GJCN420M-2023:07 - Wildling-01:2023

2024-07-17 / 00:00

No pics for this (would just be a shot of a Jiffy Pot filled with dirt and a name stake anyway, nothing really picture worthy).

Just started a single Wildling:01/2023 in a J-Pot. More when and if it develops.

The big general update for this journal will hopefully happen tomorrow.
2024-07-17 / 12:00

And now the final project to be brought up to date...

420M - CST-0005-Wildling-01-02.jpg

First of course, is S:00, which has not yet been assigned a pet project name. I am not even 100% certain it's a girl yet; but it didn't show pollen sacs during reveg, so that is something at least.

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Speaking of which, Wildling:01 has produced 3 boys already, the third one was discovered possibly a month ago when I was inspecting all the styro cup and Jiffy Pot planted youngsters out back. These three are designated (left to right) S:01, S:03, and S:05. All three are still in the reveg state, all still with pollen sacs, and even still producing more.
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I do believe that S:01 here is the furthest along on his reveg, and hopefully he can finish before flowering time again. I should go ahead and clean the three up as best I can and collect what pollen sacs I can real soon. Just not certain when the best time is to collect them. Can they be collected as soon as they appear, or should I wait until they are ready to open? (which I never know when that is going to happen).

Now, other than S:00, I do have three other not fully sexed subjects, their roles not yet defined.
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I think this is the oldest of the three (even older than S:00). It has matured enough to where its stem has become a trunk.

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And this other one here is probably about the same age as S:00. If either this one or the one in the Dollar Tree planter end up being girls, then they will get pollinated by one of their brothers for a new name and claim, which I am leaning toward either Wizard Weed or Muskflower; uncertain yet which.
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So that is it for this update. Now it is largely hurry up and wait as usual.

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6 active plants total, and three of those are boys. Plus there is the one still unsprouted that went in a J-Pot directly last night. Will be doing one for the next Egghead (growing in an egg carton) experiment soon as well. And that SHOULD be enough of these for the season.
2024-07-21 / 20:00

The midseason backup Wildling-01/2023 started direct in a Jiffy Pot back on the 17th looks like it is starting to break out. I am predicting it will be popped by the 22nd.

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Once it is popped with the baby leaves spread, it will be declared sprouted, like I did with the Birthday Spanking Pair:01 midseason backup earlier today.
Oops. Wrong journal, moving this little note to the Birthday Brats (Birthday Cake Lite / Birthday Spanking) journal...
2024-09-14 / 12:00

Well, the Wildling:01/2023 grow proved to be quite fruitful, even resulting in both a new Wildling, and a new pure via "noble breeding", which I am trying to establish as a more pleasant sounding synonym for inbreeding...

420M - CST-0005-Wildling-01-10 - Roll Call.jpg

I had 5 active subjects total, 2 girls and 3 boys; and they all got to do their thing (and are still doing their things)

420M - CST-0005-Wildling-01-11 - S00 - Kammie.jpg

She is my primary. I tried to keep her pure out back, but nope. Was not gonna happen.

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I've no clue what pollinated her, other than I am certain it was not a WD:01 sibling, or a WD:00 boy. These are the Wildlings I mentioned. No Wildling sequence number applied yet, as that is done on a first collected, first named basis.

420M - CST-0005-Wildling-01-13 - S01 - Kennewick.jpg

I have made this one in the small plastic trashcan my S:01, nicknamed Kennewick. He and his brothers did quite a productive number on their S:02 sister. And what with him still having unopened pollen sacs, his will be collected and the boy will be decommissioned, and planer, with its Dwarf Gray Sugar Pea will get other things for an indoor project all Winter in other growing arenas.

420M - CST-0005-Wildling-01-14 - S02 - Katella.jpg

Katella got very well knocked up via a three vector Gang Bang pollination, meaning all three boys will get credit in my records. :) These seeds are the noble bred ones making a new pure, which is to be called Muskflower-Generation:00/2024. And once the first one has sprouted, Muskflower will get a brand spanking new grow journal, which hopefully happens soon enough to be a 2024 journal, like one of the last for the year.

