I went fishing for a few days and let my wife take care of the plants. All she did was add water to the SIPs. The others were happy to wait until I returned today to feed. All looking good!
The two SIPs:
I trimmed the lower third of each of the SIP plants - any inner possible flowers that were not gonna get much sun was removed. I left a few fan leaves along with the possible flowers on the ends of the branches. Opened up the interior for air flow, but also to force the plant to focus on the ends - i.e. build me some hefty colas. They both look very bushy up top.
I'll trim some more first week of flower. I'll remove any future larf early so the plant can focus on the tops.
Also trimmed some lower larf off these 4.
The 4 fabric pot ladies sure look small compared to the SIPs. All were sprouted within 3 days of each other. I probably should have done a better comparison test. Left my lab coat in the office I guess.
I haven't sprayed neem in about 5 days so they are due. I saw two tiny grasshoppers and some chew marks. Also saw a tiny preying mantis. Hope he chews on those grasshoppers. No signs of thrips or mites; I'll spray neem tomorrow am just in case.
Have a great week!