Granny420's First SoG Using Seeds, Soil And HPS Lights


Well-Known Member
I’m Granny420 and it’s been some years since my first grows! I finished my first grow and went on last time, having to stop journaling because I just kept growing bigger! EEK! But it was one of the most enjoyable experiences ever!

In this grow I will use a Sea of Green method for the first time ever. I definitely HAD a sea of green buds in my other grows, always using 5 gallon buckets. I’m just not tough enough to grow like that now. I produced a crapload of female and regular seeds in my last grow too, I’ll try to list links in my signature once I get reacquainted with this superb space 420Magazine created for us! With so many choices of seeds, I am having a hard time deciding what to grow! What a problem, eh?

My set up:
An approximately 7’x7’ area plus 2 separate 2’x4’ tents and 2 closets in a completely separate upstairs.
I still have 4 different complete setups of MH/HPS lights that can be used at 250, 400, or 600 watts and a ton of CFLs.
Thus, I will add whatever light is needed as I go along.
My pots will be soil in 6” square pots. Six per 1020 trays. I think I can fit 15 of these trays in my area, so I am striving for a short veg time and mainly single colas in each pot, cloning the best and trimming all on the lower sections.
My biggest decisions will be WHAT strain to grow.
Plants need to have similar flower periods and hopefully heights (haha - the best laid plans LOL), but all kickass strains!

I will get back in here Monday to list some of my seed choices. I’m tired tonight and going to visit with hubby before sleep. I’m having a hard time sleeping cuz I’m SO EXITED to be getting into growing again. My brain won’t shut off! Guess I better change up to “night time smoke”!

Love to anyone who stumbles into my journal.
Granny420 :thanks::peace::circle-of-love:
I’m Granny420 and it’s been some years since my first grows! I finished my first grow and went on last time, having to stop journaling because I just kept growing bigger! EEK! But it was one of the most enjoyable experiences ever!

In this grow I will use a Sea of Green method for the first time ever. I definitely HAD a sea of green buds in my other grows, always using 5 gallon buckets. I’m just not tough enough to grow like that now. I produced a crapload of female and regular seeds in my last grow too, I’ll try to list links in my signature once I get reacquainted with this superb space 420Magazine created for us! With so many choices of seeds, I am having a hard time deciding what to grow! What a problem, eh?

My set up:
An approximately 7’x7’ area plus 2 separate 2’x4’ tents and 2 closets in a completely separate upstairs.
I still have 4 different complete setups of MH/HPS lights that can be used at 250, 400, or 600 watts and a ton of CFLs.
Thus, I will add whatever light is needed as I go along.
My pots will be soil in 6” square pots. Six per 1020 trays. I think I can fit 15 of these trays in my area, so I am striving for a short veg time and mainly single colas in each pot, cloning the best and trimming all on the lower sections.
My biggest decisions will be WHAT strain to grow.
Plants need to have similar flower periods and hopefully heights (haha - the best laid plans LOL), but all kickass strains!

I will get back in here Monday to list some of my seed choices. I’m tired tonight and going to visit with hubby before sleep. I’m having a hard time sleeping cuz I’m SO EXITED to be getting into growing again. My brain won’t shut off! Guess I better change up to “night time smoke”!

Love to anyone who stumbles into my journal.
Granny420 :thanks::peace::circle-of-love:
Hey Granny :ciao:

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Sounds like fun. Sea of green always sounds fun.
Hey Wayward,
I will try to check your links sometime! For now, I’m very limited on time, so keep writing me and I will look in time! I’m hoping for the best, but expecting curves being thrown at me with this first SoG. It will be a learning experience! Hang on for the ride and :thanks: for visiting!
CHOOSING WHAT TO GROW… listing my main choices for this journal…

HELP/COMMENT if you have grown any of these strains, just want to comment about any, or just want to weigh in!:woohoo::hippy::welcome::yahoo::hug:

I’m going to use 6” square pots/soil in a 7’x7’ area with two 600w MH/HPS lights that can be used at 250, 400, or 600 watts. I’m hoping to grow 72-90 single cola plants at one time, or in a progression. I will use no leak 1020 trays that can sit 6 pots per tray. Approximately 4 plants per square foot.
It seems very crowded to me, yet intriguing. :idea: I’ve always vegged my plants for 2-3 months, LSTing to get the shapes I wanted to have many multiple top colas. SoG grows should save me a great deal of time! Duh! Duh!!! :idea: I just keep thinking big colas only with much less time/stress invested in vegging them should really increase my stash so much easier, well except for all that watering, trimming, cloning - EGADS, what have I got myself into? I’m not a spring chicken, I’m more like the 60+ year old mule (ass) working extremely hard just to say a “heehaw” for an apple! But here I go….. ha…ha…he…hee…hee…heeh…heeh…heeh…heehaw!!! OMG was that hard! Hope I can keep up with a crapload of ladies sitting side-by-side! I’m sure gonna try!!!

