Grandpa Tokin’s Perpetual

I never liked “that guy” who always preached. I mainly started writing about my workouts because it helps keep me motivated. I got motivated because I was in really bad condition and almost died. Not the first time I almost kicked the bucket, but it was the first time it was my own damn fault. :hmmmm: It’s always been someone else trying to kill me. :headbanger:

Now that I’ve said that...if you don’t get off the couch (and eat right) you stand a very good chance of having the same problem I have...severe heart disease. So far, I’m one of the lucky ones. Thru modern medical professionals and technology I was able to undergo quadruple bypass open heart surgery. Man, was that a hoot!

Heart disease is the number one killer in the US and number 2 in Canada. Duh. I know I’m preaching, but stay with me here...there’s a moral to the story. The easiest and best way to prevent heart disease is through proper nutrition and exercise. Duh2.

Bottom line: if you eat right and exercise your probability of having heart disease dramatically decreases. If you stay on the couch you will die a horrible death. Do squats, puss!!! :kisstwo:
I wish it was within my means and ability to eat right, yet because it is not, I sit here on the couch building out my donut and vicariously "get fit" by reading about your seriously grueling routine.
OMG! I just wasted 2 hours of my life fixing my NordicTrack elliptical machine. What a bunch of crap. Long story, but it was stuck in a do-loop on the screen. Guess what? You can’t use the machine without the screen. First time that’s happened in over 3 years (it’s only been used for 1 year. The other 2 years it collected dust).

Well, what’s the first thing to try and fix a software issue? Reboot. Naturally, I did that. Turn off, unplug, wait 30 seconds, plug back in, turn on and...wait for android to boot and...boom right back into the loop with the iFit application.

Here’s the best part! I went online and googled it. Turns out it’s a known problem with NordicTrack. It was even listed on their website as a known issue (under FAQs). In fact, the company published a video on how to fix the “minor glitch” with step-by-step instructions. Yes! That must be what I want. After searching what seemed like an hour...anyway I watched the entire video. It took 5 minutes to tell me to...Reboot! “It almost always fixes the issue.” LMFAO! I actually LOL’d.

Needless to say...I got high. What was I supposed to do? After a few dabs, I continued my online search session and found a work around. Ended up deleting and reinstalling the iFit program and cache...then rebooting.

and now I need to do cardio with a buzz. That is all.
OMG! I just wasted 2 hours of my life fixing my NordicTrack elliptical machine. What a bunch of crap. Long story, but it was stuck in a do-loop on the screen. Guess what? You can’t use the machine without the screen. First time that’s happened in over 3 years (it’s only been used for 1 year. The other 2 years it collected dust).

Well, what’s the first thing to try and fix a software issue? Reboot. Naturally, I did that. Turn off, unplug, wait 30 seconds, plug back in, turn on and...wait for android to boot and...boom right back into the loop with the iFit application.

Here’s the best part! I went online and googled it. Turns out it’s a known problem with NordicTrack. It was even listed on their website as a known issue (under FAQs). In fact, the company published a video on how to fix the “minor glitch” with step-by-step instructions. Yes! That must be what I want. After searching what seemed like an hour...anyway I watched the entire video. It took 5 minutes to tell me to...Reboot! “It almost always fixes the issue.” LMFAO! I actually LOL’d.

Needless to say...I got high. What was I supposed to do? After a few dabs, I continued my online search session and found a work around. Ended up deleting and reinstalling the iFit program and cache...then rebooting.

and now I need to do cardio with a buzz. That is all.
Ugh. That would of seriously pissed me off....nothing a few dabs could not fix though.....:roorrip:
Upper body workout complete. Did not feel like doing that. I had to force myself.

General garden maintenance today. Watering the outside plants too. I brewed some worm casting tea and mixed some seaweed extract for my greenhouse girls. It’s been bubbling for 48 hours. I’ve neglected a few of them, but they are beginning to come around. It’s amazing what happens when you actually take care of them.

Other than that it’s going to be a lazy day. I may squish something later. Right now it’s time for massive quantities of food intake. Have a great day!
Looks hot that side Gramps! :surf: Those girls are holding up well. New generation of Grandpa's Glue :ganjamon:
There’s GG, Pamalina, Sour Angel, and Black Cherry Punch. I also have a little Dark Devil Auto that I’ll take pictures of soon. She’s had a rough time too, but I think she’s doing okay. That’s the only one I plan on flowering. I’m just keeping the others alive until I can take clones before going back inside this fall. I have the rest of the summer to kill them. :rofl:

It’s freaking hot here. I did my cardio early and then mowed the grass. Now I’m sipping infused lemonade on my back porch. Getting ready to hit a phat dab of GSC and Bubblelicious rosin. I’ve been mixing them and it is the most insane flavor I’ve ever had.

I’m fortunate. Have a great day!
Still out here killing it gramps. Really great to see. Hope all is well my friend!!!!
Still out here killing it gramps. Really great to see. Hope all is well my friend!!!!

Dude...long time! I hope you and the family are doing well brother. Glad to see ya.
Doing great gramps! Little dabs #2 is due next month. Loved that rosin video. Some great looking juice there. Happy fathers day to all the dads around
This is awesome Gramps!! Keep it up

Thanks! Im learning. I’d like to get to your quality. I just got a new camera. I’m hoping I can get some better shots soon.
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