are more than welcome in! Grab a chair and some refreshments. Glad to hear you have happy girls!
OT...thank you for that reminder. The battery on the pH meter died, so until we get new batteries I cannot read the water and runoff pH. I'm thinking bubbling it will help at least a little. The one reading we got showed six point 3 or 6.8, I don't remember exactly, but it was in the ballpark. At any rate, we won't have to worry about watering for a while yet, since they're saturated already.
BB...glad to see you, man. Welcome Inn, grab a seat and refreshments if you wish. I was saturating the soil initially, then, on advice from IT, we just sprayed the top of the dirt down so that stayed moist until they showed their heads. After sprouting, then the water gets done the way you and OT advise. If our new girl is popped up today, the watering schedule will be done the same for her. The pots will dry out, as I have already done the weight test before and after saturation, so I have a good idea of what to feel for. For me... As everyone knows... Feel is everything, LOL. I was thinking the same about the fans. I was considering, and I think I now will definitely turn off the clip on fan and leave the exhaust running. That way, they won't get too much Breeze just yet and still get air replacement in the tent.
June...not late at all. The first of the two just sprouted. So I would say you're just on time! Welcome to the journal and grow, grab a seat and some refreshments. This is going to be fairly detailed, and I am going to be quite annoying with stupid questions and a lot of pics. Enjoy!