Graytail's 3rd: 4x4, HiBrix, Latest LED Tech, Lots Of Light!

I second both. :laughtwo:
Hello Gray, Happy Holidays and another inspiring update. About the pre-holidays convo we were having here on nodes growth (parallel as opposed to offset nodes) I haven't noticed much in the way of regularity. Some of my plants from seed start offsetting mid-veg while clones pretty much hit the soil that way. Some from seed stay parallel and one clone switched to parallel.
I did notice one of our plants from seed went back to parallel nodes around 1/3 of the way into bloom so as I said; I don't see any type of regularity but let's remember though this wasn't a study just a quick observation since we had that convo.

On another note.... Is this the right Promix Gray?

Joyful New Year to you and your family, Grey :tommy::passitleft:
On another note.... Is this the right Promix Gray?


That will work, but if you can find the "HP" version = high porosity, that's the stuff to get.
If you go with the non-HP version, it might help to add a little additional perlite.
Thanxx Pita and Happy Holidays. So HP it is but other than the extra Perlite I'd have to add is there any difference between the two? This is twice the price when you add the S&H. The other one has free shipping with prime and I buy perlite locally.

Thanxx Pita and Happy Holidays. So HP it is but other than the extra Perlite I'd have to add is there any difference between the two? This is twice the price when you add the S&H. The other one has free shipping with prime and I buy perlite locally.

Back at ya, Reg!
AFAIK, the added perlite is the only difference. That version has the myco. :thumb:
I'm not sure how much of the "Kit" you received and will use, but if you are working from the instructions for a full soil cook, it uses the larger, 3.8 cu-ft. bale - not the smaller 2.2 cu-ft size.
A couple years ago, I called Premier and talked to one of their people in the mixing plant. :cheesygrinsmiley: All their peat-based mixes start out the same, with added calcium to balance pH. Then they add ingredients. So yes, any ProMix product will work. But you'll want to end up with about 20% perlite if you don't go with the HP mix. The Kit has its own mycos, so you can get along without that.

And yes, the Kit is for a 3.8 bale, not a 2.2

[Edit] I've used this one, too, for a couple cooks - added some perlite and it worked jus' fine.

It's time for the last update of the year! :yahoo:

I managed to break up the whitefly party and most of them have disappeared. SNS 209 as a foliar application is pretty effective. :cheesygrinsmiley: I'm still doing the systemic treatments in the water every other time, too, but it was the foliar that stopped the frenzy. They were really getting out of hand, damaging leaves and leaving a mess behind. It's nice to see something work. So you'll see some spotting on the leaves, but that should stop now.

Rio1 started growing some nanners on the lower budlets this week. She's only 8 weeks into bloom and I had planned for 10 weeks, so it'd be nice if I can keep her going another week or two. I picked off the nanner buds and I'll watch to see if it gets worse. You can often nurse a plant through this. Frost looks good ...

RioCut1 - 138 days old - 56 days 12/12 - 46 since pistils



Tikal2 is looking pretty darned good! I wasn't sure how long she'd keep up this bloom surge, but it's already been almost two weeks. Nice fat calyxes and creamy pistils!

TikalCut2 - 196 days old - 84 days 12/12 - 72 since pistils




CarnivalB is going to be six colas and not much else. :cheesygrinsmiley: It seems like a small plant - I can't really tell - but the buds should be quality.

CarnivalB - 134 days old - 49 days 12/12 - 39 since pistils





Grin1 is going to turn out well. She's a nice big plant and she's frosting up sooner than her mother did. Six weeks to go. :laughtwo:

DrGrinspoonCut1 - 109 days old - 39 days 12/12 - 29 since pistils





I can finally see how Taskenti will probably turn out and I think I managed her fairly well. She grew so slowly all the way, I didn't how she'd react to bloom. I didn't get much stretch but the colas look like they're going to fill out. Five weeks to go, according to the breeder.

Taskenti - 114 days old - 28 days 12/12 - 18 since pistils




Grieg1 is yellowing early so I'll have to keep an eye on that. She's in a fabric pot just like Rio1 which is also yellow. There must be a difference in how I should manage the two kinds of pots. I'll figure it out. :cheesygrinsmiley:

Y GriegaCut1 - 109 days old - 28 days 12/12 - 18 since pistils




I'm very unimpressed with Rio2.

RioCut2 - 138 days old - 20 days 12/12 - 10 since pistils




Chan1 goes into the bloom room today so she gets to have her picture taken with the big girls. :cheesygrinsmiley:

Channel+Cut1 - 90 days old




Here's Freddy's Best, a week after her topping. Everything went well and she'll probably go into bloom in two weeks, maybe sooner.

