Grngirl's Hydro PC case grow... My first time!

I planted mine a half to one inch down and all but one came up ok, maybe the seeds was no good or you used a bad medium or they just got to dry (im a noob too, second grow for me)
lookin forward to see what you can do with this setup, i also have some spare pcs :)
Alrighty I am going to try again! I have four more seeds germinating right now. They took almost four days tp pop last time so I put them between wet paper towels and then put them in a plastic bag to keep the moisture in. They're currently sitting between two paper plates on top of my radiator to keep 'em warm.

I'm worried that it is the seeds that are bad because they took so long last time. Since they weren't mine I'm not really sure how old they were or how they were stored. I know they were kept in a sealed bag but that's about it.

hopefully this time it will work! I'm really excited to see how this set up works as well.
I have tap roots again! I've done a lot more research and I think what I did wrong before was a combination of things. I planted the seeds at the first sign of the roots (too excited!) and I think I may have planted them on the wrong angle. I found a diagram on here on how to position them when they are planted and am going to follow it this time around.

Right now I can just see the roots through the crack in the seeds. Hopefully they will start to grow a little faster! It's taken a week to get this far...
grngrl welcome back with new seeds:
and I think I may have planted them on the wrong angle
any seed set into soil when it has sprouted, can be laid in the soil anyway.It will turn itself to always come up to get air and light. Yes, leaving for a couple of days tends to dry out things. Your, set up is almost James Bond like. I love stoners ingenuity. Looking forward to your progress.
Hey guys, came across this site whilst planning for a case grow also!

This will also be my first grow! Your setup looks great by the way. Me and my friend have been doing a lot of research into indoor growing but we are having trouble deciding what sort of lights to use. We plan on growing a indica plant in a coolermaster wave case (7.7" x 21.6" x 17.8"). We also aren't that positive if we should use a hydroponics system or not, is there a big difference using one over soil and neutrients?

I'll be keeping an eye on your progress grngirl, best of luck!

alrighty! i'm going to give the seeds one more night and then will be planting them in the rockwool tomorrow. I pre-soaked the rockwool in a watered down solution of my veg nutrients because I read on here that it could help the seedlings grow. Tomorrow is my birthday so I hope that brings me luck!

I've had a garden for years and have always had a green thumb, but these seeds have killed my confidence. I think it's because I am way more excited for this harvest than I am for my usual lettuce and such. :bitingnails:

grngirl... where about in eastern Pa. Do you live?

I live in the allentown area. Where are you from?
Hurray!! I had given up on ever getting something to grow. I swear I tried everything... I had to use a razor to get all the seeds to start to open and the best I got was the tiny peak of a tap root after a week of soaking the seeds in a cup and then germinating them in a paper towel. I threw three seeds in a cup last night as my last try and this is what I found when I got home from work:

it happened over night like magic!! Does this mean I got it correct by luck, or could the seeds I have been trying to grow with be bad somehow? either way I am going to shower this little seed with love and pink girly thoughts. I am nervous because none of my other attempts worked. I really want this one to grow!
glad you got lucky with one. you might want to germinate more seeds "just in case":bong:

I remember when my girls first broke ground, I was just like that, checking on them every couple hours like a worried parent.
all you have to do is give them what they need and let them do their thing, you'll be surprised how strong these weeds are :grinjoint:
Hurray for you. I'm thinking that something was wrong with your seeds. Most of mine crack on their own after only a day or two in water. You're on your way now.
I have a sprout! Wow it grew fast! I planted the seed last night and when I checked it this morning the top was already poking through the rockwool. As of about an hour ago the shell of the seed had fallen off and the two leaves were seperating. I have a three more seeds in a glass of water because I want to start with two or three plants. hopefully they will be good!
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