GrizzWalds - Aussie Indoor/Outdoor - Choose Your Own Adventure

Hey Grizz, how's the trimming coming along? All good I hope.
Hey blacksmith.... Slowly man, been flat out working, doing close to 12 hour days, just been doing a basic strip of them.. Hope I finish job Tuesday then have few days off to do it... How's your girls? Did you save them and get the greenhouse up?

I had to look at your house again. Good Lord.

Looking at yours, it occurred to me that I don't have enough closets, bathrooms, living rooms and bedrooms to dry mine if things go half as good as I would like. Not even in stages as the different strains mature. I might be sleeping with the pigs for a week or three.

Heck of a harvest Grizz. And good luck in the POTM contest!!
Good luck to you to Heirloom... I've slept with a pig before, they cuddly and love you for it... She did over take my house... Awesome on bid seeds man, I'll need you to breed them up and send some over.. I really want to get some of the durple pream he was breeding....

Effing A Ditty bag full of good buds Grizz. Glad you got her down safe now on to the hard work. Wish I was there to lend a hand.


Only part of the growing process I hate man,the weak link in the chain, got bad here,glad I got her down.. Only take 13 hours on a plane, you could be here before it dry, lol... Hope all is good Captain...
Hey Grizz, yeah all sorted with the cover, I've started pulling the finished ones, and have already spent 3 nights in the shed trimming, long job and I'm running out of drying room fast, but I'll manage. Have a great day bud.
I just dug her up, took some photos of roots... Look at that turnip tap, lol...


Dude, did you have to use a chainsaw to trim the branches off or what? BIG! Bush.
Thanks Toddosh... Wish it wasn't me doing the trimming, lol...
I hear you Grizz, I'm only half done on mine, which is much smaller than your job, and I feel sore all over from it, you wouldn't think so, but it's hard work.
Thanks Bapple :rofl: she wouldn't budge when I went to pull her up, once I got to the tap root and saw the size I had to get it out to show... :passitleft:
Heirloom, it's an Olympic year.. Can't wait for this gold medal performance from you, lol... Lots of reading in your journal. I need some pictures so I don't get lost in it :rofl:
No no, I'm just teasing, lol.. I do read big post from you but might have to confess to skipping others, lol...
Why did you pull her out bud, or did I miss something that was said earlier?
Blaze.... ? Wasn't going to try and keep her going....
Hoz.... maybe they should go into the firewood shed, lol...
Hidan, thank you and welcome... Well no need for pot pourri or incense at the moment, lol... I love the smell, especially now, as it's only whispers of it you get, like when entering on opening doors....
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