I have grown and created seeds for myself (MCA), but haven’t popped many. I have an entire box with tons (craploads) of seed varieties that are not even listed here, including many crosses and autos. I made a journal specifically on creating your own feminized seeds complete with pictures. It’s so easy. The link is in my signature.
I have been very busy trying to lock down what I will grow and I’m sure I will learn from the first SoG and continue on in here for further SoGs in this journal, a continuous turnover with further strains listed here. But what to start with???
I :ganjamon: and then I :smokin:get a bit slower on decision making! LOL
Come on granny420…Let’s go!!! :cheer::circle-of-love:

I will use the following abbreviations with each strain…
FEM = Female seeds
REG = Seeds that will produce both female AND male offspring
FEM/REG is followed by the (#) Number of seeds I have available in that strain
#% = THC (approximately) in that strain
MCA = seeds I produced myself (or the company I purchased from will be listed)
S1= same mom used to X to produce my seeds (selfed). All seeds will be exactly like mom
F1= Two opposite plants I/S first generation, should have hybrid vigor and similar type plants
X = Crossed with
I or S = Indica or Sativa
ID or SD = means Indica or Sativa dominant (approximately 65-90%)
I/S = a hybrid which is approximately 50/50 or 60/40
F = Flower time in wk (weeks) or d (days)
S2H= Seed to Harvest for auto flower strains
BD=Bud Density 1-5 (with 5 being rock hard)
LC = Long Colas
LDC = Long Dense Colas
HT = Height of plant, ie. S short, M medium or T Tall
O = Oder in low to high or sweet to pungent for the smell of the plant while growing
UK = Unknown info

Using the above abbreviations will help me to write a whole lot less below! Hopefully all of you can understand them!

: REG 9; 15-18%; Blimburn; ID; F8-10w; BD=4 , LDC; HT UK; O H/does a skunk smell? LOL
Wedding Cake: FEM 1; 25-27%; I/S 60I 40S; F7-9w; HT S-M; O L/Vanilla sweet; found 1 lone seed
Spicy White Devil X Trainwreck; FEM 22; MCA X; UK info cuz my seed X and haven’t grown seed yet
Estimate from parent strains: High THC; ID; F8-10w; HT M; O M-H
Lemon OG Kush (AKA Presidential Kush): FEM 60+; 26%; MCA S1; I/S 60/40; F8-9w; HT M-T; O M-H
Ladyburn 1974: FEM 40+; 21+%; MCA S1; ID; F9w; BD=4; HT M; O M
Ray Charles: FEM 20+; 20-26%; MCA S1; ID 70/30; F7-8w; HT M; BD=4; O H
Pre-98 Bubba Kush: FEM 30+; 20+%; MCA S1; 85%ID; F8-9w; BD=4-; LDC; HT M; O H
May have purple (peyote), which was what the mother was.
Tahoe Cookies AUTO: FEM 5; 19-23%; Seedsman; 80%I; S2H 8-10w; BD=4; LDC; O L/Sweet
Super Nova (Chronic): REG Hundreds; HighTHC; MCA; ID; F8-10w; HT M; BD=5; LDC; O M
Ice Cream Cake: FEM 9; 22-25%; Blimburn; ID; F8-9w; BD=4-5; LDC; O M
Reeze McFlurry: FEM 9; 24-29%; Blimburn; I/S; F8-10w; HT M; BD=4; LDC; O M
MacRillaz: FEM 18; 24-30%; Blimburn; I/S; F8-10w; HT M; BD= 5; LDC; O H
Fat Bastard AUTO: FEM 25; 30-38%; Blimburn; I/S; S2H8-10w; HT UK; BD=4 & really fat; LDC; O H
Fat Bastard: FEM 25; 30-38%; Blimburn; I/S; F8-10w; HT UK; BD=4 & really fat; LDC; O H
White Widow1: FEM 6; 20-24%; Seedsman F1; ID; F7-9w; HT UK; BD=5; LDC; O M
White Widow2: FEM 10; 19-24%; Seedsman; ID; F50-55d; HT S Compact; BD=4-5; LDC; O M
White Widow3: REG 9; 18-24%; Blimburn; ??SD F time says more I; F8-10w; HT UK; BD=4; O M
White Widow Extreme AND White Widow Queen: MCA - Will have to look up, have many.
Medicine Man (aka White Rhino): REG 18; High%; Seedsman; ID; F8-9w; HT M; BD=4-5; LDC; O M-H
LA Peyote Kush: FEM 10; 25+%; Seedsman; ID; F8-10w; HT M-T; BD=4; O H
Peyote Cookies: FEM 10; 16-24%; Seedsman; ID; F9-11w; HT S/stocky; BD=4; LDC; O L-M; CBD1-5%
Peyote Wi-Fi: FEM 10; 25+%; Seedsman; ID; F8-10w; HT M-T; BD=5; O M
LA Kosher Kush: REG 11; 25+%; Seedsman; I/S; F8-10w; HT M; BD=4; O H
Red Dragon: FEM 9; 21-22%; Blimburn; ID; F8-10w; HT M; BD=3-4; LDC; O M
GSC Girl Scout Cookies: FEM 10; 16-21%; Seedsman; ID; F7-9w; HT S; BD=UK; LDC; Oder L/Sweet
Chocolate Mint: REG 9; 22-26%; Blimburn; ID; F8-10w; HT M; BD=4; LDC; O L-M
Kush Mint: REG 9; 25-27%; Blimburn; I/S; F8-10w; HT M; BD=4; O M-H
Blueberry Cheese: FEM 10; 16-24%; Seedsman; ID; F9-11w; HT S; BD=4; LDC; O H
Blueberry OG: FEM 10; 16-24%; Seedsman; ID; F9-11w; HT M; BD=4; LDC; O H; CBD1-5%
Blueberry: FEM 5; 16-24%; Seedsman; 80% I; F8-10w; HT M-T; BD=4; LDC; Oder L/blueberry
Mataro Blue: FEM 5; 16-24%; Seedsman; 80% I; F8-10w; HT M-T; BD=4; LDC; Oder L/blueberry
Blue Dream: FEM 10+; 23%; MCA S1; I; F8-10w; HT M; BD=5; LDC; O L/Sweet Blueberries
Alaskan Bananaberry AUTO: FEM 10; 16-24%; Seedsman; I/S; S2H8-10w; HT S M T; BD=3; LC; O H
Fat Banana: FEM 10; 25+%; Seedsman; ID; F8-10w; HT M; BD=3-4; LC (big); O M
Elons X: REG 10; 25-30%; Seedsman; ID; F8-10w; HT M; BD=UK; O H
Royal Gorilla AUTO: FEM 5; 25+%; Seedsman; I/S; S2H8-10w; HT M; BD=UK; LC; O H
Grape Balls of Fire RBX: FEM 10; 25+%; Seedsman; I/S; F8-10w; HT M; BD=4; O H/grapes+gasoline
Mazar: REG 10; 16-24%; Seedsman; ID; F8-10w; HT M; BD=5; O H
OG Kush AUTO: FEM 15; 16-24%; Seedsman; 80% I; S2H75d; HT M; BD=UK; O M
Original Afghani #1: REG 10; 22%; Seedsman; I; F8-9w; HT S; BD=4-5; LDC; O H
Original Afghani AUTO: FEM 10; 22%; Seedsman; I; S2H8-9w; HT S; BD=4-5; LDC; O H
Red Mimosa XL AUTO: FEM 8; 25+%; Seedsman; ID; F8-10w; HT M; BD=UK; LC; O M/Fruity
Trichome & Cream AUTO: FEM 7; 16-24%; Seedsman; ID; S2H75-85d; HT M; BD=4-5; LDC; O M
Vanilla Frosting: FEM 10; 25-30%; Seedsman; ID; F8-10w; HT T; BD=4; LDC; O M

