Graytail's 3rd: 4x4, HiBrix, Latest LED Tech, Lots Of Light!

. . . In addition, I always want to have something like Destroyer or DrGrinspoon onhand. They both have that great Mex/Thai buzz. :love:


You don't know how good that sounds to me. My Auto CBG is based on the Destroyer from CannaBioGen. Since I grow for only my wife I have to rely on second hand opinion and reviews. I feel like I understand Mex/Thai buzz. That is just what I am looking for. She has been a regular since the late 70s, if that makes sense. If it reminds her even just a little of the Thai from then, it is a winner.

Another month I should have a sample bud for her.:love:
I did it! :laugh: :yahoo:

Rio3 is now sitting in 15 gallons of soil. I was concerned about this plant because it's looking very "thin". Shiggity pointed out its leafiness and when I focused in on it I realized that it seemed like it had run out of oomph. I've been wondering lately about my timing and the root mass in the pot. When I ran 70-80 days in veg, I'd usually flip a few weeks after the final upcan. But I'd read Doc, and he typically does the flip and the upcan together, which means that the roots are in full growth mode as the plant begins bloom. So I wondered about that. And then I see this condition in the Rio3 and it reminds of a few other plants that seemed to tire before the flip. Rio3 has been in the 6 gallon pot for 84 days. I would imagine the rootball is complete, no? :laugh:

So it'll be interesting to see how this plant reacts to suddenly getting access to 150% more soil just as she goes into bloom. I used soil that's been cooking for a couple months, and watered it in with a full Trans/Tea dose.

Vedremo. :slide:




Bravo Master Greytail. :bravo: Whiteflies are still on the wane? This is gonna be a fun ride. :laughtwo:

Bravo Master Greytail. :bravo: Whiteflies are still on the wane? This is gonna be a fun ride. :laughtwo:


I'll still need to treat the remainders but they won't be able to hurt the plants anymore. (... pretty sure ... :straightface:) :cheesygrinsmiley:

That Bloom is going to go KaBoom!!

You put it in a tote?? :high-five:
In the past Ive wondered why no one ever grew out of a tote..
Yours..theyre only 15gal? my totes are I think 27 gal and they look similar.

Look up jon705 sometime - he was/is one of the greats. He did a whole run in big totes - a whole roomfull of 'em. :laugh: It was a gas to see. They got kinda big. :cheesygrinsmiley:
That is going to be a monster Gray... I'm thinking I'm going to have to do some what the samething on the Pineapple Chunk and maybe the Blue Cheese for the very same reasons.... Or I may just do a top dressing with the Yum-Yum and wormy things... Decisions decisions...:trance:.. Hope you're having a blessed and green day....:circle-of-love:
It will love the extra room to dance, but it didn't look highly root bound. This will be epic!
I knew you'd get the win. Deservedly so! :thumb:
GT, good luck in the home stretch yGriega :thumb:

Congratulations, GT for that NOTM win..:bravo:

Congratulations, Light Addict BOTM win (Beast Of The Month) :rofl: :bravo:

My home stretch turned out to be pretty easy compared to your excruciating ordeal! :straightface: I have a feeling we'll be seeing your name on the list again soon. :cheesygrinsmiley:

:thumb: Congratulations on Y Griega, she's a beauty :blunt:

Thank you, NugMaster! :laugh: So you'll be scorching everyone else's entry again in ... May? ... June? :laugh:

And congrats to GT not only for NOTM but for the future POTM with this new totepot high Brix monster!

:laugh: :thanks: I'm looking forward to the Rio - the last one was too bug-ridden to be proud of - this one has potential.

:cheer: Well deserved :bravo:

Thanks Dark! I just wish some of the other entries had gotten more votes. :straightface:

Congrats GT!

Thank you, Sonora!

I knew you'd get the win. Deservedly so! :thumb:

Well, heheh, I didn't. I have that distorted plant image syndrome goin' on, I guess. :laugh: But hey, I love winning! :partyboy:

Congrats Gray...:yahoo: I won the Easter contest from Haze.IO today too...:yahoo: I just love free stuff....:high-five:....:circle-of-love:

Free Stuff! :slide::yahoo::party:

I really appreciate all the support from everyone! I've been in an off mood for quite awhile, and this was a fine and sorely needed boost! I'm gonna wind this run down and start a new journal when it's done.

Love ya all! :love:

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