Graytail's 3rd: 4x4, HiBrix, Latest LED Tech, Lots Of Light!

Yes Shiggs, the part i like the most is....there's absolutley NO guess work , no messin around with this or that , just great results all the time! Try and remember the "less is more" with the kit. If they look great don't feel the need to up the doses of any one Drench or foliar spray....stick close to the directions for a few grows....then start to tweek things after you have some experience and a "feel" for the "kit". Cheers Gang!

that takes out more then half the fun!

Wish i had a high brix leaf tester for my non doc brix soil..curious to see how high my rich green leaves register.

As always, top job GT:thumb:
I now have someone to verify that when I go through your updates it really is a continuious stream of "GRAYTAIL - DAMN!!! Good grief! WTH? Good Lord Graytail! " Yep, reading your updates is a visceral experience. :laughtwo: Every one a beauty, but that Rio is indeed the yummiest. I'm closer geographically now, so if you send coordinates I can come by and help with that harvest you're planning...... No? Shucks!

I wish I'd had your lights for my Carnival. You're growing huge plants this year and it's such fun to watch them explode in growth week-to -week. That's mostly what prompt all those exclamatory statement while I'm scrolling through. It's such a shock how much more growth there is and the increase in trichomes makes me catch my breath. I can see you in my mind's eye with a big grin as you admire the garden. This feels really good doesn't it? Even the pesky whiteflies can't put a damper on the mood.

I can go to bed now. The day is complete. Thank you Graytail for topping off a wonderful day. I'm beat. Lack of sativa influence has made me tired. I'll take my third walk through tomorrow after a good night's sleep. Great job Sir. :battingeyelashes: :bravo:
Beautiful Plants Graytail!!! Can I get a McBudd special with a side of frost!!! :thumb:
Another 1st class update Gray! How long do you think you'll run the tikal? I got a couple different phenos in flower now and no clones behind them so I think this is it for me for a while. Gotta try more ACE they are all so good! :goodjob:

I really don't know how long this Tikal will go. My current plan is to just watch and see what happens. :cheesygrinsmiley: I want to see if I can get some color from it, too.

[Edit] And I'm done with Tikal for now, too. On to the next couple dozen strains on the list! :slide:

Beautiful plants & update GT. I get a few white flies every outdoor season. Spinosad knocks out the West Coast white flies every time.:Namaste:

I'll have to try the spinosad. These aren't yer normal whiteflies. It's a domesticated inbred line I've cultivated for 10-15 years. The came with my indoor hibiscus and would feed heavily on it every winter. It is long gone now, but apparently they've learned to digest the sugar laden HB sap. And herbal oils don't seem to faze 'em much either. I could live with 'em if they didn't produce so much "honey". :laughtwo:
Spinosad is good stuff, I have used it against thrips and spider mites with 100% success each time (spidermites I use a 3 part combo). I read that you can also use Spinosad systemically through your feedings as it was tested on tomatoes in rockwool and had great results. They recommend to start minimal though if used in feedings just to make sure the plants react accordingly and it is supposed to work for up to 3 weeks per application :) Love that stuff :) I use Captain Jacks Deadbug by bonide :)

I've also read that despite the claims of high brix plants repelling pests, test results were inconclusive and showed no correlation in pest determent, I will dig up the research if I get a chance. I will post it in my journal and actually just found it so if you wanna check it out, it will be up in a few minutes :)

BTW, you got my vote for NOTM! beautiful entry Graytail!
:ciao: Gray. Your updates always have inspired me to reach for that next level of growing skills and that's not ego rubbing; I mean it.
Try clove of garlic in a pot :cheesygrinsmiley:
:ciao: Gray. Your updates always have inspired me to reach for that next level of growing skills and that's not ego rubbing; I mean it.

Graytail's updates inspired me to lop 8" off each of my two leaders on a Snowcap tonight.

If that isn't growing my skills, it sure keeps my ego humble looking at the fine apical foliage no longer attached.

Thanks for the inspiration GT
Try clove of garlic in a pot :cheesygrinsmiley:

Wow Conradino! If this works we're all gonna shake our heads and wonder why this didn't occur to us earlier.
Graytail's updates inspired me to lop 8" off each of my two leaders on a Snowcap tonight.

If that isn't growing my skills, it sure keeps my ego humble looking at the fine apical foliage no longer attached.

Thanks for the inspiration GT

:laughtwo: :high-five:

It hurts, don' it? Gawd, that's an awful feeling, those first few seconds after the cut. "I just did what??!" But mine usually make me glad I did it, in only a few days. The canopy starts to come into shape and you can see how the new plant will look.

Graytail's updates inspired me to lop 8" off each of my two leaders on a Snowcap tonight.

If that isn't growing my skills, it sure keeps my ego humble looking at the fine apical foliage no longer attached.

Thanks for the inspiration GT

You remember my post when I topped Carnival? :laughtwo: There was a ten minute pause between my first picture and the moment I actually made myself do it. It was physically painful to do that first cut. LOL! She leveled that beautiful canopy within three days. You're going to be a convert Rad. I'm proud of you for paying attention and having the courage to do it. :high-five:
If it bothers you, you could Try FIM and HST instead so you don't have to waste 8"?

Actually, topping is often better. If you wait until the plant is rather large, and lop off 8 inches, you'll end up with 4-5 pairs of good strong side stems to train into a canopy. I don't FIM but I've done a lot of LST/HST. I even did one of each - LST and topping - on a pair of clones, and they ended up with almost identical yield. Topping doesn't slow the plant like it seems it would. At that age it's pretty hard to hold back that explosive growth.

Now I tend to LST clones and almost always top seedlings. Clones have alternate nodes that make it harder to top well.
Topping always hurts me. It helps if I know I'm going to put them in the cloner, but you can only clone so many....

But topping the way Graytail recommends gives you those lovely level canopies of big, thick buds on strong and healthy branches. It's hard not to notice how well this works out.
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