Amnesia Fast
: FEM 6; 20-23%; Seedsman; 70%S; F9-11w; BD=3 , HT M; O H
Y Griega: FEM 30+; 20-28%; MCA S1; SD 80%S; F10-11.5w; BD=3-4 , LC; O M (truly unique)
G13 Haze: FEM 50+; 20+%; MCA S1; SD; F10-11.5w; BD=3-4; LC; HT S-M; O L
Mega Jackpot: FEM 100++; 20-25%; MCA S1; SD; F9-11w; BD=3-4, HT M; O M
Original Cinderella AUTO: FEM 10; 23%; Seedsman; SD; S2H8-9w; LDCS; HT T; O UK
Bangi Haze: REG 10; 16-24%; Seedsman; Almost 100%S; F9-11w; BD=3; HT M; O M
Trainwreck Fast: FEM 25; 18-24%; Blimburn; SD; F7-9w; HT M; BD=4; LDC; O H
Scrambler Haze: FEM 18; 30-36%; Blimburn; S; F10-11w; HT T; BD=4; O L
Super Malawi Haze: REG 10; 25+%; Seedsman; S; F14-16w; HT T; BD=4; LDC; O L-M
Gorilla Glue: REG 9; 26-28%; Blimburn; Mostly S; F8-10w; HT UK; BD=4; O M
Purple Thai: REG 9; 22-24%; Blimburn; Mostly S; F10-12w; HT S M T; BD=Fat Buds; Oder L-M
Badazz OG Cheese: FEM 10; 16-24%; Seedsman; 70% S; F65d; HT T; BD=UK; O H
Orange Bud (100%Skunk): REG 10; 16-24%; Seedsman; SD; F8-10w; HT M; BD=4; O H/Pungent
Red Hot Cookies: FEM 7; 25+%; Seedsman; ?SD; F7-9w; HT M; BD=3-4; LC; O H
Chocolope: FEM 5; 17+%; Seedsman; 95%S; F8-10w; HT M-T; BD=UK; O M
Green Crack AUTO: FEM 9; 20%; Seedsman; SD; S2H10-12w; HT M; BD=4; LDC; O M/Fruity&Spicy
Malawi: FEM 10; 25+%; Seedsman; SD; F11-13w; HT M; BD=4; LDC; O L

WOW! That’s a whole lotta seeds and I probably have more than that in further MCA seeds, but they will have to wait.

Well that’s all I have time for. Listing what I’m thinking for a first grow will have to wait. I’d rather see what others have to say first anyway!
HOLLY HANNA!! I’m taking seat on this one :popcorn:

:thanks: for your wonderful welcome. Egads, I hope the ganja God is with me! I just loved growing in the past and :420: is such a wonderful place to share and learn. I am so grateful for this safe haven.
I agree 💯 this is such an amazing place! So many knowledgeable and kind growers here l.

I can’t wait to see this grow. It’s a bit crazy and I love that!!
LOL! A bit crazy?? Heehee It is - just like granny420!! :hippy: :woohoo:
Here are some pics from my first grow that I want to grow again from my MCA seeds. I used a male SN Chronic to seed a female, so my seeds are REG

Next is a pic of some colas from Super Nova Chronic 7 on Day 47 of Flower… Less than 7 weeks flowering.

SN Chronic colas...

And SN Chronic trichs... she is so saturated!!!


Super Nova Chronic 10. She was harvested on Dec 27th on day 69 of flower. She grew to about 26" tall.

and without her fan leaves...


and one SN Chronic, boxed in all her glory...

Above is why I will be growing my seeds from my chronic - even if they are REG seeds and I have to sort out the boys! I have hundreds of seeds so I’m gonna use some.

Now some White Widow shots from my first grow…

WW2 grew to 29" tall. I couldn't ever get real good pics of her colas cuz she had a lot of leaves, so the first pic below is her with her leaves and the second is after I had trimmed the fan leaves off her...


and boxed in all her glory...

Then the last pic of a single cola on WW2

And here she is all boxed up and ready to dry...

Then, a different White Widow…

last pic of the top of one of her colas...

And a couple last WW4 trich pics...


The White Widow is supposed to go 8 to 10 weeks (56 to 70 days). I let this lady go to day 80. I was hoping she'd put on a last growth spurt and I waited for her trichs to change a bit more. She grew to 30" tall.

Here is just a few shots of this gorgeous lady on her final day...

and she was very very white...

and here she is all boxed...

