Graytail's 4th Perpetual: 4x4 Samsung Panels

Think of government as a has to fly. It has two wings and it uses them whatever way that needs to, together or opposite of each other to achieve its goal. Most people think that the political lefts goal is much different than the political rights goal. That would be true if they were different birds all together. But if its the same bird..then what? Whats the goal of government. Control....always has been, always will be. So the the left wing and the right wing of the same bird work together for the goal! You following me yet?

Most people tend to view the political right and the political left as opposite entities. I say they are simply opposite ends of the same machine with one goal.

The illusion is the goal that the media paints for us to believe! The left wing and the right wings are illusions....the choices it has forced us to "chose" from. This is why the media is such an important part of any government, and why its controlled so closely.

Thats probably a little deep for most of y'all.
And this was in response to you @dynamo1 , sorry I meant to quote it before replying
I understand the political machine, but there are those who are not a part of the political machine. I don’t think people understand just how many would like to see the current political system abolished and pretty much start over again. During the revolutionary war only 3% of the population changed the entire political scene.
And don't forget the profit.....Profit as much as you can while controlling. Thats the second goal of government! Ever see a former Senator or HOR come out of office anything less than wealthy? Go do the math on these guys and gals net worths when they entered office and when they leave. Then tell me shit ain't fishy. Control and profit.......
You guys remember that cartoon of the Wolf and the Sheep Dog.....the Loony Toons Cartoon. They would show up in the morning, "Morning George" "Morning Ralph" and they would punch in. Then that episode they would do everything they could to either get the sheep or save the sheep. Then the whistle would blow and they would stop, punch out, "See ya tomorrow George" "See ya tomorrow Ralph".

Well thats the illusion we are led to believe politics is LOL. All the while playing the american public for the fools they are.
I understand the political machine, but there are those who are not a part of the political machine. I don’t think people understand just how many would like to see the current political system abolished and pretty much start over again. During the revolutionary war only 3% of the population changed the entire political scene.
Things were a much more simple time. Eat and stay warm during the winter. Anything that threatened that was viewed as a serious threat to your life. When you didn't have much and having to give anything else would mean not being about either eat or stay warm during the winter, well you are willing to throw down for a lot more reasons!

People in todays times thankfully have no clue what that life is like (for the most part...I know there are parts of the country where people still chose to live that basic style of existence). So no one really can relate to being willing to fight to keep what we have. "Oh shit, another tax hike, guess I'll bend over and take it in the shorts again". Another 2% or 3% ain't gonna make enough of a difference that they face the "starve or freeze" . Hell, take it in the shorts enough and there is a convenient system in place that will get you by for a while.....or longer :cheesygrinsmiley:
We can't have more than two choices though, or we'll end up being ruled by a plurality instead of a majority. I'm grateful for the 2-party system. Parliaments seem too chaotic to me. If one Party starts to collapse though, maybe we could substitute a more Libertarian choice.

I've often thought that we need a Delegislature - a 4th branch - dump all the useless outdated stuff on a regular basis. Otherwise it'll just keep growing. A Legislator's job is to legislate, supposedly. That's what they get paid to do, either by us or the special interests. You notice how they don't even do that anymore? Whole years go by without actually doing much. That's usually a good thing, but still ...

I love Capitalism and I love Federalism, but I agree - I'd sure like to find a better way of making it all work together. This sure ain' it. I wish we'd all just go pursue our goals without watching to see if there's anyone to blame.

Im not saying I got the answer Gray, I'm just telling you the dynamics of the game.

I love capitalism as well. Believe me brother, I've been around, 30+ different countries and to all 50 states in the USA.....I've seen a lot of places you guys never want to see. I've witnessed stuff (that never made news) that still 20+ years later tears my soul and brings tears to me (even now). As fooked up as this country is right now, its still the best option on the planet.
I love the idea of the 4th branch....though I loath the idea of a bigger government!
People in todays times thankfully have no clue what that life is like

I've been wondering if that's not a big part of it. The Depression and the war years still live in me from my parents and grandparents. I still remember their root cellar with the canned goods and the balls of string and rubber bands and foil. Shoes were expensive. There was virtually no access to credit. You had only what you had.

I don't think that's a cultural memory anymore. That couldn't ever happen again, you see. "Someone" will take care of stuff.
When I was growing we didn’t have running water. We had an outhouse and a well. We heated a 2 story home with a single coal stove in the living room. All of our veggies we grew and canned ourselves. Grandpa would wheel and deal for pork and beef and we raised chickens, rabbits and pigeon for meat and eggs. So many people have no clue.
My grandfather fought in WW1, then married and raised 4 girls during the Depression. He worked building textile mills. He'd sawn off parts of most of his fingers by the time I was born and old enough to remember him. Shoulda seen him shuffle and deal cards. I remember staring at his fingers, amazed. Tough guy, that man. I doubt he would have been very patient about whiners. :laughtwo:
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