Freddy's Best - 97 days old


CarnA1 got upcanned and topped - 109 days old, and CarnB1 soon to get the same - 65 days old


Another CarnB - 65 days old - and a Rio - 55 days old


Grin2 - 35 days old


Happy Gnu Year, Gray! :adore:
That Rio looks amazing Graytail! I hope you can keep it going the two weeks. That's the best time for bulking up, isn't it? Damned whiteflies mucking up your sugar leaves. :straightface: I'm glad you finally found something to get them under control. I have that delightful thrip infestation awaiting me when I get home. Oh joy. :laughtwo: Ahhh.... The thrills of cultivating, eh? At least there's nothing but cover crop in my pots right now.

So the breeder says 5 more weeks on the Taskenti? What are you figuring? Your Carnival looks so sweet it made my mouth water. Mine made the best tasting and most delightfully zippy potent brownies I'd baked in the last ten months. Can't wait to try more. Only five weeks to go. LOL! Somebody remind me what vacationing means. I seem to be incapable of just doing nothing.

I'm curious, how much sooner than her mother did grin1 begin to frost up? It's easier to ask you than to go back and look. It's late and the eyes are tired from a long day of study, so I hope you don't mind indulging me. :battingeyelashes:

Freddy's Best looks like it's going to be a real winner Graytail. What a beautiful specimen at this point, and now that you have the dreaded white flies under control it could blossom into something truly special.

Thanks for another marvelous update to end out our year. It helped counter the bit of homesickness I'm beginning to feel. I should get home about the time you harvest the Taskenti. Sweet! I can't see well enough to stroll through again (already did that twice - never enough) so I'll see you again in the morning. Nice of you to leave such a tasty end to a very good day. I'll sleep with visions of frosty sugar leaves dancing in my head. :laughtwo: :green_heart:
thats a beautiful way to end the year! very frosty!! :)

Happy Gnu Year, Gray! :adore:

Thank you, gentlemen. :cheesygrinsmiley: This year sucked, but the previous year sucked AND blew, so that's an improvement! :thumb:

Maybe this new year might not even suck! :yahoo:

I'm really appreciate the white stuff falling here this winter

I do seem to have the trich-making thing in the groove - but my environment needs some overdue attention if I want to have prettier plants. :laughtwo:

That Rio looks amazing Graytail! I hope you can keep it going the two weeks. That's the best time for bulking up, isn't it? Damned whiteflies mucking up your sugar leaves. :straightface: I'm glad you finally found something to get them under control. I have that delightful thrip infestation awaiting me when I get home. Oh joy. :laughtwo: Ahhh.... The thrills of cultivating, eh? At least there's nothing but cover crop in my pots right now.

So the breeder says 5 more weeks on the Taskenti? What are you figuring? Your Carnival looks so sweet it made my mouth water. Mine made the best tasting and most delightfully zippy potent brownies I'd baked in the last ten months. Can't wait to try more. Only five weeks to go. LOL! Somebody remind me what vacationing means. I seem to be incapable of just doing nothing.

I'm curious, how much sooner than her mother did grin1 begin to frost up? It's easier to ask you than to go back and look. It's late and the eyes are tired from a long day of study, so I hope you don't mind indulging me. :battingeyelashes:

Freddy's Best looks like it's going to be a real winner Graytail. What a beautiful specimen at this point, and now that you have the dreaded white flies under control it could blossom into something truly special.

Thanks for another marvelous update to end out our year. It helped counter the bit of homesickness I'm beginning to feel. I should get home about the time you harvest the Taskenti. Sweet! I can't see well enough to stroll through again (already did that twice - never enough) so I'll see you again in the morning. Nice of you to leave such a tasty end to a very good day. I'll sleep with visions of frosty sugar leaves dancing in my head. :laughtwo: :green_heart:

I went back and found the pics of DrG at this age, and I was wrong - this one isn't any quicker and it's not as full either. I can easily see the damage from low humidity - lots fewer fans and fewer buds, too.

Freddy's Best has been disappointing up to now, but it's finally starting to look like it has some potential. The base of its stem is almost twice as thick as the others which probably means it has a robust root system, so we'll see. It's a Skunk-based concoction from Dutch Passion, and I haven't been thrilled with any Skunk I've run, or with DP, so ... whatever ... the name was impressive. :cheesygrinsmiley: I took cuts. If they survive, I'll run one - if they don't, meh.

I think I'm going to be pleased with Taskenti. I may have to give that one some extra attention - my first indica after all. :cheesygrinsmiley:

Great looking plants. You might process your Taskenti into hash, the best thing you can do with quality indica.
I've been growing and harvesting and jarring for two and a half years now, and I told myself that one day, I'd get 'em all out and take a picture. Today is that day! :slide::cheesygrinsmiley:

As it turns out, I have 62 jars, most of them with an ounce or so in 'em. :laughtwo:

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