Don’t you just love my lovely old school drying boxes? A cardboard box with clothes line for hanging plants in rows, and simple office clips to hold in place. Close the box up and drying is made simple. I left some smaller leaves saturated in trichomes in my early harvest days but I learned I like trimming these off better as I dried more strains. Saved the trim to use in edibles (vegetable or olive oil, butter, coconut oil).

The above pics are why I will be growing White Widow in my SoG! I didn’t make any seeds from these White Widows. I was in a learning process still just finishing the first plants I grew. I wish I hadn’t thrown away the males I had culled!

Anyway, looking back at these pics, I can clearly see many single colas in a small area should give me all top bud colas and I am very interested in that!

Take care everyone and happy trails to all!
CHOOSING WHAT TO GROW… listing my main choices for this journal…

HELP/COMMENT if you have grown any of these strains, just want to comment about any, or just want to weigh in!:woohoo::hippy::welcome::yahoo::hug:

I’m going to use 6” square pots/soil in a 7’x7’ area with two 600w MH/HPS lights that can be used at 250, 400, or 600 watts. I’m hoping to grow 72-90 single cola plants at one time, or in a progression. I will use no leak 1020 trays that can sit 6 pots per tray. Approximately 4 plants per square foot.
It seems very crowded to me, yet intriguing. :idea: I’ve always vegged my plants for 2-3 months, LSTing to get the shapes I wanted to have many multiple top colas. SoG grows should save me a great deal of time! Duh! Duh!!! :idea: I just keep thinking big colas only with much less time/stress invested in vegging them should really increase my stash so much easier, well except for all that watering, trimming, cloning - EGADS, what have I got myself into? I’m not a spring chicken, I’m more like the 60+ year old mule (ass) working extremely hard just to say a “heehaw” for an apple! But here I go….. ha…ha…he…hee…hee…heeh…heeh…heeh…heehaw!!! OMG was that hard! Hope I can keep up with a crapload of ladies sitting side-by-side! I’m sure gonna try!!!

I have grown and created seeds for myself (MCA), but haven’t popped many. I have an entire box with tons (craploads) of seed varieties that are not even listed here, including many crosses and autos. I made a journal specifically on creating your own feminized seeds complete with pictures. It’s so easy. The link is in my signature.
I have been very busy trying to lock down what I will grow and I’m sure I will learn from the first SoG and continue on in here for further SoGs in this journal, a continuous turnover with further strains listed here. But what to start with???
I :ganjamon: and then I :smokin:get a bit slower on decision making! LOL
Come on granny420…Let’s go!!! :cheer::circle-of-love:

I will use the following abbreviations with each strain…
FEM = Female seeds
REG = Seeds that will produce both female AND male offspring
FEM/REG is followed by the (#) Number of seeds I have available in that strain
#% = THC (approximately) in that strain
MCA = seeds I produced myself (or the company I purchased from will be listed)
S1= same mom used to X to produce my seeds (selfed). All seeds will be exactly like mom
F1= Two opposite plants I/S first generation, should have hybrid vigor and similar type plants
X = Crossed with
I or S = Indica or Sativa
ID or SD = means Indica or Sativa dominant (approximately 65-90%)
I/S = a hybrid which is approximately 50/50 or 60/40
F = Flower time in wk (weeks) or d (days)
S2H= Seed to Harvest for auto flower strains
BD=Bud Density 1-5 (with 5 being rock hard)
LC = Long Colas
LDC = Long Dense Colas
HT = Height of plant, ie. S short, M medium or T Tall
O = Oder in low to high or sweet to pungent for the smell of the plant while growing
UK = Unknown info

Using the above abbreviations will help me to write a whole lot less below! Hopefully all of you can understand them!