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420M - CST-0005-Wildling-01-16 - S03 - Tarna.jpg

Tarna, the S:03 boy did a very admirable job, not only contributing to the pollination of Katella, but early on also got to pollinate my Feyleaf Lite S:00 gal while she was revegging in her bucket; making seed pods which disappeared after the reveg. I am seeing a couple new pollen sacs on him, but there is not enough to collect, so he is now declared spent and decommissioned until next year's grow.

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We also have our Midseason Backup assigned as S:04 (on the hopes of a girl), no idea yet. I did just recently give her a sprinkling of Kennewick's pollen just in case she has flowered, in which case, if a girl, will likely develop seeds that will vanish after reveg.

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S:05 never had a name applied to him, but that will be rectified by next year. He also did quite well in the gang bang with Katella, and even has enough unspent pollen sacs to warrant collecting them.

420M - CST-0005-Wildling-01-20 - Tokens TK09 and TK19.jpg

And finally, the two Tokens, TK:09 and TK:19

TK:09 got the same treatment as S:04. TK:19 has been really stretching and chasing the lamp inside, along with most of the other Series 1x series Tokens. Guess it is time to put them outside where Sol can give them the loving light they crave.

There are currently no plans for WD:01/2023 to be represented in the upcoming 2xx series. Instead, WD:01 will be replaced by Woofle Dust-G:00, and I likely will not start any new WD:01 seeds until 2028. I have decided that once a Wildling or a Lite in my inventory has done its thing and reproduced to produce a pure, then it is done and retired for a half decade. Then after 5 years, get one or two going as a viability test, and then every other year after that (Wildling:00/2019 is the exception, and is annual due to them being the annual 420 Challenge subjects...)

Only major updates left now are the Mutts (still waiting until Teddy is transplanted before that), and the Purple Ghost Candies from @SeedsMan; then pretty much done (other than minor things here and there) until harvest and seed collection.

S:00 : Kammie 23.5" (59.7cm)
S:01 : Kennewick 9" (22.9cm)
S:02 : Katella 17" (43.2cm)
S:03 : Tarna 14" (35.6cm)
S:04 : 4.75" (12.1cm)
S:05 : 16" (40.6cm)
TK:09 : 1 7/8" (4.76cm)
TK:19 : 3 1/8" (7.94cm)
2024-11-15 / 22:00

Katella, my S:02 Wildling:01/2023 is still in her 5 gallon bucket, and judging by the sampling I just had of some of the fiddly bits and a small but substantial bit of bud, she can use considerably more more curing time, and will be revisited once the big three hangers and a couple other bucket jobs are done.

The sampler had countless tiny, very blonde and nonviable seeds, another indicator she isn't done yet. I did manage to collect three that, although they are also tiny, actually have some darkening to them to where I give them a 50/50 chance of at least one sprouting, producing the first Muskflower Pair:00-Generation:00/2024. She was pollinated by all three of her brothers (S:01,03,05) in what I call gang bang pollination, and, sure enough, she has a nice load of Generation:01 seeds on her. The initial sampling produced 19 healthy looking seeds, plus a lot of preemies (very blonde or green and nonviable, failing the squoosh test). I just started 4 of them in a damp paper towel, and when sprouted, they will get little Solo cups within a day or two, as part of the TK:3xx Token series, (a bit earlier than planned). First girl will become the Muskflower that goes out in the cage next June. Second will be the one to get bred with first boy to make G:01.
2024-11-18 / 20:00

The first Muskflower seed has sprouted. Time to open that new journal.
2025-01-07 / 00:00

Started 2 Wildling:01/2023 seeds in a damp towel to become the WD:01 Tokens.
2025-01-08 / 15:30

CN - WD-01 - 00 - Sprouted.jpg

The first Wildling:01 seed has sprouted and will assume the TK:405A Token designation when planted.

TtS: 39 Hrs.
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