Today's update will highlight one plant.
SFV Gorilla OG
Sprouted around 4/19.
Moved to
SIP bucket with Grow Dots on 5/30.
About 81 days in Veg if my math is correct. Yikes.
I first saw pistils a week or so ago and got excited . . . but hardly any pistils lately, just more leaves sprouting from the tops. Stretch without pistils? I have no idea what's going on but this is the latest in summer that I've gone without the plants in flower. Weird.
Regardless she looks really good IMHO.
But she is not that tall - only 39 inches.
I still have more small larfy stuff to remove from the middle on both SIPs. Both are drinking two gallons each per day.
Per gallon I'm giving 1/2 tbsp SNS209, 1 tbsp Fox Farms Big Bloom, and if I see yellowing I add 1/2 tbsp Fox Farms Grow Big. I'm assuming the Grow Dots are still pumping out nutes but I'm supplementing just in case. They do not appear to mind this concoction. If they get darker green I back off, and for the afternoon feeding I give water + SNS209 only.
I saw a few more yellowing lower leaves so along with the above I gave them 1/2 tbsp CalMag and 1/4 TSP Fox Farms Open Sesame (5-45-19) a few days ago. I'll add those two to the rotation if I see no ill effects. Maybe 2-3 times per week and I'll reduce the amount of Grow Big.
The other SIP - OG Kush - looks almost identical to this one so the next update will be one of the ladies in fabric pots.
Have a great day!