: REG 9; 15-18%; Blimburn; ID; F8-10w; BD=4 , LDC; HT UK; O H/does a skunk smell? LOL
Wedding Cake: FEM 1; 25-27%; I/S 60I 40S; F7-9w; HT S-M; O L/Vanilla sweet; found 1 lone seed
Spicy White Devil X Trainwreck; FEM 22; MCA X; UK info cuz my seed X and haven’t grown seed yet
Estimate from parent strains: High THC; ID; F8-10w; HT M; O M-H
Lemon OG Kush (AKA Presidential Kush): FEM 60+; 26%; MCA S1; I/S 60/40; F8-9w; HT M-T; O M-H
Ladyburn 1974: FEM 40+; 21+%; MCA S1; ID; F9w; BD=4; HT M; O M
Ray Charles: FEM 20+; 20-26%; MCA S1; ID 70/30; F7-8w; HT M; BD=4; O H
Pre-98 Bubba Kush: FEM 30+; 20+%; MCA S1; 85%ID; F8-9w; BD=4-; LDC; HT M; O H
May have purple (peyote), which was what the mother was.
Tahoe Cookies AUTO: FEM 5; 19-23%; Seedsman; 80%I; S2H 8-10w; BD=4; LDC; O L/Sweet
Super Nova (Chronic): REG Hundreds; HighTHC; MCA; ID; F8-10w; HT M; BD=5; LDC; O M
Ice Cream Cake: FEM 9; 22-25%; Blimburn; ID; F8-9w; BD=4-5; LDC; O M
Reeze McFlurry: FEM 9; 24-29%; Blimburn; I/S; F8-10w; HT M; BD=4; LDC; O M
MacRillaz: FEM 18; 24-30%; Blimburn; I/S; F8-10w; HT M; BD= 5; LDC; O H
Fat Bastard AUTO: FEM 25; 30-38%; Blimburn; I/S; S2H8-10w; HT UK; BD=4 & really fat; LDC; O H
Fat Bastard: FEM 25; 30-38%; Blimburn; I/S; F8-10w; HT UK; BD=4 & really fat; LDC; O H
White Widow1: FEM 6; 20-24%; Seedsman F1; ID; F7-9w; HT UK; BD=5; LDC; O M
White Widow2: FEM 10; 19-24%; Seedsman; ID; F50-55d; HT S Compact; BD=4-5; LDC; O M
White Widow3: REG 9; 18-24%; Blimburn; ??SD F time says more I; F8-10w; HT UK; BD=4; O M
White Widow Extreme AND White Widow Queen: MCA - Will have to look up, have many.
Medicine Man (aka White Rhino): REG 18; High%; Seedsman; ID; F8-9w; HT M; BD=4-5; LDC; O M-H
LA Peyote Kush: FEM 10; 25+%; Seedsman; ID; F8-10w; HT M-T; BD=4; O H
Peyote Cookies: FEM 10; 16-24%; Seedsman; ID; F9-11w; HT S/stocky; BD=4; LDC; O L-M; CBD1-5%
Peyote Wi-Fi: FEM 10; 25+%; Seedsman; ID; F8-10w; HT M-T; BD=5; O M
LA Kosher Kush: REG 11; 25+%; Seedsman; I/S; F8-10w; HT M; BD=4; O H
Red Dragon: FEM 9; 21-22%; Blimburn; ID; F8-10w; HT M; BD=3-4; LDC; O M
GSC Girl Scout Cookies: FEM 10; 16-21%; Seedsman; ID; F7-9w; HT S; BD=UK; LDC; Oder L/Sweet
Chocolate Mint: REG 9; 22-26%; Blimburn; ID; F8-10w; HT M; BD=4; LDC; O L-M
Kush Mint: REG 9; 25-27%; Blimburn; I/S; F8-10w; HT M; BD=4; O M-H
Blueberry Cheese: FEM 10; 16-24%; Seedsman; ID; F9-11w; HT S; BD=4; LDC; O H
Blueberry OG: FEM 10; 16-24%; Seedsman; ID; F9-11w; HT M; BD=4; LDC; O H; CBD1-5%
Blueberry: FEM 5; 16-24%; Seedsman; 80% I; F8-10w; HT M-T; BD=4; LDC; Oder L/blueberry
Mataro Blue: FEM 5; 16-24%; Seedsman; 80% I; F8-10w; HT M-T; BD=4; LDC; Oder L/blueberry
Blue Dream: FEM 10+; 23%; MCA S1; I; F8-10w; HT M; BD=5; LDC; O L/Sweet Blueberries
Alaskan Bananaberry AUTO: FEM 10; 16-24%; Seedsman; I/S; S2H8-10w; HT S M T; BD=3; LC; O H
Fat Banana: FEM 10; 25+%; Seedsman; ID; F8-10w; HT M; BD=3-4; LC (big); O M
Elons X: REG 10; 25-30%; Seedsman; ID; F8-10w; HT M; BD=UK; O H
Royal Gorilla AUTO: FEM 5; 25+%; Seedsman; I/S; S2H8-10w; HT M; BD=UK; LC; O H
Grape Balls of Fire RBX: FEM 10; 25+%; Seedsman; I/S; F8-10w; HT M; BD=4; O H/grapes+gasoline
Mazar: REG 10; 16-24%; Seedsman; ID; F8-10w; HT M; BD=5; O H
OG Kush AUTO: FEM 15; 16-24%; Seedsman; 80% I; S2H75d; HT M; BD=UK; O M
Original Afghani #1: REG 10; 22%; Seedsman; I; F8-9w; HT S; BD=4-5; LDC; O H
Original Afghani AUTO: FEM 10; 22%; Seedsman; I; S2H8-9w; HT S; BD=4-5; LDC; O H
Red Mimosa XL AUTO: FEM 8; 25+%; Seedsman; ID; F8-10w; HT M; BD=UK; LC; O M/Fruity
Trichome & Cream AUTO: FEM 7; 16-24%; Seedsman; ID; S2H75-85d; HT M; BD=4-5; LDC; O M
Vanilla Frosting: FEM 10; 25-30%; Seedsman; ID; F8-10w; HT T; BD=4; LDC; O M

Amnesia Fast
: FEM 6; 20-23%; Seedsman; 70%S; F9-11w; BD=3 , HT M; O H
Y Griega: FEM 30+; 20-28%; MCA S1; SD 80%S; F10-11.5w; BD=3-4 , LC; O M (truly unique)
G13 Haze: FEM 50+; 20+%; MCA S1; SD; F10-11.5w; BD=3-4; LC; HT S-M; O L
Mega Jackpot: FEM 100++; 20-25%; MCA S1; SD; F9-11w; BD=3-4, HT M; O M
Original Cinderella AUTO: FEM 10; 23%; Seedsman; SD; S2H8-9w; LDCS; HT T; O UK
Bangi Haze: REG 10; 16-24%; Seedsman; Almost 100%S; F9-11w; BD=3; HT M; O M
Trainwreck Fast: FEM 25; 18-24%; Blimburn; SD; F7-9w; HT M; BD=4; LDC; O H
Scrambler Haze: FEM 18; 30-36%; Blimburn; S; F10-11w; HT T; BD=4; O L
Super Malawi Haze: REG 10; 25+%; Seedsman; S; F14-16w; HT T; BD=4; LDC; O L-M
Gorilla Glue: REG 9; 26-28%; Blimburn; Mostly S; F8-10w; HT UK; BD=4; O M
Purple Thai: REG 9; 22-24%; Blimburn; Mostly S; F10-12w; HT S M T; BD=Fat Buds; Oder L-M
Badazz OG Cheese: FEM 10; 16-24%; Seedsman; 70% S; F65d; HT T; BD=UK; O H
Orange Bud (100%Skunk): REG 10; 16-24%; Seedsman; SD; F8-10w; HT M; BD=4; O H/Pungent
Red Hot Cookies: FEM 7; 25+%; Seedsman; ?SD; F7-9w; HT M; BD=3-4; LC; O H
Chocolope: FEM 5; 17+%; Seedsman; 95%S; F8-10w; HT M-T; BD=UK; O M
Green Crack AUTO: FEM 9; 20%; Seedsman; SD; S2H10-12w; HT M; BD=4; LDC; O M/Fruity&Spicy
Malawi: FEM 10; 25+%; Seedsman; SD; F11-13w; HT M; BD=4; LDC; O L

WOW! That’s a whole lotta seeds and I probably have more than that in further MCA seeds, but they will have to wait.

