get them all in a single post. But time for a little break now anyway for other things.
thank you for sharing this with all of us, the plant with those narrow leaves I am hoping does something really awesome, I appreciate this journal, and I love the "lil brothers turn of the century seeds" that is the best name ever. Best of life to you friend, I hope that you and yours all have a truly awesome day and I look forward to visiting t=your journal again in the near future
And as of just a minute ago...

Yikes! That has to be a new record for here. That might also explain why the replacement Wildling:01 that started popping in another journal appears to have given up the ghost already.

Fortunately, everything outside has had a decent watering within the past hour. Should be good to go for another hour or two at least...
That’s a blast furnace…

It’s all good Raven, I’m the OG of killing stuff…!

beans and seedlings check,
cuttings & clones killed check
killed some at transplant check,
too much water / lack of oxygen to root zone check,
too strong nutes / too weak nutes check

In my case I guess at some point abysmal failure repeated ad infinitum turns into success.
And as of just a minute ago...

Yikes! That has to be a new record for here. That might also explain why the replacement Wildling:01 that started popping in another journal appears to have given up the ghost already.

Fortunately, everything outside has had a decent watering within the past hour. Should be good to go for another hour or two at least...
hello fellow Oregonian. I am so tired of the heat, I need a home at the south pole, I feel the pain, I have come to the decision that I am no longer going to grow in the summer months, it is not worth it to me having a constant anxiety about the temp inside the green room, and the water temp. Botrytis I am your enemy. :lot-o-toke:
2024-07-22 / 14:15

o/~ Oh, Christopher Columbo, now what do ya think of that? o/~
Christopher Columbo Now Whatta Ya Think of That.jpg

o/~ A biggada fat-a kitty she laid upon my plant... o/~

Well, I did warn myself. Now we see when she gets up how the next line will go. I do not have the highest confidence that Scamp will survive the Great Round One's afternoon siesta. But who knows?
aww the keekee. I know what you are dealing with, it almost makes you feel like you deserve it but you know better lol
And as of just a minute ago...

Yikes! That has to be a new record for here. That might also explain why the replacement Wildling:01 that started popping in another journal appears to have given up the ghost already.

Fortunately, everything outside has had a decent watering within the past hour. Should be good to go for another hour or two at least...
I Hate the Sun right now
2024-08-01 / 12:00

Cloverbelle - Mutt:10/Guttersnipe:14 is off flowering lighting and for now, gets to spend time with the little blurple lamp on the nightstand all to herself.

CN - Guttersnipe-Mutt-20.jpg

She didn't get much growth during the past couple weeks, and there were a few days she only got perhaps 4 or 5 hours of light because she kept getting forgotten. At least she was rarely ever late going to bed.


Cloverbelle - Mutt:10/Guttersnipe:14 - Size: 1/2" (12.7mm)

Teddy and Scamp are still in the ground out front, and still need translanted. At least their planters are ready and waiting for them. Teddy is heavily concealed by the bigass sunflower that almost completely toppled over during the brief mega storm we had last week. Fortunately, Teddy is only covered, not smooshed. Once I get the nearly fallen sunflower pulled back upright as straight as we can, Teddy will finally get transplanted.

Bethany's cuttings did not take root after 2 weeks. It is likely that the snippity doodad tool that came with the @SeedsMan Purple Ghost Candy seeds were not up to the task, too dull for taking cuttings.

CN - Guttersnipe-Mutt-21.jpg

So for attempt 2, I used the unserrated knife blade on my Leatherman, and also was able to use said blade to cut a split in the stem from the tip to an inch or so up through the center before dipping them, to get the Dip 'n Grow even better distributed.
CN - Guttersnipe-Mutt-22.jpg

Hopefully at least one of these takes this time. I guess we should know a week from now, though I will give up to 2 weeks before saying nope. Probably about time to start doing the same for the others soon, possibly in the cool of the morning, then will hopefully get my initial cuttings from the four subjects out in the cage.

CN - Guttersnipe-Mutt-23.jpg

In the meantime, the new Bethany cuttings will get a spot in the south facing window up in my room, atop the AC, next to the Eggheads until further notice.
I appreciate your witt, thank you for being candid
Finally some updates on the Guttersnipes...

First, Bethany's cuttings went nowhere. However, my recent hand pollination of her with Feyleaf Lite - Blue seems to have taken, I think, and if the seeds end up viable, we will have a new Wildling. Bethany is also slated to be put out in the cage in Birthday Spanking Pair:01's spot, (the BDSP ended up being a boy), where she can finish her development au naturale for the next 2 months. I figure she should do better in the ground than in her pot. I may also try to winter her remains (as well as Feyleaf, Purple Ghost Candy, and the Bitter Sweet Pie Lite that will replace the Bubblegum Lite boy.) No harm in trying, eh?

CN - Guttersnipe-Mutt-26.jpg

Now, back on the 12th of August, Strawberry Surprise got dug up from the strawberry tray out back and put in its own small pot, because...

Surprise surprise! Strawberry Surprise turned out to be a boy.
CN - Guttersnipe-Mutt-27.jpg

But that is a good thing, as even though Bethany is with seed from a Feyleaf Lite, Teddy has proven to be a girl and will be finally getting carefully dug up and bucketed in the twin of Strawberry Surprise's trash can planter, and will get pollinated by SS...if he makes new pollen in time now that he is recovered from his transplant.

CN - Guttersnipe-Mutt-28.jpg

His drama queen phase went so long, I was just about to give him up for dead, then yesterday or day before, I noticed he does have fresh new foliage coming in, and this afternoon, confirmed that there are also fresh little pollen sacs showing already.

If the pollination takes, the offspring will be another new Wildling. So far, my Wildlings are WD:00/2019 and WD:01/2023. This one is on deck to possibly become WD:02/2024 unless another Wildling seed sprouts first, then it would be WD:03/2024, or higher. Not certain right off the top of my head how many new Wildlings I have coming up this year, or new pures (either via breeding Wildling siblings or a breedback with Lite siblings)

And finally for now...

CN - Guttersnipe-Mutt-29.jpg

Cloverbelle - Guttersnipe:10 / Mutt:14

Whether this one ends up a boy or girl, it is going to be a pet houseplant all Winter, perhaps longer. Don't have a plan for it right now, so I will just let it do its thing.

As of yesterday - Size: 2 3/4" (6.98cm)
As of right now - Size: 2 7/8" (7.3cm)

Ironically, his weed companion is a mallow instead of clover (unlike Pandorra from the 420 Challenge).

Meanwhile, Scamp is still behind the rose bush out front, recovering from another enounter with the Great Round One(tm) and possible from some of the windy stormy weather we had recently. No pics at the moment though. I'm thinking Scamp will stay there until the rose bush is done for the season (and then I dig him up and put in a planter.) If he survives that, he gets to join Cloverbelle as a houseplant for at least the Winter.
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