Grandpa Gets Oily! Everclear Extracts For Shatter Or Oil!

I decided to taste the tincture that I made, knowing but vastly underestimating the possible effects. I barely touched the tip of my little finger to the tincture and put it to my tongue. Not bad tasting but a bit of a burn from the alcohol. Shortly afterwards I went to bed. I woke up in the middle of the night so insanely high I had trouble walking and couldn't sleep. I mean blasted. FYI, I hate being high! Even back in the day when I'd wake and bake I was never that high. Here it is 12 hours later and I'm still in a fog. Stupid, stupid, stupid. Never again. But at least I know I'm not sending my brother junk.
I decided to taste the tincture that I made, knowing but vastly underestimating the possible effects. I barely touched the tip of my little finger to the tincture and put it to my tongue. Not bad tasting but a bit of a burn from the alcohol. Shortly afterwards I went to bed. I woke up in the middle of the night so insanely high I had trouble walking and couldn't sleep. I mean blasted. FYI, I hate being high! Even back in the day when I'd wake and bake I was never that high. Here it is 12 hours later and I'm still in a fog. Stupid, stupid, stupid. Never again. But at least I know I'm not sending my brother junk.
Like it says on the Dr. Bronner's bottle of liquid soap:
Damn, I need some of that in my life. I have to take about 1.5 to 2 teaspoons of my oil to get the effect I want. Started doing the capsules to make it easier, but thats like 6-8 of the big capsules
I'm going to run a one pound batch of MTPC this weekend. That should provide enough CCO to keep my brother busy for a while. Part of it will be used in the autoclave experiment. I'm going to need a volunteer to see if it worked before I run the rest. LOL.
This is two ounces of decarbed MTPC CCO evapped down to a honey consistency.
Why is the forum doing this sideways thing all of a sudden?
Why is the forum doing this sideways thing all of a sudden?

I think Dabber just posted how to fix the photo after you upload it. Something about an edit button three dots with a point down triangle.

That looks tasty. Grandpa need any company on the ride?
That’s killer Rider. Seriously killer!

Yeah, if you scroll down slightly, right after you upload a picture, you’ll see the three dots on the right. Click that and hit “edit image” then rotate the picture back to normal. It’s a pain in the ass.
Hey that sounds useful. I've been being driven nuts by having to rotate my images by hand all the sudden. I don't know why my camera always makes them sideways in the first place, and I got use to it because the old forum software automatically rotated them.

@Grandpa Tokin

Hey looks like we use very similar methods here. What kind of return do you get? I could never manage to get more than a 20% return, but I never swirled the bud around in the alcohol, I only ever just poured it through the material and let gravity pull it on down through a sieve.

Any thoughts on the safety of iso? I use 99% and purge it on high heat for quite a while ( I let it bubble up multiple times, whip it up, press it, etc. ) and I think it usually messes up the taste, but even then I'm still not really that confident in its safety. I've switched to bubblehash since then.

Some of my bubble versus my iso shatter...

Hey that sounds useful. I've been being driven nuts by having to rotate my images by hand all the sudden. I don't know why my camera always makes them sideways in the first place, and I got use to it because the old forum software automatically rotated them.

@Grandpa Tokin

Hey looks like we use very similar methods here. What kind of return do you get? I could never manage to get more than a 20% return, but I never swirled the bud around in the alcohol, I only ever just poured it through the material and let gravity pull it on down through a sieve.

Any thoughts on the safety of iso? I use 99% and purge it on high heat for quite a while ( I let it bubble up multiple times, whip it up, press it, etc. ) and I think it usually messes up the taste, but even then I'm still not really that confident in its safety. I've switched to bubblehash since then.

I’ve played with ISO. That’s how I got started on my journey. Using high heat and boiling off the ISO causes you to lose a great deal of terpines and if you stir it up freaquently it causes it to become a little waxy or buttery at times with a less appealing least for me. I think the grain alcohol gives a better taste. Might be my imagination.

If you try again use low heat (not only does the high heat cause the loss of terps, it’s also highly volitale and be careful). The low heat and slow evaporate will give better results.

But hey, I like me some bubble too! :p
More bud, less oil. Are you calculating the dosage when you make it?
Nope.....just trying different amounts of bud to the 2 cups of oil in the Butter Machine. I throw the trim in there as well when I have it. Plus to truly accurately dose I would need to know the % of THC. I just try to find the amount that gives me the pain relief and sleep aide I need. Next batch I will up the bud amount again and see what sort of doses I need with that mix.
Nope.....just trying different amounts of bud to the 2 cups of oil in the Butter Machine. I throw the trim in there as well when I have it. Plus to truly accurately dose I would need to know the % of THC. I just try to find the amount that gives me the pain relief and sleep aide I need. Next batch I will up the bud amount again and see what sort of doses I need with that mix.

The MB2 will process up to 5ozs, right? Jam that baby full with as little oil as possible. Or do an Everclear run in it and let it evap off to increase concentration. Either way you'll reduce the number of caps needed and reduce your caloric intake to help maintain that solid steel and sex appeal.
Hell if I know dude. I made my first batch with all the trim from my first harvest plus an ounce or so of bud. The second round I went less potent (thought we were going to split the oil between my capsules and using the other half for a topical so I didn't want to go real strong) and just used 40 grams. Just figured I could take more capsules if necessary. Next batch I will up it to 60-80 grams and give it a try.
@Van Stank, I calculate my dosage of each new batch by tasting for effect, sounds like you do the same.
Yeah thats what I do......I start one night with 1/2 teaspoon and see how it feels. Based on that feeling, I make adjustments the following day. Then I push it to find the upper limit dose as well.

That doesn't even address the massive fluctuation in how it hits. Its so dependent on what i eat before and even afterwards. One night, 5 capsule will be an average 'medication' state......another night, those 5 capsules will hit like a freight train.....then still yet another night will barely cause me to feel anything. Thats honestly my biggest issue is the fluctuation of the onset and the intensity of the effects.
@Rider509 The minimum in my MB2e is 16 ounces. When I do less I use a mason jar in the oven for 8 hours. And to really pack in the bud and use less oil you need to grind the material in order to get less oil to cover it. Or you can run the same oil twice with another set of material.

@Van Stank I just figure 10% for my THC because I'm using an indica listed at 14% but I figure that's a best case. My topicals run at least 10mg/ml (I aim for 15) because anything lower doesn't work for me. I ran my dad's capsule oil at 5mg/ml. OldBear's spreadsheet is what I use to do my calcs.
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