Well that’s all I have time for. Listing what I’m thinking for a first grow will have to wait. I’d rather see what others have to say first anyway!
I found my MHC White Widow Xtrm (WWX) seeds - :woohoo: They will be included in my first SoG here.

I was very disappointed when I didn’t get seeds from the WW’s I pictured from my last/only grow. I didn’t know how to create my own feminized seeds at that time.

But I learned and then I was noverwhelmingly busy crossing and selfing (with colloidal silver) plants - I went a bit crazy (LOL, ME??) once I learned how to produce my own feminized seeds and had both (separate) upstairs areas full with small clone breeding plants. I bought WWX seeds during this time and selfed one mom, ending up with hundreds of feminized seeds. BUT, I have forgotten what this mom even looked, smelled, or tasted like! From looking up info online, I believe everything for these seeds should be the same as other WW strains. Anyhoo, I’m so glad I found these!

Happy Trails to all of You!!!
Love from Granny420 :hippy: :hug::ganjamon::yummy:
I found my MHC White Widow Xtrm (WWX) seeds - :woohoo: They will be included in my first SoG here.

I was very disappointed when I didn’t get seeds from the WW’s I pictured from my last/only grow. I didn’t know how to create my own feminized seeds at that time.

But I learned and then I was noverwhelmingly busy crossing and selfing (with colloidal silver) plants - I went a bit crazy (LOL, ME??) once I learned how to produce my own feminized seeds and had both (separate) upstairs areas full with small clone breeding plants. I bought WWX seeds during this time and selfed one mom, ending up with hundreds of feminized seeds. BUT, I have forgotten what this mom even looked, smelled, or tasted like! From looking up info online, I believe everything for these seeds should be the same as other WW strains. Anyhoo, I’m so glad I found these!
White Widow is my all time favorite. Sadly, all of my White Widow seeds are gone. I did grow some WW XXL on my first grow back. I am quite happy with that one, but I need to get more going on my next grow in the 2025 spring.
I'm excited for you. :thumb:
White Widow is my all time favorite. Sadly, all of my White Widow seeds are gone. I did grow some WW XXL on my first grow back. I am quite happy with that one, but I need to get more going on my next grow in the 2025 spring.
I'm excited for you. :thumb:
WW x AK is well worth considering M'Lady
White Rhino & Great White Shark are also notable, but if you can find Shark's Breath [WW x Lambs Breath] that's unbeatable imo
CHOOSING WHAT TO GROW… listing my main choices for this journal…

HELP/COMMENT if you have grown any of these strains, just want to comment about any, or just want to weigh in!:woohoo::hippy::welcome::yahoo::hug:

I’m going to use 6” square pots/soil in a 7’x7’ area with two 600w MH/HPS lights that can be used at 250, 400, or 600 watts. I’m hoping to grow 72-90 single cola plants at one time, or in a progression. I will use no leak 1020 trays that can sit 6 pots per tray. Approximately 4 plants per square foot.
It seems very crowded to me, yet intriguing. :idea: I’ve always vegged my plants for 2-3 months, LSTing to get the shapes I wanted to have many multiple top colas. SoG grows should save me a great deal of time! Duh! Duh!!! :idea: I just keep thinking big colas only with much less time/stress invested in vegging them should really increase my stash so much easier, well except for all that watering, trimming, cloning - EGADS, what have I got myself into? I’m not a spring chicken, I’m more like the 60+ year old mule (ass) working extremely hard just to say a “heehaw” for an apple! But here I go….. ha…ha…he…hee…hee…heeh…heeh…heeh…heehaw!!! OMG was that hard! Hope I can keep up with a crapload of ladies sitting side-by-side! I’m sure gonna try!!!

I have grown and created seeds for myself (MCA), but haven’t popped many. I have an entire box with tons (craploads) of seed varieties that are not even listed here, including many crosses and autos. I made a journal specifically on creating your own feminized seeds complete with pictures. It’s so easy. The link is in my signature.
I have been very busy trying to lock down what I will grow and I’m sure I will learn from the first SoG and continue on in here for further SoGs in this journal, a continuous turnover with further strains listed here. But what to start with???
I :ganjamon: and then I :smokin:get a bit slower on decision making! LOL
Come on granny420…Let’s go!!! :cheer::circle-of-love:

I will use the following abbreviations with each strain…
FEM = Female seeds
REG = Seeds that will produce both female AND male offspring
FEM/REG is followed by the (#) Number of seeds I have available in that strain
#% = THC (approximately) in that strain
MCA = seeds I produced myself (or the company I purchased from will be listed)
S1= same mom used to X to produce my seeds (selfed). All seeds will be exactly like mom
F1= Two opposite plants I/S first generation, should have hybrid vigor and similar type plants
X = Crossed with
I or S = Indica or Sativa
ID or SD = means Indica or Sativa dominant (approximately 65-90%)
I/S = a hybrid which is approximately 50/50 or 60/40
F = Flower time in wk (weeks) or d (days)
S2H= Seed to Harvest for auto flower strains
BD=Bud Density 1-5 (with 5 being rock hard)
LC = Long Colas
LDC = Long Dense Colas
HT = Height of plant, ie. S short, M medium or T Tall
O = Oder in low to high or sweet to pungent for the smell of the plant while growing
UK = Unknown info

Using the above abbreviations will help me to write a whole lot less below! Hopefully all of you can understand them!

