Funny smoking story- bad pipe etiquette
1995..A friend of mine was playing interstate at a big dance party. Me and him caught a bus over and met the organisers at the station. Went back to their house, spun some tunes showered and headed off.. Got to the party, was fairly early, 9pm and the crew had just finished getting it all ready..would have been 30 people there.. Suddenly it was a big circle, really nice vibe and cool friendly people. My mate being one of the main djs, we get the warm welcome.Now we are bong smokers, mix and mull. But a pipe is pulled out and a fair chunk of bud is put in. Im standing next to the dude, being friendly, he passes it and the lighter to me to have the first go. I have a toke, another go, would have had about twelve goes at this thing to finish it. Dude breaks the bud packs it and gives it to my mate. He does same thing, maybe couple less toke but sucks the shite outta it to finish it. Passes pipe back.. Dude fills it, has a toke, passes to the next dude and around it went, each having an enjoyable toke and passing it to the next person, lol.. No wonder south Australians hate Victorians, lol. Moral of the story is, get in first, lol.... Lots of funny things happened that night. A mate stole his mums car and did the 8 hour drive over, lol.. Had to make a bong out of bits we could find in paddocks as the same mate sleept halfway home, lol...