: REG 9; 15-18%; Blimburn; ID; F8-10w; BD=4 , LDC; HT UK; O H/does a skunk smell? LOL
Wedding Cake: FEM 1; 25-27%; I/S 60I 40S; F7-9w; HT S-M; O L/Vanilla sweet; found 1 lone seed
Spicy White Devil X Trainwreck; FEM 22; MCA X; UK info cuz my seed X and haven’t grown seed yet
Estimate from parent strains: High THC; ID; F8-10w; HT M; O M-H
Lemon OG Kush (AKA Presidential Kush): FEM 60+; 26%; MCA S1; I/S 60/40; F8-9w; HT M-T; O M-H
Ladyburn 1974: FEM 40+; 21+%; MCA S1; ID; F9w; BD=4; HT M; O M
Ray Charles: FEM 20+; 20-26%; MCA S1; ID 70/30; F7-8w; HT M; BD=4; O H
Pre-98 Bubba Kush: FEM 30+; 20+%; MCA S1; 85%ID; F8-9w; BD=4-; LDC; HT M; O H
May have purple (peyote), which was what the mother was.
Tahoe Cookies AUTO: FEM 5; 19-23%; Seedsman; 80%I; S2H 8-10w; BD=4; LDC; O L/Sweet
Super Nova (Chronic): REG Hundreds; HighTHC; MCA; ID; F8-10w; HT M; BD=5; LDC; O M
Ice Cream Cake: FEM 9; 22-25%; Blimburn; ID; F8-9w; BD=4-5; LDC; O M
Reeze McFlurry: FEM 9; 24-29%; Blimburn; I/S; F8-10w; HT M; BD=4; LDC; O M
MacRillaz: FEM 18; 24-30%; Blimburn; I/S; F8-10w; HT M; BD= 5; LDC; O H
Fat Bastard AUTO: FEM 25; 30-38%; Blimburn; I/S; S2H8-10w; HT UK; BD=4 & really fat; LDC; O H
Fat Bastard: FEM 25; 30-38%; Blimburn; I/S; F8-10w; HT UK; BD=4 & really fat; LDC; O H
White Widow1: FEM 6; 20-24%; Seedsman F1; ID; F7-9w; HT UK; BD=5; LDC; O M
White Widow2: FEM 10; 19-24%; Seedsman; ID; F50-55d; HT S Compact; BD=4-5; LDC; O M
White Widow3: REG 9; 18-24%; Blimburn; ??SD F time says more I; F8-10w; HT UK; BD=4; O M
White Widow Extreme AND White Widow Queen: MCA - Will have to look up, have many.
Medicine Man (aka White Rhino): REG 18; High%; Seedsman; ID; F8-9w; HT M; BD=4-5; LDC; O M-H
LA Peyote Kush: FEM 10; 25+%; Seedsman; ID; F8-10w; HT M-T; BD=4; O H
Peyote Cookies: FEM 10; 16-24%; Seedsman; ID; F9-11w; HT S/stocky; BD=4; LDC; O L-M; CBD1-5%
Peyote Wi-Fi: FEM 10; 25+%; Seedsman; ID; F8-10w; HT M-T; BD=5; O M
LA Kosher Kush: REG 11; 25+%; Seedsman; I/S; F8-10w; HT M; BD=4; O H
Red Dragon: FEM 9; 21-22%; Blimburn; ID; F8-10w; HT M; BD=3-4; LDC; O M
GSC Girl Scout Cookies: FEM 10; 16-21%; Seedsman; ID; F7-9w; HT S; BD=UK; LDC; Oder L/Sweet
Chocolate Mint: REG 9; 22-26%; Blimburn; ID; F8-10w; HT M; BD=4; LDC; O L-M
Kush Mint: REG 9; 25-27%; Blimburn; I/S; F8-10w; HT M; BD=4; O M-H
Blueberry Cheese: FEM 10; 16-24%; Seedsman; ID; F9-11w; HT S; BD=4; LDC; O H
Blueberry OG: FEM 10; 16-24%; Seedsman; ID; F9-11w; HT M; BD=4; LDC; O H; CBD1-5%
Blueberry: FEM 5; 16-24%; Seedsman; 80% I; F8-10w; HT M-T; BD=4; LDC; Oder L/blueberry
Mataro Blue: FEM 5; 16-24%; Seedsman; 80% I; F8-10w; HT M-T; BD=4; LDC; Oder L/blueberry
Blue Dream: FEM 10+; 23%; MCA S1; I; F8-10w; HT M; BD=5; LDC; O L/Sweet Blueberries
Alaskan Bananaberry AUTO: FEM 10; 16-24%; Seedsman; I/S; S2H8-10w; HT S M T; BD=3; LC; O H
Fat Banana: FEM 10; 25+%; Seedsman; ID; F8-10w; HT M; BD=3-4; LC (big); O M
Elons X: REG 10; 25-30%; Seedsman; ID; F8-10w; HT M; BD=UK; O H
Royal Gorilla AUTO: FEM 5; 25+%; Seedsman; I/S; S2H8-10w; HT M; BD=UK; LC; O H
Grape Balls of Fire RBX: FEM 10; 25+%; Seedsman; I/S; F8-10w; HT M; BD=4; O H/grapes+gasoline
Mazar: REG 10; 16-24%; Seedsman; ID; F8-10w; HT M; BD=5; O H
OG Kush AUTO: FEM 15; 16-24%; Seedsman; 80% I; S2H75d; HT M; BD=UK; O M
Original Afghani #1: REG 10; 22%; Seedsman; I; F8-9w; HT S; BD=4-5; LDC; O H
Original Afghani AUTO: FEM 10; 22%; Seedsman; I; S2H8-9w; HT S; BD=4-5; LDC; O H
Red Mimosa XL AUTO: FEM 8; 25+%; Seedsman; ID; F8-10w; HT M; BD=UK; LC; O M/Fruity
Trichome & Cream AUTO: FEM 7; 16-24%; Seedsman; ID; S2H75-85d; HT M; BD=4-5; LDC; O M
Vanilla Frosting: FEM 10; 25-30%; Seedsman; ID; F8-10w; HT T; BD=4; LDC; O M

Amnesia Fast
: FEM 6; 20-23%; Seedsman; 70%S; F9-11w; BD=3 , HT M; O H
Y Griega: FEM 30+; 20-28%; MCA S1; SD 80%S; F10-11.5w; BD=3-4 , LC; O M (truly unique)
G13 Haze: FEM 50+; 20+%; MCA S1; SD; F10-11.5w; BD=3-4; LC; HT S-M; O L
Mega Jackpot: FEM 100++; 20-25%; MCA S1; SD; F9-11w; BD=3-4, HT M; O M
Original Cinderella AUTO: FEM 10; 23%; Seedsman; SD; S2H8-9w; LDCS; HT T; O UK
Bangi Haze: REG 10; 16-24%; Seedsman; Almost 100%S; F9-11w; BD=3; HT M; O M
Trainwreck Fast: FEM 25; 18-24%; Blimburn; SD; F7-9w; HT M; BD=4; LDC; O H
Scrambler Haze: FEM 18; 30-36%; Blimburn; S; F10-11w; HT T; BD=4; O L
Super Malawi Haze: REG 10; 25+%; Seedsman; S; F14-16w; HT T; BD=4; LDC; O L-M
Gorilla Glue: REG 9; 26-28%; Blimburn; Mostly S; F8-10w; HT UK; BD=4; O M
Purple Thai: REG 9; 22-24%; Blimburn; Mostly S; F10-12w; HT S M T; BD=Fat Buds; Oder L-M
Badazz OG Cheese: FEM 10; 16-24%; Seedsman; 70% S; F65d; HT T; BD=UK; O H
Orange Bud (100%Skunk): REG 10; 16-24%; Seedsman; SD; F8-10w; HT M; BD=4; O H/Pungent
Red Hot Cookies: FEM 7; 25+%; Seedsman; ?SD; F7-9w; HT M; BD=3-4; LC; O H
Chocolope: FEM 5; 17+%; Seedsman; 95%S; F8-10w; HT M-T; BD=UK; O M
Green Crack AUTO: FEM 9; 20%; Seedsman; SD; S2H10-12w; HT M; BD=4; LDC; O M/Fruity&Spicy
Malawi: FEM 10; 25+%; Seedsman; SD; F11-13w; HT M; BD=4; LDC; O L

WOW! That’s a whole lotta seeds and I probably have more than that in further MCA seeds, but they will have to wait.

Well that’s all I have time for. Listing what I’m thinking for a first grow will have to wait. I’d rather see what others have to say first anyway!
And the winners of the first round of my SoG are…..:tommy:

Super Nova (Chronic): REG Hundreds; HighTHC; MCA; ID; F8-10w; HT M; BD=5; LDC; O M
White Widow Extreme FEM Hundreds 20-24%; MCA S1; ID; 8-10w; HT S-My ; BD=5; LDC; O M
White Widow1: FEM 6; 20-24%; Seedsman F1; ID; F7-9w; HT UK; BD=5; LDC; O M
White Widow2: FEM 10; 19-24%; Seedsman; ID; F50-55d; HT S Compact; BD=4-5; LDC; O M
White Widow3: REG 9; 18-24%; Blimburn;ID; F8-10w; HT UK; BD=4; O M
Fat Bastard: FEM 25; 30-38%; Blimburn; I/S; F8-10w; HT UK; BD=4 & really fat; LDC; O H
LA Peyote Kush: FEM 10; 25+%; Seedsman; ID; F8-10w; HT M-T; BD=4; O H
Peyote Cookies: FEM 10; 16-24%; Seedsman; ID; F9-11w; HT S/stocky; BD=4; LDC; O L-M; CBD1-5%
Peyote Wi-Fi: FEM 10; 25+%; Seedsman; ID; F8-10w; HT M-T; BD=5; O M
Mataro Blue: FEM 5; 16-24%; Seedsman; 80% I; F8-10w; HT M-T; BD=4; LDC; Oder L/blueberry
Blueberry Cheese: FEM 10; 16-24%; Seedsman; ID; F9-11w; HT S; BD=4; LDC; O H
Blueberry: FEM 5; 16-24%; Seedsman; 80% I; F8-10w; HT M-T; BD=4; LDC; Oder L/blueberry

A mixture of:
  • Sweet and stinky aromas (oder control)
  • Only one strain with a longer flower time than 8-10 weeks (similar flower times)
  • A few with really high THC levels that may make my head explode, newbies to try
  • Similar plant strains so I can make good use in selfing and crossing strains
  • Many high yield varieties to maximize end results
  • A few known varieties for me, so I’m assured of what I’m getting
  • Less of some strains just to see how they grow, if different phenotypes, etc
That decision is made. I will post (not reply) later with update on how many of each.
See you all later! Keep growing!
Happy trails to you until we meet again :peace::hippy::ganjamon::hug:
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